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Saipan Tribune Subscription

Saturday, January 17, 2009

USDA hands certificate to FMI members

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service distributed at least 25 individual certificates to members of environment group Friends of the Mariana Islands, led by FMI president Marites Castillo.

Rep. Cinta Kaipat and Mariana Islands Nature Alliance executive director Angelo O'Connor Villagomez led the presentation of the certificates Sunday afternoon during the last day of the 26th Annual Flame Tree Arts Festival at the Civic Center in Susupe.

The distribution of the certificates was in line with the recent award given to the group, the Earth Team Award, given them during the Beautify CNMI's first year anniversary benefit held two weeks ago at the Aqua Resort Club.

Villagomez said the FMI deserves the recognition because of their help in maintaining the beauty of the environment.

The Earth Team Award is given annually to only one environmental group in the nation. Castillo said the FMI's achievement has been truly an honor not only for the group but also for the entire CNMI community.

“This award has once again put the Commonwealth in the nation's map,” she said, adding that they also hope that all groups in the CNMI would support the same cause of protecting and conserving the environment. “What we do for the CNMI and its environment comes from our hearts. It's our way of returning the favor. With this award we share it with the community.”

Beautify CNMI also honored 11-year-old Adam Sablan, together with FMI, through the Environmental Steward Award. Both awardees were recognized for leading the community in activities that help protect the environment. “They have demonstrated the need to take pride in our islands and to take care of the place we call home. They serve as examples for others, especially the next generation to follow,” said Villagomez.

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