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Overcoming Challenges to Community Wind Will Result in Big Benefits

March 11, 2009

Minwind a Farmer-Owned Concept Others Can Put to Work

March 3, 2009

Wind Powering America Engineer Position

February 24, 2009

Wolverine Power Cooperative Receives the U.S. DOE 2008 Wind Cooperative of the Year Award

February 14, 2009

Wind Powering America Update

February 3, 2009

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20% Wind Energy by 2030: Challenges and Opportunities: Webinar

March 12, 2009

Green Power Superhighways: Renewable Energy Briefing for Energy Leaders Webcast

March 19, 2009

Michigan Agri-Energy Conference

March 30, 2009

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An image of the cover of the publication.

Wind Powering America 2008 Activities Summary
(PDF 9.8 MB)
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February 20, 2009

An image of the cover of the publication.

Annual Report on U.S. Wind Power Installation, Cost, and Performance Trends: 2007
(PDF 4.1 MB)
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May 31, 2008

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What is Wind Power? Where is Wind Power? How do I get Wind Power? Wind for Kids Wind Photos Features graphic

About Wind Powering America

Program Areas
State Activities
Regional Activities
Agricultural Community
Native Americans
Public Lands
Public Power
Small Wind
Economic Development
Siting Wind Turbines



Resources and Tools
Anemometer Loans
Wind Maps
Past Events

Wind Powering America logoWind Powering America is a commitment to dramatically increase the use of wind energy in the United States. This initiative will establish new sources of income for American farmers, Native Americans, and other rural landowners, and meet the growing demand for clean sources of electricity.

Through Wind Powering America, the United States will achieve targeted regional economic development, enhance our power generation options, protect the local environment, and increase our energy and national security.

20% Wind Energy by 2030

An image of the cover of the 20% Wind Energy by 2030 report.

Wind power could provide 20% of U.S. electricity needs by 2030, according to a new DOE report. The report, titled "20% Wind Energy by 2030: Increasing Wind Energy's Contribution to U.S. Electricity Supply," identifies the steps that need to be addressed to reach the 20% goal, including reducing the cost of wind technologies, building new transmission infrastructure, and enhancing domestic manufacturing capability. For more information, see the DOE press release, the 20% Wind Energy by 2030 Web site, and the full text of the report (PDF 4.0 MB). Download Adobe Reader.

Economics of Wind — Interview with Larry Flowers

Oklahoma Horizon — a TV show that cover stories across Oklahoma, the nation, and internationally showcases people and businesses that contribute to Oklahoma's economic success and quality of life — interviewed Wind Powering America's Larry Flowers about the economics of wind power. Click on the video to the right to watch the video, view a larger version or read the transcript.

State Activities

Click on this state activities map to view a larger version and go to state pages with more detailed information.

Wind Powering America concentrates its efforts in "stuck" markets, i.e., avoids investing resources in markets that are fully commercial and active; develops innovative pilot projects; replicates successes; and develops and disseminates targeted information, analyses, and tools — WPA augments the efforts of DOE's wind research program, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), and other wind related organizations to identify and address gaps in technical information and tools needed for its program areas. Examples include: development and access to simplified spreadsheet tools for initial analyses of wind project economics and economic development impacts, development and distribution of state specific wind maps and small wind application guidebooks, and publication of a brochure that focuses on wind opportunities, case studies, and economics for rural electric coops. Visit our state pages or use the navigation to the left to access each of these resources.

Wind Resource Maps

A wind resource map of the United States. Click on this map to go to more wind maps.

Wind resource maps help to evaluate whether an area of interest should be further explored.

Installed Wind Capacity

An animation of the United States showing how the installed wind capacity has increased from 1999 to 2007. Click on this installed capacity map to view individual years.

After reaching 1,000 MW of wind energy in 1985, it took more than a decade for wind to reach the 2,000-MW mark in 1999. Since then, installed capacity has grown to 26,274 MW (as of January 31, 2009). Today, U.S. wind energy installations produce enough electricity on a typical day to power the equivalent of more than 6.5 million homes.




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