The Water Infrastructure Network
HomeAbout WINReportsLegislative CenterNews and Media


The Water Infrastructure Network (WIN) is a broad-based coalition of local elected officials, drinking water and wastewater service providers, state environmental and health administrators, engineers and environmentalists dedicated to preserving and protecting the health, environmental and economic gains that America's drinking water and wastewater infrastructure provides.

(View the WIN member organizations).

WIN issues key reports and otherwise encourages support for adequate infrastructure funding at all levels from federal to local.

What the American People Say (PDF)

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Legislative Activity


Correspondence and Outreach (Letters, Press Releases)

  Congressional Testimony

  12/19/2008 - Obama Team Assembling $850 Billion Stimulus, Washington Post
  10/17/2008 - Senate Might Take Up Stimulus During Lame Duck -- Reid, E&E News PM
  09/30/2008 - Under Strain, Cities Are Cutting Back Projects, The New York Times
  06/29/2008 - America Is Falling Apart, The Oregonian
  06/23/2008 - Trouble in the Pipes: Aging Sewers Threaten Environment, Public Health, GANNETT NEWS SERVICE

WIN Reports
Clean & Safe Water
for the 21st Century

Water Infrastructure
WIN © 2006
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