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You are here: Home / Funding Opportunities / Grant Application Information / Grant Opportunity E-mail Notifications

Grant Opportunity E-mail Notifications

Grants.gov provides e-mail notifications or RSS Feeds about all federal grant opportunities, including CSREES. We recommend that you use this service to keep informed of grant opportunity postings and updates.

The following are tips on registering for CSREES funding opportunity postings using e-mail notifications:


  • Your E-mail address - Enter the e-mail address at which you would like to receive CSREES notifications.

  • Select Agency - Select United States Department of Agriculture. Then, via the "Select Sub Agencies" button, select CSREES.


  • Funding Opportunity Number - Leave this field blank to receive all notifications for CSREES. If you are interested in a single opportunity, enter that number here.

  • Select Category of Funding Activity - To narrow your selection by CSREES topic areas, select those categories here.

  • Select Funding Instrument Type - Leave this field blank to receive all notifications for CSREES.

  • Select Eligible Applicants - To narrow your selection for CSREES grant opportunities for which you are eligible, select your applicant type here.

  • CFDA Number - Leave this field blank to receive all notifications for CSREES.

Once you've completed all necessary categories, press "Subscribe to Mailing List."

If at any time you wish to discontinue using this service, you may unsubscribe at any time.


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Last Updated: 02/23/2009