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Title: Where are the Black Walnut Trees in Missouri? 1995.

Author: Vasievich, J. Michael; Kingsley, Neal P.

Year: 1995

Publication: Walnut Council Bulletin. 22(4): 4-6. [Zionsville, IN]

Abstract: Walnut trees are well distributed and relatively abundant in Missouri according to the most recent forest inventory completed in 1989. The forest inventory (Hahn 1991) reports that 7.3 billion trees were found on Missouri timberlands and that 1 in 100 were black walnuts. Digging into the Eastwide Forest Inventory Data Base (Hansen et al. 1992) provides more interesting details about the walnut resource. In total, 234 thousand photo interpretation points were identified for the Missouri inventory and 4,672 plots were measured in the field or projected. The field crews found walnut trees on 1,059 plots.

Last Modified: 8/11/2006

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