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Cal-IPC Symposium 2008

California State University - Chico, October 2-4, 2008

These are large PDF files converted from Powerpoint presentations. You may need to download the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. Unavailable presentations have been withheld from publication at the presenter's request. * Indicates presenter

2008 Weed Alerts

See our Invasive Plant Alerts page for this year's presentation on weeds to watch out for.

New Horizons (invited session)

Student Paper Contest

DPR Laws and Regulations (invited session)

Managing Invasive Plants

Looking to the Future: Research and Prediction (invited session)

Research and Assessment

Early Detection and Rapid Response

Learning from the Past (invited session)

Discussion Groups

  1. Careers in wildland weed research and management
  2. Weed management contractors: Future markets and needs
  3. Weed control: Riparian weeds
  4. Weed control: Brooms and other woody invasives
  5. Upland invaders
  6. Future research needs for invasive plants
  7. Ensuring successful weed control: Planning and monitoring
  8. Weed control: Aquatic weeds.



  • Evaluating the potential for spread of an invasive forb, Limonium ramosissimum, in San Francisco Bay salt marshes. Gavin Archbald* & Katharyn Boyer, San Francisco State University.
  • Effects of disturbance of biological soil crusts on the emergence of exotic plants in California sage scrub. Rebecca R. Buenafe* & Darren R. Sandquist, California State University at Fullerton.
  • Soil biota facilitate invasion within microhabitats in a California coastal prairie. Taraneh Emam* 1, Bruce Pavlik 2, & Peter Alpert 3. 1,2 Mills College, 3University of Massachusetts.
  • Interactive effects of population genetic diversity and resident community composition on the success of an annual exotic invasive species. Heather McGray*, Marlyse Lombardo & Katharine N. Suding, UC Irvine.
  • Spatial patterns in native and exotic submersed aquatic plant species in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. Maria J. Santos*1, Lars W. Anderson2 & Susan L. Ustin1, 1Center for Spatial Technologies & Remote Sensing, &, UC Davis, 2U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Exotic & Invasive Weed Research.
  • An analysis of the seedbank at Joshua Tree National Park in sites invaded by exotic grasses. Heather Schneider* & Edith Allen. UC Riverside. Patterns of change in water hyacinth distribution in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Khanna Shruti*, Maria J. Santos, Erin L. Hestir, Jonathan A. Greenberg, & Susan L. Ustin, Center for Spatial Technologies & Remote Sensing, UC Davis.


  • Results from the use of a novel method, HydroMechanical Obliteration, at the Golden Gate National Recreation Area in West Marin. Maria Alvarez*1, Cameron Colson2, Maria Morales2 ,Liz Ponzini3, Aliza Segal1, and Sarah Cusser1, 1Golden Gate National Recreation Area, 2CAMCO, 3Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy.
  • San Luis Rey River flood risk management area giant reed eradication. Raquel Atik1*, Italia Gray1, Peter Tomsovic1, & Thomas Keeney2, 1RECON Environmental, 2U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
  • Invasive aquatic weeds: Implications for mosquito and vector management activities. Charles E Blair, MD*, Trustee, Mosquito and Vector Management District of Santa Barbara County.
  • Lake Tahoe Aquatic Invasive Species Pilot Project: Measuring and adapting standard methods of control for use in an alpine environment. Phil Caterino1*, Doug Freeland2 & Giovanni Caterino3, 1Alpengroup, 2Aquatic Consulting Evaluation, 3Tahoe Divers Conservancy.
  • Hybridization between invasive and native blackberries (Rubus) in California. Lindsay Clark* & Marie Jasieniuk, UC Davis.
  • The evolution of artichoke thistle (Cynara cardunculus) data management at Camp Pendleton, CA (1984-present). Meghan Dinkins* & Deborah Bieber, AC/S Environmental Security, Camp Pendleton.
  • Ludwigia control as a precursor to restoration: Progress and challenges. Julian A. Meisler, Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation.
  • Sinapsis alba seed meal as a pre-emergent control for French broom (Genista monspessulana) seedlings. Ken Moore1 & Carla Bossard2*, 1Wildlands Restoration Team, 2St. Mary's College of California.
  • "A" rated weeds on display: CDFA's internet mapping website. Colleen Murphy-Vierra* CA Dept. of Food & Agriculture.
  • Mechanical control coupled with native species planting as a cost-effective method of controlling Himalayan blackberry. Nick Pacini, River Partners.
  • Controlling an invasive grass in a grassland setting: Harding grass control in the bald Hills of Redwood National and State Parks. Stassia Samuels*, Laura Julian & Scott Powell, Redwood National and State Parks.
  • Invasive plant Arundo donax: Mapping and prioritizing its eradication in the Bay-Delta region of Northern California. Bryan Sesser, Patricia Stiefer & Deanne DiPietro*, Sonoma Ecology Center.
  • Adaptation and evaluation of "double tent" solar heating for eradicating weed seeds in remote areas. James J. Stapleton1*, Susan B. Mallek1, Ron Eng2, & Albert Franklin3, 1UC Statewide IPM Program, 2California Dept. of Food & Agriculture, 3U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management.
  • An assessment of control methods for cape ivy in Central California coastal riparian ecosystems. Jennifer Stern and Fred Watson, California State University - Monterey Bay
  • Goats defeat blackberries: Riparian habitat restoration following invasive plant removal at Vino Farms, Inc., Lodi, California (1.4 MB). Chris Stevenson*, Tom Griggs, & Chris Robbins, River Partners.
  • Mapping invasive aquatic plant species in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta using hyperspectral imagery. Susan L. Ustin, Center for Spatial Technologies & Remote Sensing, UC Davis.
  • Control of jubatagrass and restoration of fountain thistle habitat in the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission peninsula watersheds. Don Thomas*, Sonya Foree & Ellen Natesan, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.

Symposia Archive
Presentations, proceedings and working group notes for previous years' symposia:
2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2000-2002 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995