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FAQ #31541

What is Niche Marketing?

Related resource areas: Organic Agriculture, Entrepreneurs & Their Communities, Pork Information

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Part 1. Niche marketing is a long-term proposition of identifying consumer needs and finding a way to meet that demand while increasing your share of the profit.

Part 2. A niche market is a target group whose market responses are similar to each other, but different from other groups. What makes a niche market worthwhile for a farmer? (1) There must be accessible information about the group; (2) The group must be reachable through clearly identified information channels; (3) The group must be big enough and sufficiently profitable to make it worth targeting; and (4) The nature of a niche market is that it tends to disappear after awhile.

Part 2 from Direct Marketing, By Katherine Adam, Radhika Balasubrahmanyam, and Holly Born, NCAT Agriculture Specialists, Published 1999, ATTRA Publication #IP113

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