New Features

  • Users online
    Anytime you see a blue square around a user's avatar, you know they are online. Just think of the implications!
  • Daily Email Update
    You can now receive a daily email full of what's happening in your Vimeo world. Sign up is located in your notifications settings.
  • Converting time during transcoding
    Ted and Casey added a nifty little feature that will display the time remaining to convert your video during uploads.
  • Removing Video Thumbnails
    Everytime you upload a video, you get 12 thumbnails to choose from. Now, a month from the day you upload your video, we will automatically remove any unused thumbnails. But you will always be able to upload your own.
  • Improved Searching
    We've been waiting for this. The toolbar search is now much more accurate.
  • Login and Join Vimeo Lightbox
    Clicking on most login and join links will now trigger a lightbox overlay where you can quickly login or join Vimeo and stay on your current page.
  • Better referrer statistics
    Now we record every page that videos get embeded on, check it out in the stats section to the right of any video page.
  • Share on MySpace
    Everyone says they hate it, but everyone has a MySpace profile! We've added MySpace to the Sharing options.
  • Badge additions
    You can now add channels and albums to any Badge that you create. Yipeee!
  • New Hubnut Behavoir
    From now on, the Hubnut will not auto-rotate when it is loaded on a page. This will only affect all newly created Hubnuts, not those that are currently used on other sites.
  • Search Channels
    Now you can FINALLY search for Channels. Use the 'Search' box in the top navigation bar, make sure its set on 'Channels', and search away!
  • Posting to Flickr
    It's back! You can once again post your videos to Flickr. You can also post albums. Do this by clicking on Share and navigating to the "Post this..." tab.
  • Expanded Tag Browsing
    Clicking a tag from a video will bring you to an improved tag browsing experience. Now you can browse videos with that tag in your videos, all videos, your contacts' videos and more. Vimeo members who use that tag most are also noted.
  • New Avatar Feature
    Clicking any "avatar" aka user portrait will bring up a menu of actions you can take regarding that user. Use this menu to add contacts, subscribe to videos, and send messages to users you see on Vimeo
  • Spam Filters
    We've recently rolled out some great new spam filters that we think will help keep spammers off of Vimeo. Of course its impossible to stop ALL spammers, so if you ever see any send an email to and we'll take care of it.
  • Add Multiple Email Addresses
    Now you can add multiple email addresses to your account and then sign in with any of them using the same password. Just set one as your main address, verify it after we send you an email, and you're all set.
  • Vimeo Offline Event

    If you like awesome videos, awesome people, and awesome food, please join me and some other awesome members of the Vimeo Staff for our awesome monthly series: Vimeo Offline. Awesome!

    Vimeo Offline is a chance to see your favorite Vimeo videos in an offline environment. The events are held at the amazing Monkey Town restaurant/screening room where people can eat, drink, and be merry all while watching Vimeo videos projected on four screens all around them. Its pretty cool.

    So if you live in the area, come on by! If not, don't sweat, I'll be posting a playlist of the videos by the end of the week so everyone else can check them out too!

    Vimeo Offline: Short and Sweet
    This Wednesday, January 14th - 8pm
    @ Monkey Town, 58 N.3rd, Brooklyn, NY.

    Hope to see you there!

    Comments (111)
  • Happy Holidays

    Happy [insert your holiday here so we can be as politically correct as possible]!

    On behalf of the staff here at the Vimeo, I would like to sincerely thank each and every one of our amazing users for helping contribute to one of the most creative, supportive, and inspiring communities on the planet. We are now one million strong (and growing) and to put that into perspective, that is basically the population of Swaziland.

    So now that we are the size of a small nation, let us not forget that the nation of Vimeo depends on you! It is you who make it what it is, and it is you who will dictate the future of what Vimeo becomes. Keep creating, keep connecting, keep being yourselves, and we'll see the Vimeo we know and love live for many years to come.

    Happy Holidays everyone.



    Comments (114)
  • Photojojo book contest!

    Vimeo is teaming up with our West Coast friends over at Photojojo to host a really sweet contest!

    They are working on a book (published by Random House in Fall 2009) and they need your help!

    Here's where you come in: Photojojo is going to print a stop-motion video in their new book (think flipbook-style with a frame on the edge of each page) and they're looking for the best, most insanely awesome stop-motion video you can muster.

    Visit the Photojojo Contest Channel for the complete contest guidelines and prizes and subscribe to the channel to catch all the great entries that are bound to flood in.

    Make sure to tag your entries with 'Photojojobook' and be sure to follow the guidelines for your best chance to win.

    The contest runs till January 1st, so get your stop-mo-tion!

    Comments (24)
  • You, right now.

    Howdy all.

    So, I'm curious. What is everyone doing right now?!

    Tell us in a video!

    Tag it with 'me right now' and then add it to the Me Right Now group.

    And if you aren't doing anything right now, just make something up! That's cool too.

    Hope everyone is having a swell weekend.


    Comments (104)
  • Get (Facebook) Connected! (Updated)

    You can now link your Facebook and Vimeo accounts together using Facebook Connect! To do it, go to your settings page and click the connect button on the bottom right. Once connected, you can sign into Vimeo using your Facebook username and password, and your likes and uploads will be automatically pushed to your Facebook news feed (you can turn that off on your extending Vimeo settings page).


    After connecting, go to and click Edit Settings for the Vimeo Connect app. On that pop-up "Allow Vimeo Connect to publish specific story sizes automatically without prompting." and then select "Short". This will let Vimeo automatically post a Short story, versus a one line story. Short stories include your videos title and a thumbnail image which can be clicked and turned into a Vimeo embed player!

    Comments (113)
  • Giving Thanks

    Thanksgiving. Its that glorious day when an entire population overdoses on tryptophan and stuffing and falls asleep by 8 o'clock. But besides gorging on delicious food, Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate the things in your life that you are thankful for. And although its a holiday primarily celebrated in the U.S.A., its still a wonderful time to really step back from life's chaotic moments and give thanks for the things you cherish in life.

    So what are you thankful for? Is it your family? The weather? Your HBO subscription? Or maybe it's the little things like a favorite dish, or that fact that your noisy neighbors finally moved out. Big or minuscule, serious or funny, make a video showing us what you are thankful for and add it to the Giving Thanks Group.

    As always, please only post videos that you make for this specific project and remember to have fun and be creative.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    Comments (37)
  • Justice video contest - How were you great in 2008?

    Howdy Folks,

    We're teaming up with the band Justice to promote a new video contest - HOW WERE YOU GREAT IN 2008?

    Drawing from this past year, they want to see what you did that was GREAT. Whether you were filming, recording, playing, listening, drawing, snapping photos, writing, traveling, touring, blogging, promoting something you love, voting, or just being good at being you?

    Get more info - or

    To enter, videos must be between 30 seconds and 3 minutes and must be tagged with 'jst4all' AND from the blog/site that referred you to the contest - if you weren't referred, just pick a blog that you like from the OFFICIAL LIST HERE. Videos will be automatically added to the contest channel from the tags.

    There are over $6000.00 in prizes which include a trip to hang out with 2008's Grammy nominated electronic duo, Justice & Ed Banger mate and art director, So Me on New Year's Eve in Chicago, at Revolution Number 9, as well as limited edition custom merch and a whole lot of street cred.

    Submissions will be accepted till the end of November and the finalists will be determined by the video that receives the most likes.

    Check it out!

    Comments (52)
  • Weekend Project: Jr. Explorers' Club

    For this weekend's project, we want you to go on an adventure.

    If there is a magical forest, (safe) abandoned building, hidden hangout, or other secret spot near where you live, put on your pith helmet and check it out for us!

    Your video should capture the mystery and excitement of experiencing something off the beaten path. You don't have to parachute into the jungle, just show us a place most people haven't seen. Although, if you do parachute into a jungle, that would be pretty cool.

    As always, don't repost old videos. Make something new for the project. And make sure you add them to The Weekend Project Group.

    We will accept submissions until Monday night, and the boldest, most daring, most interesting video will win 100 MB of extra upload space for its creator.

    Have fun!

    *UPDATE* The winner is Andris!

    Thanks to everyone for some really great entries. I loved seeing the rock climbing and subway exploring and all the adventures!

    Comments (20)

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