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Discover time-tested strategies for self-reliance.

Joe, you can hang yards of clothes on these all-wooden clothes racks from Lehman’s. Another good source for large wooden clothes racks is Real Goods.

— Heidi Hunt, assistant editor

How can I get rid of ground wasps without pesticides?

— Cardie Molina
Los Angeles, California


Thanks for asking and we have a very unique response, penned by our gardening expert, Barbara Pleasant. Barbara has been using this old-fashioned method for years and it works!

First locate the hole in the ground where the nest is. Then, get a clear plastic or glass cake cover — yup, a cake cover — and keep reading here.

— Heidi Hunt, assistant editor

There are a number of kinds of cedar. Eastern red cedar, found from east of Colorado and into much of New England is actually a juniper, a member of the cypress family. True cedars are members of the pine family.

Junipers are tough, resilient trees that make excellent fence posts, either whole or split. You do not need to treat or debark the posts. As to how long they will last, that depends on how moist the soil conditions are and the amount of freezing and thawing the posts will endure over the…

— Heidi Hunt, assistant editor

New parents are becoming more concerned about the products that come into contact with their babies and also about the effect on the environment of disposable baby products. Glass baby bottles and cotton diapers are both free of plastics and don’t add to the overfilling of landfills.

By searching online and making a few phone calls, we found that Target carries cotton gauze-weave diapers and the plastic pants to cover them. Both Target and Wal-Mart sell glass baby bottles. The glass bottles and d…

— Heidi Hunt, assistant editor


Your very best bet for free mulch is grass clippings from a yard that has not been treated with herbicides. Not only will the clippings smother the weeds, they will enrich the soil, providing nutrients for the annuals, perennials and bushes they are protecting. Check out this article on more ways to build better soil while discouraging weeds.

If you have a sawmill close to your home, you may be able to get sawdust to use as a mulch. While not as nutrient rich as grass clippings, it will sm…

— Heidi Hunt, assistant editor


Unfortunately, getting rid of cicadas is nearly impossible. Cicadas have a very long lifespan, up to 17 years. The nymphs that hatch from cicada eggs fall from the trees where they have been laid and burrow into the soil. There they live on the sap from tree roots until they are ready to emerge 13 to 17 years later. So, the cicadas are not immigrating to your yard, but are there already, under ground, just waiting for Mother Nature’s signal to emerge and start the cycle all over again.


— Heidi Hunt, assistant editor

How do you remove rust from a cast-iron pot?

— Debbie Van Meter
Shasta Lake, California

If a piece of cast iron cookware is only slightly rusted, and not pitted, or has a small amount of food stuck to it, brush it with a light wire brush or course scrubby and then pour Coca-Cola over it, then let it sit until it dries.

After it dries, spray inside and outside with Pam or rub on vegetable oil, then bake in a 350 degree Fahrenheit oven for an hour and a half. Put aluminum foil under the pan to catch the drip.

Let it completely cool before removing from the oven. The final product will …

— Mark Kelly, Lodge Cast Iron company

Greywater — which is all household wastewater except for toilet water — can profitably be reused for irrigation. But by “re-circulate,” I assume that indoor reuse is what you are asking about, and that’s not always the best idea. In order to reuse waste water for flushing toilets, for instance, you would need a multi-stage filter, holding tank and some kind of pump. All-in-all, that’s an expensive project.

Reusing greywater for flushing toilets, while an excellent practice on a large scale, rarel…

— Art Ludwig, Oasis Design 

Can I use horse manure and straw bedding to make compost?

— Linda Kimminau
Sudbury Suffolk, United Kingdom

Yes! In fact, it makes great compost, according to the Maryland Cooperative Extension Office.

Horses produce copious amounts of manure, which, when combined with straw or sawdust bedding, will make mountainous piles of waste each month, and if left alone, it will eventually break down and become compost. But with a few simple steps you can have usable, rich compost in just a few weeks. To learn how to do this on your farm, read Composting Horse Manure, produced by the Maryland Horse Outreach Work…

— Heidi Hunt, assistant editor

I don't know of a homemade recipe for a stove coating, but standard stove polish is an option for coating stoves. The popular brands claim to be water-based and non-toxic. I have used them and haven't noticed a smell when applied or when the stove is fired. The big advantage of stove polish is that it can be applied easily any time the stove is cold. The disadvantages, compared to paint are that it produces a sort of transparent finish and rubs off if you touch the stove. Even if you buff the st…

— John Gulland, The Wood Heat Organization Inc., 

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