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Pandemic Planning Toolkit A resource to assist your organization in preparing for pandemic influenza
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Antiviral Stockpiling Solution

The Roche Antiviral Protection Program

The program's flexibility addresses timing uncertainties related to pandemic planning, while providing a long-term solution for firms interested in securing antivirals.

Less short-term investment
Medication is secured for a nominal annual fee with option to purchase at any time

Corporations have ability to re-assess the investment annually and adjust plans/decisions accordingly

Simplified logistics
  • Storage is handled by Roche
  • Stock of Antivirals is rotated by Roche to maintain “fresh” product available at all times
  • Can be delivered within 48 hours (under most circumstances)

How the Program Works

How the Program Works

The Cost of the Program

For those who participate in this offering by 12/31/08, an annual fee of $6 per pack will be charged for the initial year and the first two renewals.  Only when your business requests delivery of their stockpile will your company incur a usage fee, which is the wholesale acquisition cost at time of delivery.

Joining the Solution

To participate in the program and be a part of the overall pandemic solution, you can contact a Roche Representative by Phone at
888-394-2838 or by email: Nutley.Tamiflu_Inquiry@Roche.com.


What if I decide not to renew?
Just inform Roche that you would like to discontinue your participation in the program. There are no additional obligations.

What is your policy about replacing the drug as it approaches expiration?
As long as Roche maintains and stores your stockpile, your Antivirals will be replaced as it approaches expiry.

When will the annual fee increase? And how often? And how much?
The annual fee will remain the same for the initial year and the first two renewals. The annual fee may be adjusted at that time.

What is the minimum order size?
The minimum order size is 2500 packs.

Is there a benefit of buying the product outright versus participating in the program?
For businesses that want to maintain custody of their stockpile, the program may not be the right solution. For all others the program offers a low-cost way of having a dedicated stockpile.

What is the government's role in this program?
The federal government has indicated that antivirals will be a key line of defense in the event of a pandemic flu, and encourages businesses to consider purchasing antivirals to supplement the U.S. national stockpile. To view guidance from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), visit www.pandemicflu.gov

Will participation in this program reduce our insurance premiums?
We recommend that you contact your carrier to see if this will be treated like other "wellness" programs which can reduce the overall cost of your policy.

Can we use this for our Non-US operations?
Pharmaceuticals can only be bought and distributed within country boundaries. Currently, only the U.S. is offering a program of this nature. Roche is looking at similar programs in other countries.

Who Can I Speak To About the Program?
For questions regarding the program, please contact us at 888-394-2838 or by email: Nutley.Tamiflu_Inquiry@Roche.com.

47. Roche update on Tamiflu for pandemic influenza preparedness [press release]. Basel, Switzerland: Hoffmann-La Roche. Available at: http://www.roche.com/med-cor-2006-03-16. Accessed April 26, 2006.
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