[Federal Register: April 4, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 65)] 
[Page 17857-17866]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Rural Utilities Service

Weather Radio Transmitter Grant Program

AGENCY: Rural Utilities Service, USDA.

ACTION: Notice of funds availability (NOFA).


SUMMARY: The Rural Utilities Service announces a new grant program and 
the availability of grant funds under this program to finance the 
installation of new transmitters to extend the coverage of the National 
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Weather Radio system (NOAA 
Weather Radio) in rural America. The President of the United States and 
the United States Congress have made $5 million in grant funds 
available to facilitate the expansion of NOAA Weather Radio system 
coverage into rural areas that are not covered or are poorly covered at 
this time. This grant program will provide grant funds, on an expedited 
basis, for use in rural areas and communities of 50,000 or less 
inhabitants. Grant funds are available immediately and applications 
will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis until the 
appropriation is used in its entirety. Upon full utilization of the 
$5,000,000 appropriation, the Rural Utilities Service will publish a 
notice in the Federal Register notifying the public accordingly.

DATES: Applications for grants will be accepted following publication 
of this notice and will be accepted until grants totaling $5 million in 
appropriations have been made. Comments regarding the information 
collection requirements under the Paperwork Reduction Act must be 
received on or before June 4, 2001, to be assured of consideration.

ADDRESSES: Comments regarding the information collection requirements 
may be sent to F. Lamont Heppe, Jr., Director, Program Development and 
Regulatory Analysis, Rural Utilities Service, U.S. Department of 
Agriculture, 1400 Independence Ave., SW., Stop 1522, Room 4034 South 
Building, Washington, DC 20250-1522.

Administrator, Telecommunications Program, Rural Utilities Service, 
STOP 1590, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250-1590, 
Telephone (202) 720-9554, Facsimile (202) 720-0810.


Information Collection and Recordkeeping Requirements

 In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 
chapter 35), RUS invites comments on this information collection for 
which RUS intends to request approval from the Office of Management and 
Budget (OMB). These requirements have been approved by emergency 
clearance under OMB Control Number 0572-0124.
 Comments on this notice must be received by June 4, 2001.
 Comments are invited on (a) whether the collection of information 
is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, 
including whether the information will have practical utility; (b) the 
accuracy of the agency's estimate of burden including the validity of 
the methodology and assumption used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, 
utility and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to 
minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are 
to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, 
electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or 
other forms of information technology.
 Comments may be sent to F. Lamont Heppe, Jr., Director, Program 
Development and Regulatory Analysis, Rural Utilities Service, U.S. 
Department of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Ave., SW., Stop 1522, Room 
4034 South Building, Washington, D.C. 20250-1522.
 Title: Weather Radio Transmitter Grant Program.
 Type of Request: New collection.
 Estimate of Burden: Public reporting burden for this collection of 
information is estimated to average 5 hours per response.
 Respondents: Not-for-profit institutions, State, Local or Tribal 
 Estimated Number of Respondents: 60.
 Estimated Number of Responses per Respondent: 1.
 Estimated Total Annual Burden on Respondents: 5 hours.
 Copies of this information collection can be obtained from Michele 
Brooks, Program Development and Regulatory Analysis, at (202) 690-1078.
 All responses to this information collection and recordkeeping 
notice will be summarized and included in the

[[Page 17858]]

request for OMB approval. All comments will also become a matter of 
public record.

General Information

 The National Weather Service operates an All Hazards Early Warning 
System that alerts people in areas covered by its transmissions of 
approaching dangerous weather and other emergencies. The National 
Weather Service can typically provide warnings of specific weather 
dangers up to fifteen minutes prior to the event. At present, this 
system covers all major metropolitan areas and many smaller cities and 
towns; however, many rural areas lack NOAA Weather Radio coverage. This 
new grant authority is intended to improve coverage of NOAA Weather 
Radio in rural areas thereby promoting public safety and awareness.


 Applications will be accepted as discussed previously in the 
``Dates'' section. All interested parties are strongly encouraged to 
contact the Rural Utilities Service, USDA to discuss their financial 
needs and eligibility.

Use of Grant Funds

 Grant funds must be used to purchase and install NOAA Weather Radio 
transmitters and antennas that will be combined with donated tower 
space and other site resources to establish new rural NOAA Weather 
Radio transmitters.

Maximum Size of Grants

 Generally, grants shall be limited to a maximum size of $80,000 per 
site. In view of the probability that larger, community-based rural 
organizations, such as statewide cooperative associations, may wish to 
arrange coverage of multiple rural areas, any one applicant may file 
applications to cover no more than five (5) different sites.

Definition of Rural Area

 As used in this notice, rural area means a city, town, or 
unincorporated area that has a population of 50,000 inhabitants or 
less, other than an urbanized area immediately adjacent to a city, 
town, or unincorporated area that has a population in excess of 50,000 

General Terms of Grant

 Except to the extent set forth in this Notice of Funds 
Availability, these grants will be made in accordance with 7 CFR part 

Eligible Applicants

 Applicants must be non-profit corporations or associations 
(including Rural Utilities Service electric and telecommunications 
borrower cooperatives), units of local or state government, or 
Federally-recognized Indian tribes.

Grantee Responsibilities

 Grantees must execute a grant agreement in form and substance 
satisfactory to the Rural Utilities Service.
 Grantees agree to inform the Rural Utilities Service of their 
progress during the installation and testing of the proposed 
transmitter equipment, and when the new transmitter is placed into 

Grant Limitations

 Grant funds may not be used to pay for facilities located in non-
rural areas.
 Grant assistance will be provided on a graduated scale with 
sparser, lower income communities eligible for a higher proportion of 
grant funds to total project costs. The grantee must provide matching 
funds to meet the full cost of the project. Grant assistance is limited 
to the following percentages of eligible project costs:
 The grant may pay up to 75 percent of the total project cost when 
the transmitter is located in rural areas outside of a community or in 
a rural community of 12,000 or less, and where average per capita 
income for the county where the transmitter is located is less than 
$36,000, as determined by Per Capita Personal Income by County, Bureau 
of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, at http://www.bea.doc.gov/
bea/regional/reis/ (``PCI''); The grant may pay up to 65 percent of the 
total project cost when the transmitter is located in rural areas 
outside of a community or in a rural community of 20,000 or less, and 
where average per capita income for the county where the transmitter is 
located is less than $38,000, as determined by PCI;
 The grant may pay up to 55 percent of the total project cost when 
the transmitter is located in rural areas outside of a community or in 
a rural community of 50,000 or less, and where average per capita 
income for the county where the transmitter is located is less than 
$40,000, as determined by PCI.
 Grant assistance may not be used to pay operating or annual 
recurring costs, including rentals, but these excluded costs may be 
included in the computation of the eligible project cost.

Project Needs

 An area's need for a new NOAA Weather Radio transmitter is 
determined by its inherent risk of hazardous weather, and the absence 
of adequate coverage by an existing transmitter. The Rural Utilities 
Service, in consultation with the National Weather Service, has 
developed the attached list of proposed rural transmitter sites that 
will be eligible for funding under this notice. Completed applications 
that cover sites on this list and meet all other requirements discussed 
in this notice will be funded on a first-come, first-served basis, 
until all appropriated funds have been exhausted.
 A transmitter acquired under this program may be placed on a tower 
regardless of where the tower is located within a rural area so long as 
the estimated signal coverage footprint from the transmitter covers at 
least 60 percent of the hypothetical site area. The hypothetical site 
area is the area included within a circle with a 45-mile radius around 
a proposed rural transmitter site on the list.
 The Rural Utilities Service will update its list from time to time 
and will publish updates in the Federal Register.

Matching Funding

 Under Grant Limitations, above, matching funds are required to 
compliment grant funds made available under this program. An applicant 
may meet the matching fund requirement by donating, or arranging for 
the donation of, facilities needed to complete the project. For 
example, an applicant proposing a site for a new NOAA Weather Radio 
transmitter may donate tower and equipment building space, or find a 
third-party donor of those facilities, and use the value of tower and 
equipment building rental calculated over the life of the transmitter 
to satisfy matching funds requirements. The applicant may also use the 
estimated cost of donated power, communications and standby power over 
the life of the transmitter to satisfy the matching funds requirement. 
The commitment of these donations must be unqualified and in writing to 
be considered in the calculation of matching funds.
 For such contributions to be utilized as matching funds, the 
applicant must estimate the value of the tower space contributed over 
the life of the transmitter which, for the purposes of this program, 
shall be assumed to be such period as the applicant selects, but not 
less than 15 years. The value of contributions of electrical power and 
telecommunications service must also be estimated using the same 
transmitter life.

The Grant Application

 The completed grant application must contain:

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 (1) A description of the new NOAA Weather Radio transmitter, its 
location, and projected area of coverage;
 (2) A detailed description of the community's need for the proposed 
system; and
 (3) A project budget, showing:
 (a) The amount of grant funds requested, and descriptions of the 
equipment proposed to be purchased with those funds; and
 (b) Contributions of funds, facilities, and services required to 
complete and sustain the project that will be applied to meet matching 
funds requirements as set forth in this NOFA. Matching funds 
requirements cannot be met by funds from a Federal source or in-kind 
matching facilities purchased with Federal funds.
 (4) Binding commitments from the applicant and the tower and site 
owners, if other than the applicant, that any offered commitments, such 
as tower space and electrical power, that are used to meet matching 
funds requirements will be provided, irrespective of changes in 
ownership of the facilities, without charge for the life of the 
transmitter as determined by the applicant pursuant to the section 
entitled ``Matching Funding'';
 (5) A statement giving the name and population of the community and 
county in which the transmitter is located;
 (6) A description of any physical facilities offered to satisfy the 
matching fund requirements, including the tower height, age, load 
capacity, the elevation on the tower where space is offered, and 
details of equipment building space that will be made available for 
transmitter equipment;
 (7) A statement that the applicant, if it receives a Weather Radio 
grant pursuant to this NOFA, will execute a grant agreement containing 
technical and other standards and otherwise satisfactory to RUS.
 (8) A statement that the transmitter that will cover at least 60 
percent of a hypothetical site area;
 (9) If the applicant is not the source of all matching funds or in-
kind facilities offered, a list detailing each contributor and the 
items to be contributed, unqualified written commitments for delivery 
from each contributor, including the time of delivery, and the 
estimated value of the contribution;
 (10) A statement that other funding, such as loans, or state or 
local grant funding, or internally generated funding, is not available 
to establish a new NOAA Weather Radio transmitter; and
 (11) Such other information as may be reasonably requested by the 
Rural Utilities Service to clarify a particular application.

Grant Award Criteria

 The Rural Utilities Service will process and approve, in the order 
received, grant applications meeting the requirements of this NOFA.

Grantee Procurement

 Grantees establishing new NOAA Weather Radio transmitters must 
purchase National Weather Service--certified equipment, and must 
perform workmanship in a manner that is acceptable to the National 
Weather Service.

 Dated: March 27, 2001.
Blaine D. Stockton,
Acting Administrator, Rural Utilities Service.

 NWR Site Listing
 State and site name County name FIPS Latitude Longitude
 ONEONTA............................. BLOUNT......................... 1009    34 03 04 86 29 01
 PLEASANT RIDGE...................... GREENE......................... 1063    32 55 05 88 02 14
 ROCKFORD............................ COOSA.......................... 1037    32 55 06 86 16 04
 SELMA............................... DALLAS......................... 1047    32 29 08 87 06 02
 BARROW.............................. NORTH SLOPE.................... 2185    71 17 25 156 46 43
 BETHEL.............................. BETHEL......................... 2050    161 45 21 60 47 32
 CAPE SPENCER........................ SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT................ 2231    58 12 34 136 39 12
 DILLINGHAM.......................... DILLINGHAM..................... 2070    158 27 27 59 02 23
 GLENALLEN........................... GLENALLEN...................... 2261    62 06 33 149 59 50
 GUSTAVUS............................ SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT................ 2231    58 24 40 135 45 29
 KAKE................................ WRANGELL PETERSBURG............ 2280    56 28 24 133 56 55
 KOTZEBUE............................ NORTHWEST ARCTIC............... 2188    66 53 54 162 35 48
 NAKNEK.............................. BRISTOL BAY.................... 2060    58 43 87 157 01 00
 NINILCHIK........................... KENAI PENNINSULA............... 2122    60 03 00 151 38 82
 SAND POINT.......................... ALEUTIANS EAST................. 2013    55 20 39 160 29 27
 TOK................................. SOUTHEAST FAIRBANKS............ 2240    63 18 47 143 00 29
 WASILLA............................. MATANUSKA...................... 2170    61 34 96 149 26 75
 PAGO PAGO........................... ............................... 60010    ........... ...........
 MT ALVA............................. TUTUILA ISLAND................. 60010    ........... ...........
 LE'OLO RIDGE........................ OFU ISLAND..................... 60010    ........... ...........
 MT OLOTELE.......................... TUTUILA ISLAND................. 60010    ........... ...........
 E YUMA COUNTY....................... YUMA........................... 4027    32 45 06 114 00 18
 KYKOTSMOVI.......................... NAVAJO......................... 004017    35 18 00 110 31 00
 MOHAVE (2).......................... MOHAVE......................... 4015    34 29 02 114 19 18
 NOGALES............................. SANTA CRUZ..................... 004023    38 21 03 110 47 02
 PIMA................................ PIMA........................... 004019    32 06 14 111 48 53
 BRINKLEY/FOREST CITY................ MONROE......................... 5095    34 53 16 91 11 40
 EL DORADO........................... UNION.......................... 5139    33 34 00 92 50 44
 MAGNOLIA............................ COLUMBIA....................... 5027    33 15 33 93 14 00
 MARIANNA............................ LEE............................ 5077    34 46 68 90 46 09
 WILMOT.............................. ASHLEY......................... 5003    33 18 25 90 53 49

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 PT LOMA (MARINE).................... SAN DIEGO...................... 006073    33 03 09 116 29 03
 SAN DIEGO (SPANISH)................. SAN DIEGO...................... 006073    33 03 09 116 29 03
 ALTURAS............................. MODOC.......................... 006049    41 43 50 121 21 14
 BIG SUR............................. MONTEREY....................... 006053    36 16 13 121 48 23
 BRECKENRIDGE MTN.................... KERN........................... 006029    35 19 02 118 40 05
 CONTRA COSTA CNTY................... CONTRA COSTA................... 6013    37 54 20 122 09 34
 CUESTA PEAK......................... LOS ANGELES.................... 006037    34 09 09 118 12 1
 EL PASO MTNS........................ KERN........................... 6029    35 19 02 118 40 05
 HORSE MOUNTAIN...................... HUMBOLDT....................... 006023    40 52 28 123 43 54
 LAKE ELSINORE....................... ORANGE......................... 006059    33 38 05 117 49 01
 LAKEPORT............................ LAKE........................... 006033    39 06 06 122 44 04
 LAYTONVILLE......................... TRINITY........................ 006105    39 41 32 123 28 71
 METRO MOHAVE (2).................... SAN BERNADINO.................. 6071    34 06 46 117 16 39
 MOUNT WILSON........................ LOS ANGELES.................... 006037    34 09 09 118 12 1
 MOUNT WILSON SPANISH................ LOS ANGELES.................... 006037    34 09 09 118 12 1
 MT PIERCE........................... HUMBOLDT....................... 006023    40 39 03 123 51 04
 MT TAMALPIAS........................ SANTA CLARA.................... 006085    37 16 01 121 16 08
 MT. SHASTA.......................... SISKIYOU....................... 006093    41 18 36 41 18 36
 OJAI................................ VENTURA........................ 006111    34 20 09 119 03 04
 ORLEANS............................. HUMBOLDT....................... 006023    41 18 04 123 32 47
 OWENS VALLEY........................ INYO........................... 006027    38 35 74 120 25 03
 PORTOLA MT.......................... PLUMAS COUNTY.................. 006063    40 01 90 120 44 30
 QUINCY/CHESTER...................... PLUMAS......................... 6063    40 00 54 119 06 43
 REDWOOD NP.......................... DEL NORTE...................... 006015    41 45 58 124 02 48
 SAN DIEGO INTERIOR.................. SAN DIEGO...................... 006073    33 03 09 116 29 03
 SEQUOIA NP.......................... TULARE......................... 6107    36 16 18 118 32 24
 SEQUOIA NP.......................... TULARE......................... 6107    36 16 18 118 32 24
 SUSANVILLE.......................... LASSEN......................... 006035    40 24 59 120 39 07
 UKIAH............................... MENDOCINO...................... 006045    39 26 04 123 23 00
 WEAVERVILLE......................... TRINITY........................ 006105    40 40 04 123 02 07
 YOSEMITE............................ CALAVERAS...................... 006009    37 44 43 119 35 50
 ANTON............................... WASHINGTON..................... 8121    39 59 04 103 07 06
 ASPEN............................... PITKIN......................... 8097    39 18 02 106 56 05
 CANON CITY.......................... FREMONT........................ 8043    38 28 09 105 33 05
 CORTEZ.............................. MONTEZUMA...................... 8083    37 19 20 108 32 45
 CRAIG............................... MOFFAT......................... 8081    40 38 09 108 11 03
 DURANGO............................. LA PLATA....................... 8067    36 56 08 108 09 07
 EAGLE............................... EAGLE.......................... 8037    39 37 03 106 37 05
 EISENHOWER TUNNEL................... CLEAR CREEK.................... 8019    39 45 01 104 54 08
 FRANKTOWN........................... DOUGLAS........................ 8035    39 20 06 104 53 06
 GUNNISON............................ GUNNISON....................... 8051    38 40 09 107 02 04
 HARTSEL............................. PARK........................... 8093    39 07 07 105 41 00
 HOLYOKE............................. PHILLIPS....................... 8095    40 38 00 102 24 00
 HOT SULPUR SPRINGS.................. GRAND.......................... 8049    40 06 04 104 07 01
 IDAHOE SPRINGS...................... GILPIN......................... 8047    39 52 14 105 29 00
 JULESBURG........................... SEDGWICK....................... 8115    40 56 35 102 21 28
 LEADVILLE........................... LAKE........................... 8065    39 10 09 106 20 41
 MEEKER.............................. RIO BLANCO..................... 8103    40 01 08 108 18 06
 NATURITA............................ MONTROSE....................... 8085    37 19 05 108 33 08
 NUCLA............................... SAN MIGUEL..................... 8113    38 01 02 108 23 03
 PAGOSA SPRINGS...................... ARCHULETA...................... 8007    37 13 01 107 01 07
 SALIDA.............................. CHAFFEE........................ 8015    38 46 00 106 05 05
 SPRINGFIELD......................... BACA........................... 8009    37 19 01 102 32 03
 TRINIDADS........................... LAS ANIMAS..................... 8071    37 20 01 103 58 07
 WALSENBURG.......................... HUERFANO....................... 8055    37 39 06 104 54 03
 CHEYENNE WELLS...................... CHEYENNE....................... 8017    38 49 00 103 31 20
 LIMON/BOYERO........................ LINCOLN........................ 8073    39 15 50 103 41 30
 NUCLA............................... MONTROSE....................... 8085    38 29 14 107 54 17
 PEONIA.............................. DELTA.......................... 8029    38 45 06 108 59 10
 RANGELY............................. RIO BLANCO..................... 8103    40 08 50 109 59 07
 STEAMBOAT SPRINGS................... ROUTT.......................... 8107    40 31 07 106 53 03
 WALDEN.............................. JACKSON........................ 8057    40 43 54 106 15 59
 NORTH MIAMI......................... DADE........................... 12025    25 33 05 78 54 03
 PALMDALE............................ GLADES......................... 12043    26 57 09 81 05 07
 SOUTH MIAMI......................... DADE........................... 12025    25 33 05 78 54 03
 TAMPA............................... HILLSBOROUGH................... 12057    40 08 55 104 47 69
 LA GRANGE........................... TROUP.......................... 13285    33 02 96 85 01 37
 DIAMON HEAD CREATER................. HONOLULU....................... 15003    21 29 01 157 59 01

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 HANALEI............................. KAUAI.......................... 15007    22 12 19 159 30 10
 KA ANAPALI.......................... MAUI........................... 15009    20 47 06 156 19 20
 KAHAUA.............................. HAWAII......................... 15001    19 35 00 155 58 09
 KAILUA-KONA......................... HAWAII......................... 15001    19 35 04 155 30 09
 KANEOHE............................. HAWAII......................... 15001    19 35 04 155 30 09
 LAHAINA............................. MAUI........................... 15009    20 52 42 156 40 57
 N.E. KAUAI.......................... KAUAI.......................... 15007    22 06 00 159 31 07
 BURLEY MT HARRISON.................. CASSIA......................... 016031    42 17 20 113 40 70
 ISLAND PARK......................... FREMONT........................ 016043    44 14 70 111 28 80
 KELLOGG WALLACE..................... SHOSHONE....................... 016079    47 20 05 115 15 51
 SALMON.............................. LEMHI.......................... 016059    44 55 06 114 02 80
 SAND POINT.......................... BONNER......................... 016017    48 16 36 116 33 08
 SODA SPRINGS........................ ONEIDA......................... 016071    42 15 00 112 26 20
 LENA................................ STEPHENSON..................... 17177    42 22 85 89 49 31
 RICHMOND............................ WAYNE.......................... 18177    39 49 44 84 53 25
 RICHMOND............................ WAYNE.......................... 18177    39 49 44 84 53 25
 COAL CITY........................... OWEN........................... 18119    39 17 12 86 45 45
 ROCHESTER........................... FULTON......................... 18049    40 45 08 86 45 00
 MAQUOKETA........................... JOHNSON........................ 19103    42 03 72 90 39 82
 WESLEY.............................. KOSSUTH........................ 19081    45 05 20 93 59 22
 BELVIDERE........................... KIOWA.......................... 20097    37 35 09 99 15 00
 BURLINGTON.......................... COFFEY......................... 20031    38 31 06 95 40 30
 DIGHTON COOP........................ LANE........................... 20101    38 31 10 100 30 10
 FT SCOTT............................ BOURBON........................ 20011    37 51 00 94 42 09
 HILL CITY........................... GRAHAM......................... 20065    39 21 53 99 50 30
 KIRWIN LAKE......................... PHILLIPS....................... 20147    39 46 70 99 18 00
 LIBERAL............................. SEWARD......................... 20175    37 10 80 100 49 50
 LINN................................ LINN COUNTY.................... 20107    38 13 01 94 49 01
 MARYSVILLE.......................... MARSHALL....................... 20117    39 49 30 96 23 06
 NESS CITY........................... NESS........................... 20135    38 27 10 99 54 22
 OSBORNE............................. OSBORNE........................ 20141    39 26 20 98 41 40
 POMONA.............................. FRANKLIN....................... 20059    38 35 45 95 27 12
 PRATT............................... PRATT.......................... 20097    37 37 10 99 06 22
 ZENDA............................... KINGMAN........................ 20095    37 34 00 98 08 30
 CAMPBELLSVILLE...................... TAYLOR......................... 21217    37 25 43 84 52 33
 EKRON............................... MEADE.......................... 21163    38 19 54 85 18 48
 KELTNER............................. ADAIR.......................... 21001    37 32 36 85 6 24
 OWENTON............................. OWEN........................... 21184    38 44 36 84 19 42
 STEWARTSVILLE....................... GRANT.......................... 21081    38 38 00 84 37 00
 WASHINGTON.......................... MASON.......................... 21161    38 36 00 83 48 00
 WASHINGTON.......................... MASON.......................... 21161    38 36 00 83 48 00
 WHITESVILLE......................... OHIO........................... 21183    37 31 06 85 59 36
 BIENVILLE........................... BIENVILLE...................... 22013
 BOGALUSA............................ WASHINGTON..................... 22117    30 47 20 89 50 55
 DERIDDER............................ BEAUREGARD..................... 22011    30 50 46 93 17 18
 FRANKLINTON......................... WASHINGTON..................... 22117    31 24 08 88 13 09
 LUTCHER............................. ST JAMES....................... 22093    30 32 25 90 41 56
 MANY................................ SABINE......................... 22085    31 34 07 93 29 02
 NATCHITOCHES........................ NATCHITOCHES................... 22069    31 50 00 93 42 00
 REDDELL............................. EVANGELINE..................... 22039    30 43 60 92 22 30
 RUSTON.............................. LINCOLN........................ 22061    32 31 23 92 38 16
 OAKDALE............................. ALLEN.......................... 22003    30 48 59 92 39 39
 CUTLER.............................. WASHINGTON..................... 23029    44 58 08 67 36 36
 FRENCHVILLE......................... AROOSTOOK...................... 23003    47 17 07 68 18 41
 MILLINOCKET......................... PENOBSCOT...................... 23019    45 31 01 68 38 80
 MILO................................ PISCATAQUIS.................... 23021    45 50 33 69 17 42
 OXFORD.............................. OXFORD......................... 23017    44 07 54 70 29 37
 SOMERSET............................ SOMERSET....................... 23025    45 36 26 69 47 53
 FROSTBURG........................... ALLEGANY....................... 24001    39 39 54 78 53 53
 SUDLERSVILLE........................ QUEEN ANNE'S................... 24035    39 10 31 75 55 06
 ESSEX............................... ESSEC/MIDDLESEX................ 25017    42 37 51 70 46 21
 NANTUCKET........................... NANTUCKET...................... 22019    41 17 00 70 05 00

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 BERGLAND............................ ONTONAGON...................... 26131    47 02 90 88 48 90
 CROSWELL............................ SANILAC........................ 26151    43 28 00 82 36 80
 CRYSTAL FALLS....................... IRON........................... 26071    46 05 53 88 20 02
 ESCANABA............................ DELTA.......................... 26041    45 44 43 87 03 52
 IRONWOOD............................ GPGEBIC........................ 26053    46 27 17 90 10 15
 LUDINGTON........................... MASON.......................... 26105    44 02 80 86 33 80
 NEWBERRY............................ LUCE........................... 26095    46 32 00 85 36 00
 PORT AUSTIN......................... HURON.......................... 26063    42 02 46 82 59 39
 STEUBEN............................. SCHOOLCRAFT.................... 26153    46 19 00 86 13 80
 BAUDETTE............................ LAKE OF THE WOODS.............. 27077    48 42 44 94 36 00
 FERGUS FALLS........................ OTTER TAIL..................... 27111    46 10 26 95 54 55
 TWIN VALLEY......................... NORMAN......................... 27107    47 15 36 96 15 32
 AITKIN.............................. AITKIN......................... 27001    46 39 50 95 33 00
 FINLAND............................. LAKE........................... 27075    46 41 50 95 19 09
 LAKE BRONSON........................ KITTSON........................ 27069    48 44 08 96 39 45
 LAKE SHORE SHELL LAKE............... CASE........................... 27021    46 24 29 94 21 20
 LONE PRAIRIE........................ TODD........................... 27153    64 14 54 94 30 00
 ORR................................. ST LOUIS....................... 27137    48 49 54 88 33 36
 PINE CITY........................... PINE........................... 27115    45 52 30 92 33 00
 RED WING............................ GOODHUE........................ 27049    44 35 24 91 54 12
 SILVER LAKE......................... MCLEOD......................... 27085    45 00 42 93 13 12
 VIRGINIA............................ ST LOUIS....................... 27137    48 03 30 86 54 24
 WINONA.............................. MURRAY......................... 27101    44 01 30 96 33 80
 OAK GROVE........................... WEST CARROLL PARISH............ 28015    36 46 00 91 27 20
 BATES COUNTY........................ BATES.......................... 29013    38 15 01 94 21 00
 CARROLLTON.......................... CARROLL........................ 29033    39 36 50 93 34 20
 CASSVILLE........................... BARRY.......................... 29009    36 42 90 93 49 20
 COLUMBIA............................ BOONE.......................... 29019    39 00 30 92 06 24
 GAINESVILLE......................... OZARK.......................... 29153    36 32 45 92 38 57
 JEFFERSON CITY...................... COLE........................... 29051    38 31 90 92 16 30
 SALINE.............................. MERCER......................... 29129    40 31 37 93 43 40
 SHAWNEE MOUND....................... HENRY.......................... 29083    38 27 20 93 49 00
 BAKER/EKALAKA....................... FALLON......................... 030025    46 21 47 104 16 26
 BLAINE.............................. BLAINE......................... 030005    48 26 09 108 57 43
 BOZEMAN-LIVINGSTON.................. GALLATIN....................... 030031    45 19 45 111 04 50
 BROADUS............................. POWER RIVER.................... 030075    45 24 67 105 33 90
 CIRCLE.............................. MCCONE......................... 030055    47 35 79 107 38 73
 CUT BANK............................ GLACIER........................ 030035    48 37 59 112 19 31
 DILLON.............................. BEAVERHEAD..................... 030001    45 12 59 112 38 12
 GLACIER NP.......................... GLACIER........................ 030035    48 41 15 113 48 15
 JORDAN.............................. GARFIELD....................... 30033    47 25 06 107 02 00
 LEWISTOWN........................... FERGUS......................... 030027    47 15 00 109 15 48
 LIBBY............................... LINCOLN........................ 030053    48 27 20 115 22 11
 PHILIPSBURG......................... GRANITE........................ 030039    46 22 58 113 24 57
 POPLAR.............................. ROOSEVELT...................... 30085    48 16 48 104 58 30
 SEELEY LAKE......................... MISSOULA....................... 030063    47 12 56 113 36 45
 ST. REGIS/SUPERIOR.................. MINERAL........................ 030061    47 17 58 115 06 06
 THOMPSON FALLS...................... SANDERS........................ 030089    47 41 50 115 06 20
 ALBION.............................. BOONE.......................... 31011    41 41 27 98 00 12
 LEWELLEN............................ GARDEN......................... 31069    41 34 59 102 13 36
 MCCOOK.............................. RED WILLOW..................... 31145    40 21 34 100 11 23
 MERMA............................... CUSTER......................... 31041    41 38 09 101 38 50
 MULLEN.............................. HOOKER......................... 31091    42 02 23 101 02 32
 ORD................................. VALLEY......................... 31175    41 22 38 98 41 31
 PERU/FALLS CITY..................... NEMAHA......................... 31127    40 28 27 95 44 00
 SHELBY.............................. POLK........................... 31143    41 22 04 98 29 70
 SHUBERT............................. RICHARDSON..................... 31147    40 04 87 95 23 38
 SUPERIOR............................ NUCKOLLS....................... 31129    40 03 35 98 04 69
 VALENTINE........................... CHERRY......................... 31031    42 02 23 100 53 29
 WEST POINT.......................... CUMING......................... 31039    41 55 90 96 38 83
 BATTLE MTN.......................... LANDER......................... 032015    41 13 51 115 45 01
 BEATTY/DEATH VALLEY NP.............. NYE............................ 32023    36 54 31 116 45 30
 CALIENTE............................ LINCOLN........................ 032017    37 24 46 114 48 80
 GREAT BASIN NP...................... WHITE PINE..................... 32033    38 56 06 114 14 37
 HAWTHORNE........................... MINERAL........................ 032021    38 32 31 118 25 41

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 JACKPOT............................. ELKO........................... 032007    41 59 00 114 40 26
 LAKE MEAD/LAKE MOJAVE............... CLARK.......................... 032003    35 11 59 114 34 17
 LOVELOCK............................ PERSHING....................... 32027    40 27 16 118 22 34
 MC GILL............................. WHITE PINE..................... 032033    38 56 06 114 14 37
 MCGILL.............................. WHITE PINE..................... 32033    39 24 32 114 58 36
 PYRAMID LAKE........................ WASHOE......................... 032031    40 22 31 119 45 01
 TONOPAH............................. NYE............................ 032023    36 54 31 116 45 30
 HOLDEN HILL......................... COOS........................... 33007    44 56 47 71 20 49
 MOOSE MTN........................... GRAFTON........................ 33009    43 42 30 72 09 16
 MT WASHINGTON....................... COOS........................... 33007    44 41 05 71 10 19
 PACK MODADNOCK MTN.................. HILLSBORO...................... 33011    42 51 40 71 52 45
 STRATHAM HILL....................... ROCKINGHAM..................... 33015    43 02 22 70 53 26
 TENNEY MTN.......................... GRAFTON........................ 33009    43 44 35 47 41 42
 HAMBURG MTN......................... SUSSEX......................... 34037    41 08 37 74 43 18
 SOUTHARD............................ MONMOUTH....................... 34025    40 08 23 74 13 21
 ALAMOGORDO.......................... OTERO.......................... 35035    32 53 05 105 57 27
 ARTESIA............................. EDDY........................... 35015    32 35 01 104 38 84
 CROWN POINT......................... MCKINLEY....................... 35031    35 53 97 108 43 36
 GRANTS.............................. CIBOLA......................... 35006    34 52 34 107 53 25
 GUADALUPE MTN NP.................... EDDY........................... 35015    32 27 00 104 20 80
 JICARILLA APACHE.................... RIO ARRIBA..................... 35039    36 30 33 106 41 49
 LAS VEGAS........................... SAN MIGUEL..................... 35047    36 18 21 115 13 36
 SANTA ROSA.......................... GUADALUPE...................... 35019    34 56 36 104 40 36
 SILVER CITY......................... GRANTS......................... 35017    32 27 28 108 26 54
 SOCORRO............................. SOCORRO........................ 35053    34 06 93 106 32 52
 TAOS/CHAMA.......................... RIO ARRIBA..................... 35039    36 41 50 105 56 11
 TRUTH OR CONSEQ..................... SIERRA......................... 35051    32 02 60 107 30 10
 TUCUMCARI........................... QUAY........................... 35037    35 17 06 103 41 49
 CALL MT............................. STEUBEN........................ 36101    42 17 20 70 20 40
 ITHACA.............................. TOMPKINS....................... 36109    42 26 00 76 28 00
 MT WASHINGTON....................... STEUBEN........................ 36101    42 17 20 70 20 40
 NIAGARA............................. NIAGARA........................ 36063    43 10 30 79 05 22
 PARISHVILLE......................... ST LAWRENCE.................... 36089    44 35 00 75 10 00
 S. ADIRONDACK....................... HAMILTON....................... 36041    44 00 01 74 30 01
 SOUTH HILL.......................... CHAUTAUQUE..................... 36013    42 15 02 79 24 00
 WELLSVILLE.......................... ALLEGANY....................... 36003    42 13 71 77 28 10
 YATES............................... YATES.......................... 36123    42 37 00 77 06 00
 ANSON............................... WAYNE COUNTY................... 37191    35 22 00 78 00 01
 CHATHAM............................. CHATHAM........................ 37037    35 42 53 79 10 47
 GREENVILLE.......................... PITT........................... 37147    35 34 00 77 23 00
 JEFFERSON........................... ASHE........................... 37009    36 25 00 81 28 00
 MACON............................... MACON.......................... 37185    36 26 19 78 05 03
 POTTERS HILL........................ DUPLIN......................... 37061    34 51 00 77 39 00
 RICHMOND............................ RICHMOND....................... 37153    35 03 46 79 46 44
 BOTTINEAU........................... BOTTINEAU...................... 38009    48 46 20 100 44 07
 CAVALIER............................ PEMBINA........................ 38067    49 02 00 98 44 06
 GWINNER............................. SARGENT........................ 38081    46 13 33 97 39 44
 HETTINGLER.......................... ADAMS.......................... 38001    46 00 05 102 38 11
 KENMARE............................. WARD........................... 38101    48 08 41 101 30 27
 LANGDON............................. CAVALIER....................... 38019    48 45 08 99 29 40
 NEW TOWN............................ MOUNTRIL....................... 38061    47 28 44 102 48 22
 RUGBY............................... PIERCE......................... 38069    48 22 08 99 56 45
 SHEYENNE............................ EDDY........................... 38027    47 49 25 99 05 40
 STEELE.............................. KIDDER......................... 38043    46 20 40 99 35 14
 UNDERWOOOD.......................... MC LEAN........................ 38055    47 46 46 101 11 03
 WISHEK.............................. MCINTOSH....................... 38051    39 05 01 83 04 19
 FINDLAY............................. HANCOCK........................ 39063    41 05 78 83 00 01
 BARTLESVILLE........................ WASHINGTON..................... 40147    36 35 31 95 42 07
 BROKEN BOW.......................... MC CURTAIN..................... 40089    34 01 33 94 44 11
 GUYMON.............................. TEXAS.......................... 40139    36 40 58 101 28 52
 MUSKOGEE............................ MUSKOGEE....................... 40101    35 44 52 95 22 10
 STILLWATER.......................... PANE........................... 40119    36 06 56 97 03 29
 WEWOKA.............................. SEMINOLE....................... 40133    35 09 31 96 29 93

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 BAKER CITY.......................... BAKER.......................... 041001    44 43 49 117 39 80
 BURNS............................... HARNEY......................... 041025    43 56 63 119 04 39
 CAPE BLANCO......................... CURRY.......................... 041015    42 26 27 124 12 07
 COLUMBIA GORGE...................... WASCO.......................... 041065    45 42 35 121 31 19
 DIAMOND LAKE AREA................... KLAMATH........................ 041035    42 49 30 121 56 90
 FLORENCE/REEDSPORT.................. LANE........................... 041039    43 58 58 124 05 55
 FOSSIL SNOWBOARD RDG................ WHEELER........................ 041069    44 43 50 120 04 40
 JOHN DAY FALL MT.................... GRANT.......................... 041023    44 25 33 18 56 23
 LAKEVIEW............................ LAKE........................... 041037    42 46 94 119 44 26
 UKIAH BLACK MT...................... UMATILLA....................... 041059    45 08 06 118 55 97
 ALTOONA............................. BLAIR.......................... 42013    40 50 96 78 41 88
 DUTCHMAN HILL....................... POTTER......................... 42105    41 45 02 78 00 08
 MEADVILLE........................... CRAWFORD....................... 42039    41 41 01 80 06 27
 MT CARMEL........................... NORTHUMBERLAND................. 42041    40 53 40 76 40 63
 PUNXSUTAWNEY........................ JEFFERSON...................... 42065    40 56 32 78 58 17
 WAYNE............................... WAYNE.......................... 42127    41 39 01 75 18 23
 VIEQUES............................. VIEQUES ISLAND................. 72147    18 43 53 65 60 06
 BARNWELL............................ BARNWELL....................... 45011    33 14 41 81 21 32
 CHESTERFIELD........................ CHESTERFIELD................... 45025    34 38 45 79 56 43
 GREENWOOD........................... GREENWOOD...................... 45047    34 11 43 82 09 43
 ORANGEBURG.......................... ORANGEBURG..................... 45075    33 30 01 80 31 90
 ROCK HILL........................... YORK........................... 45091    34 15 06 81 15 19
 SRN. GEORGETOWN..................... SMITH.......................... 45089    34 37 79 82 22 18
 UNION............................... UNION.......................... 45087    34 43 22 81 37 26
 WALHALLA............................ OCONEE......................... 45073    34 45 53 83 03 51
 FAITH............................... MEADE.......................... 46093    45 02 13 98 46 43
 PORCUPINE........................... SHANNON........................ 46113    43 23 75 102 32 12
 ROSEBUD IND RES..................... TODD........................... 46121    43 23 19 100 84 98
 TRIPP............................... HUTCHINSON..................... 46067    43 13 30 97 57 59
 WHITE RIVER......................... MELLETTE....................... 46095    43 34 02 100 44 39
 ZIEBACH STANDING ROCK............... ZIEBACH........................ 46137    44 58 56 101 40 10
 BIG SANDY........................... BENTON......................... 47005    36 14 60 88 48 63
 BLOUT............................... BLOUNT......................... 47009    35 39 22 85 20 29
 CARTHAGE............................ SMITH.......................... 47159    36 12 90 85 51 40
 ETOWAH.............................. MCMINN......................... 47107    32 46 49 93 03 30
 LA FOLLETTE......................... CAMPBELL....................... 47013    36 22 58 84 07 12
 LOBELVILLE-LINDEN................... PERRY.......................... 47135    35 37 02 87 40 22
 MCKENZIE............................ CARROLL........................ 47017    36 14 60 88 38 63
 PARSONS............................. WAYNE.......................... 47181    35 13 16 87 22 26
 POLK................................ POLK........................... 47139    35 28 93 87 26 92
 PUTNAM.............................. PUTNAM......................... 47141    36 11 09 85 42 58
 SAVANNAH............................ HARDIN......................... 47071    35 13 57 88 14 48
 SEQUATCHIE.......................... SEQUATCHIE..................... 47153    35 13 58 85 47 26
 SEWANEE............................. FRANKLIN....................... 47051    35 21 35 85 21 35
 SHAMROCK............................ WHEELER........................ 48483    35 12 51 100 14 55
 STRATFORD........................... SHERMAN........................ 48421    36 20 10 102 04 18
 ALPINE.............................. BREWSTER....................... 48043    29 11 10 103 24 45
 ARMSTRONG........................... KENEDY......................... 48261    26 49 70 97 42 50
 BEEVILLE............................ BEE............................ 48025    28 24 02 97 44 53
 BENAVIDES........................... DUVAL.......................... 48125    27 35 55 98 24 28
 BIG BEND NP......................... BREWSTER....................... 48043    29 11 10 103 24 45
 BIG LAKE............................ REAGAN......................... 48383    31 22 30 100 31 00
 BRECKENRIDGE........................ STEPHENS....................... 48429    32 45 20 98 54 07
 BROWNFIELD.......................... TERRY.......................... 48445    33 10 52 102 16 26
 BROWNWOOD........................... BROWN.......................... 48049    31 42 33 98 59 27
 CANTON-WILLS........................ VAN ZANDT...................... 48467    32 31 30 95 51 00
 CENTER.............................. SHELBY......................... 48419    31 25 22 103 29 34
 CENTERVILLE......................... LEON........................... 48289    31 23 10 95 56 10
 CHILDRESS........................... CHILDRESS...................... 48069    34 25 35 100 12 13
 CISCO............................... EASTLAND....................... 48133    32 24 80 98 49 00
 CONROE.............................. MONTGOMERY..................... 48339    30 14 50 95 27 80
 COTULLA............................. LA SALLE....................... 48283    28 26 12 96 14 05
 CROCKETTT........................... HOUSTON........................ 48225    33 08 18 96 06 38
 CRYSTAL CITY........................ ZAVALA......................... 48507    28 54 30 99 43 08
 DALHART............................. DALLAM/HARTLEY................. 48109    36 06 33 102 51 92
 DIMMITT............................. CASTRO......................... 48069    34 33 03 102 18 41

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 EAGLE PASS.......................... MAVERICK....................... 48323    28 42 32 100 29 57
 EL PASO SPANISH..................... EL PASO........................ 48141    31 46 70 106 09 26
 FAIRFIELD........................... FREESTONE...................... 48161    31 43 28 96 09 54
 FALFURRIAS.......................... BROOKS......................... 48043    27 23 22 98 12 92
 FRIONA.............................. PARMER......................... 48369    34 38 30 102 43 25
 GAINESVILLE......................... COOKE.......................... 48075    32 15 31 99 32 21
 GEORGE WEST......................... LIVE OAK....................... 48297    28 25 03 98 15 00
 GRAHAM.............................. YOUNG.......................... 48503    3310 49 98 40 32
 GREENVILLE.......................... HUNT........................... 48231    33 08 18 96 06 38
 HASKELL............................. HASKELL........................ 48207    33 09 27 99 44 00
 HEBBRONVILLE........................ JIM HOUGH...................... 48247    27 18 23 98 40 41
 HEREFORD............................ DEAF SMITH..................... 48117    34 56 20 102 35 09
 HICO................................ HAMILTON....................... 48065    31 44 05 98 08 07
 HILLSBORO........................... HILL........................... 48217    32 00 39 97 07 47
 KINGSVILLE.......................... KLEGERG........................ 48273    27 30 56 97 51 21
 KIRBYVILLE.......................... JASPER......................... 48241    30 43 01 94 09 01
 LAMPASAS............................ LAMPASAS....................... 48281    31 03 49 98 10 53
 LEAKEY.............................. REAL........................... 48385    29 44 59 99 45 53
 LIBERTY............................. LIBERTY........................ 48291    30 11 05 94 50 01
 MARFAIALPINE........................ PRESIDIO....................... 48377    30 18 28 104 01 07
 MENARD.............................. MENARD......................... 48327    30 55 03 99 47 10
 MINERAL WELLS....................... PALO PINTO..................... 48363    32 48 30 98 06 45
 MOUNT PLEASANT...................... TITUS.......................... 48449    32 23 49 99 58 17
 ORE CITY............................ UPSHUR......................... 48459    32 30 02 94 44 25
 PALESTINE........................... ANDERSON....................... 48001    31 48 43 95 37 50
 PAMPA............................... GRAY........................... 48179    35 22 85 100 34 87
 PECOS............................... REEVES......................... 48389    31 22 00 103 27 50
 PERRYTON............................ OCHILTREE...................... 48357    36 24 00 100 48 08
 PLAINVIEW........................... HALE........................... 48189    34 11 05 101 42 23
 RAYMONDVILLE........................ WILLACY........................ 48489    26 31 20 97 57 30
 RIO GRANDE CITY..................... STARR.......................... 48427    26 36 09 98 44 10
 ROCK SPRINGS........................ EDWARDS........................ 48137    29 57 16 100 05 34
 SANDERSON........................... TERRELL........................ 48443    30 08 32 102 23 37
 SEMINOLE............................ GAINES......................... 48165    32 31 81 102 34 58
 SHEFFIELD........................... PECOS.......................... 48371    30 41 70 104 59 06
 SIERRA BLANCA....................... HUDSPETH....................... 48229    31 10 28 105 21 24
 SONORA.............................. SUTTON......................... 48435    30 31 10 100 34 30
 SPUR................................ DICKENS........................ 48111    33 28 35 100 51 19
 STEPHENVILLE........................ ERATH.......................... 48143    32 13 14 98 12 07
 SWEETWATER.......................... NOLAND......................... 48353    32 16 42 100 14 56
 THALIA.............................. FOARD.......................... 48155    33 55 87 99 43 38
 THROCKMORTON........................ THROCKMORTON................... 48447    33 11 09 99 13 20
 TOLEDO BEND......................... NEWTON......................... 48351    30 45 60 93 42 90
 UVALDE.............................. UVALDE......................... 48463    32 30 02 94 44 25
 VAN HORN............................ CULBERTSON..................... 48097    31 03 90 104 27 73
 WOODVILLE........................... TYLER.......................... 48457    30 46 30 94 24 55
 ZAPATA.............................. ZAPATA......................... 48505    26 52 17 99 15 19
 BRYCE CANYON........................ GARFIELD....................... 049017    37 52 40 111 18 50
 CAPITOL REEF NP..................... SEVIER......................... 049041    38 45 50 111 54 50
 CASTLE DALE......................... EMERY.......................... 049015    39 00 09 110 38 90
 FLAMING GORGE....................... UINTAH......................... 49047    40 57 02 109 35 09
 GREEN RIVER......................... GRAND.......................... 49019    39 22 12 107 43 00
 GREEN RIVER......................... EMERY.......................... 49015    39 06 36 111 09 06
 HEBER............................... WASATCH........................ 049051    40 19 58 111 09 32
 MOAB................................ GRAND.......................... 49019    39 00 30 107 43 00
 MONTICELLO.......................... SAN JUAN....................... 49037    37 54 54 106 34 12
 PRICE............................... CARBON......................... 49007    39 29 12 110 34 00
 SEVIER VALLEY....................... SANPETE........................ 049039    39 25 40 111 45 20
 ZION NP............................. WASHINGTON..................... 049053    37 15 03 112 57 20
 RUTLAND............................. RUTLAND........................ 50021    43 34 06 73 04 10
 ST. CROIX........................... ST. CROIX...................... 78010    17 43 08 64 46 30
 ST. THOMAS.......................... ST. THOMAS..................... 78030    18 21 19 64 56 13
 ACCOMACK............................ ACCOMACK....................... 51001    37 43 00 75 40 00
 BOWLING GREEN....................... CAROLINE....................... 51033    38 03 00 77 21 00
 CHARLOTTESVILLE..................... ALBEMARLE...................... 51003    38 01 45 78 28 37
 EMPORIA............................. EMPORIA........................ 51595    36 41 09 77 32 34
 ROCKBRIDGE.......................... ROCKBRIDGE..................... 51163    37 48 54 79 24 73
 SAND MTN............................ WYTHE.......................... 51197    36 56 90 81 04 00

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 SOUTH BOSTON........................ HALIFAX........................ 51083    36 41 55 78 54 06
 SOUTH HILL.......................... MECKLENBERG.................... 51117    36 38 30 78 12 90
 TAZEWELL............................ TAZEWELL....................... 51185    37 08 00 81 33 00
 WISE................................ WISE........................... 51195    37 00 01 82 34 40
 BLAINE AREA......................... WHATCOM........................ 053073    48 48 40 121 56 70
 CHEWELAH PK......................... STEVENS........................ 053065    48 23 49 117 51 10
 CLE ELUM............................ KITTITAS....................... 053037    47 08 50 120 37 01
 DAYTON.............................. GARFIELD....................... 53023    46 50 30 117 38 90
 GOLDENDALE.......................... KLICKITAT...................... 053039    45 24 80 120 12 80
 LAKE CHELAN......................... OKANOGAN....................... 053047    47 50 04 120 00 41
 MOSES LAKE/EPHRATA.................. GRANT.......................... 053025    47 07 49 119 16 37
 MOUNT RANIER(2)..................... PIERCE......................... 053053    46 51 10 121 45 31
 NACHES.............................. YAKIMA......................... 053077    46 20 90 120 52 50
 OLYMPIC NP.......................... CLALLAM JEFFERSON.............. 053009    47 58 35 123 41 13
 SKAGIT VALLEY....................... SKAGIT WHATCOM................. 053073    48 48 60 121 56 70
 SNOQUALMIE PASS..................... KING........................... 53033    47 26 00 121 48 40
 STEVENS PASS........................ KING........................... 053033    47 26 00 121 48 40
 GREG'S KNOB......................... PRESTON........................ 54077    39 27 40 79 38 10
 MORGANTOWN.......................... MONONGALIA..................... 54061    39 37 46 79 57 22
 OLSEN KNOB.......................... RANDOLPH....................... 54083    38 36 70 79 59 50
 RANDOLPH............................ TUCKER......................... 54093    39 09 60 79 35 30
 SHELL LAKE.......................... WASHBURN....................... 55129    45 50 00 45 50 00
 ASHLAND............................. ASHLAND........................ 55003    46 35 33 90 53 01
 GILMAN.............................. TAYLOR......................... 55119    45 10 00 90 48 27
 KENOSHA............................. KENOSHA........................ 55059    42 35 00 87 59 80
 MANAWA/OGDENSBURG................... WAUPACA........................ 55135    44 28 30 89 01 60
 OWEN/WITHEE......................... CLARK.......................... 55019    44 33 36 90 35 46
 RHINELANDER......................... ONEIDA......................... 55085    45 38 12 89 24 43
 WAUSAUKEE........................... MARINETTE...................... 55075    45 22 15 87 57 08
 GREYBULL............................ BIG HORN....................... 56003    45 04 30 106 01 00
 AFTON............................... LINCOLN........................ 56023    42 25 08 110 25 04
 GILLETTE............................ CROOK.......................... 56011    44 15 48 104 56 59
 JACKSON............................. TETON.......................... 56039    43 44 04 109 32 05
 LUSK................................ NIOBRARA....................... 56027    42 08 10 104 16 58
 SUBLETTE............................ SUBLETTE....................... 56035    42 50 01 109 33 00
 WORLAND AIRPORT..................... WASHAKIE....................... 56043    43 55 03 107 43 06
 YELLOWSTONE NP...................... PARK........................... 56029    44 36 07 109 47 02

[FR Doc. 01-8231 Filed 4-3-01; 8:45 am]