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Ask Our Experts > Green Homes

I remember this so well from my Hell’s Kitchen apartment back when I lived in New York City! Because of the steam heat radiator, it had two temperatures: hot or freezing.

A mechanical air exchanger would be a major project that your landlord would have to install for the whole building … my guess is that’s not going to happen!

Probably the cheapest, most manageable solution would be an air purifier. Here’s what Natural Home had to say about them a couple years ago: A Guide to Air Filters.

Hope that helps some!

— Robyn Griggs Lawrence, editor in chief, Natural Home magazine; author, The Wabi-Sabi House, 


  • Bill Griffin 2/5/2009 3:32:17 PM

    Actually, a cheaper way would be to bring in some plants. Mother has articles on the most efficient plant/air purifiers. The first 2 that come to mind are the Hospital Plant (aka spider plant), and the Mother-In-Law's Tongue (aka snake plant). They are both in the top 20 of natural air purifiers.

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