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Film & Entertainment
Library Collection Help

Tips for Finding Film & Audio Materials in the Catalog

  • Click on the "Advanced Keyword" search button
  • Type the subject, author, composer, actor, director, or title of the song, album, movie, audio book, or other item you are looking for. For multiple-word titles, type the name in quotation marks. For example:
    "you're the one that I want" or "Wedding Crashers"

Tip! If you have a generic title, try adding specifics, such as the director's name or the performer.

Tip! Use the plural form of specific types of works, such as symphonies instead of symphony.

Tip! Just looking to see what we have available on DVD (or any other format)? Type an asterisk (*) in the "Search For" box and then follow the instructions below.

  • Specify whether you want DVD, Video, Music CD, Book on CD, Book on MP3, or Book on Cassette using the "Material Type" box. (This will ensure that you don't accidentally find a hardcover copy of that audio book you're looking for.)
  • Specify whether you want to look only in one library by choosing that library (e.g. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Main") in the "Location" box.
  • If you don't find what you want, ASK A LIBRARIAN!

Visit the "How to Find Music in the Library Catalog" page for even more tips for searching for music.

Library of Congress Classification System

The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh uses the Library of Congress Classification System. The Library of Congress offers an overview of the classes. See our Library Subject Guide for more help with Subject Headings.

Browse the Catalog

Subject Area LC Class
Acting PN 2061-2080
Actors & Actresses PN 2287
PN 2205-2217
Cable Television HE 8700.7.C
TK 6675
Cameras TR 250-265
Cinematography TR 845-899
(Motion Pictures)
PN 1993-1999
Film History
(Motion Pictures - History)
PN 1993-1999
Mass Media P 88-96
HM 258
HN 90.M
Movie ( Motion Pictures)
Motion Pictures Reviews
Motion Pictures History
PN 1995