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Title: North Dakota's forest resources in 2005

Author: Haugen, David E.; Brand, Gary J.; Kangas, Michael

Year: 2006

Publication: Resour. Bull. NC-267. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station. 20 p.

Abstract: This report completes the first 5 years of the annual forest inventory in North Dakota and presents estimates of forest area, volume, and biomass for 2005. It is part of the national effort of annual forest inventory authorized by the 1998 Farm Bill. Sine the third forest inventory, in 1994, total forest land area has increased by 51,000 acres. Private forest land ownership represents more than two-thirds of the total forest land area. Hardwoods make up the majority of forest land acreage within the State, and softwoods represent approximately 5.8 percent of the total forested acreage. The net volume of growing stock on timberland is estimated at 366.8 million cubic feet--a 50-percent increase since the 1980 estimate of 243.7 million cubic feet.

Last Modified: 9/9/2006

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