

Hot and dry weather throughout much of the United States have continued to create problems for our nation's forests. Lingering extreme drought conditions have set the stage for wildfires in many western states, including Montana, Oregon and California. Millions of acres of forestland have burned, forcing residents to evacuate and creating a loss of habitat and food sources for many species of wildlife.

In addition to damage from this year’s wildfire season, many forests are still recovering from devastating fires and loss of trees in past years. In many areas, few living trees remain, and reforestation efforts will be necessary to restore many damaged forests to a healthy state.

The Foundation is committed to restoring America’s National Forests so this and future generations can enjoy their benefits. You can help, too, by supporting the Trees for America program. For each $1 you contribute toward this effort, one tree will be planted in a damaged forest.

The trees you help plant will grow to provide habitat and food for wildlife, restore beauty to the landscape, clean rivers and streams, and provide enjoyment for recreational activities like camping, hiking, and fishing. Your support will directly benefit the environment for all of us to enjoy!

Trees to the Forest....

Your contribution will replace trees lost to fire, pestilence, and disease. Every dollar plants a tree.

Choose your donation amount:

15 trees for $15
25 trees for $25
50 trees for $50
Other: $

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