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Get Involved

The Science Policy Office invites you to take part in our policy efforts. The office mission is to build sustained federal support for the agronomic, crop and soil sciences. With your effort, communication and advocacy, we can better convey the importance of our sciences to policy makers and the public. Please contact Caron Gala and Karl Glasener to learn more about advocating for our sciences.

Science Policy Blog

Interested in engaging in policy discussions and debates? Please take a look at and participate in our Science Policy Office Blog where topics including the farm bill, funding for science, and other related areas are vetted.


Position Statements

Position statements developed by the Societies aid our ability to educate Congress and the public about the science behind timely issues such as Climate Change, Carbon Sequestration and Nutrient Management.
View Position Statements and Resolutions>>

Congressional Visits Day

Two major events for the scientific community are held in the Spring and Fall of each year: Congressional Visits Day and the Coalition for National Science Funding Exhibition on Capitol Hill. Contact Director of Science Policy Karl Glasener if you interested in participating in either activity. View Congressional Visits Day for more information.

Meet Your Legislators!

If you are visiting the nation's capitol, contact the Science Policy Office to set up a meeting with your congressional delegation. E-mail Karl Glasener.

Voice Your Opinion!

Opinions and views on current legislation, ASA-CSSA-SSSA positions, and other issues can be directed to Director of Science Policy, Karl Glasener.