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Children and Nature - Information about helping children connect with nature [Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service]

FAA: Wildlife Hazard Mitigation - Provide users with information that will allow them to better understand and practice wildlife hazard mitigation at airports through wildlife control. [Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)]

Great Basin Information Project - Provides consolidated and efficient access to biological information, maps and images about the Great Basin and the Columbia Plateau Regions. [Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Biological Information Infrastructure]

National Activities of the USGS Biological Resources Discipline - Links to national programs, including biomonitoring, bird banding, gap analysis, integrated taxonomy, breeding birds, nonindigenous species, and vegetation mapping. [Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)]

National Parks - Historical documents related to National Parks/National Park Services provided through NARA's Archival Research Catalog [National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)]

National Wildlife Refuge System - The world’s premiere system of public lands and waters set aside to conserve America’s fish, wildlife and plants [Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service]

National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) - Provides scientific information on wildlife, its habitat, and its relationship to agriculture and public safety [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)]

National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) Research Library - Locate hard to find reports on species profiles, habitat suitability index, and community profiles [Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)]

Protecting the Polar Bear - Features information on efforts to protect the Polar Bear, including proposing that it be listed as 'threatened' under the Endangered Species Act [Department of the Interior]

US Fish and Wildlife Service Focal Species - Species profile information for bird species that are candidates for focused conservation action in the United States. [Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Biological Information Infrastructure]

Whole Wildlife Toxicology Catalog - The portal provides access to over 30 wildlife toxicology sites and databases from government, academia and non-profit organizations that deal with contaminant monitoring, mortality incidents, acute and chronic toxicity data, accumulation factors, toxicological reference values, interspecies correlations, and more general wildlife toxicology literature. [Multiple agencies involved]

Wildlife Habitat Management Institute (WHMI ) - Develops and disseminates scientifically based technical materials that will assist to promote conservation stewardship of fish and wildlife [Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)]