American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Weekly Update Report
Submitted Tuesday, March 3, 2009 logo
Agency Name: U.S. Department of Justice
Week Start Date: Monday 2/23/2009
Cumulative Data As Of: Friday 2/27/2009
Submitter Name: Melinda Morgan
Submitter Contact: 202-616-5809
Agency Code Account Code Sub-Account Code Total Appropriation Total Obligations Total Expenditures Major Completed Actions Major Planned Actions
15 0402 OJP $2,765,000,000 $ $ 1) The allocation for the Office for Victims of Crime Recovery Act Compensation and Assistance formula grant programs was finalized. 1) OJP intends to post its formula grant solicitations/announcements between March 6 and March 9, 2009.
    2) Acting Assistant Attorney General sent a letter (via email list serve) to the OJP stakeholder national organizations about implementation of the Recovery Act  
  3) The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) sent an email to their state administrating agency partners to describe the Justice Assistance Grant ARRA funding, provide an estimate of when the formula will be posted on the BJA website (3/3/09), and discussed the importance of accountability, along with a link to OIG’s website
            4) Acting Director of the Office for Victims of Crime, sent a list serve email message to the state VOCA Crime Victim Compensation and Victim Assistance Administrations to provide them with advance notification of the formula grant funding that will be available under the ARRA.  
    5) Spend Plans Transmitted to OMB.  
15 0411 OVW $225,000,000 $ $ 1) Developed initial OVW Recovery Act Timeline 1) Final draft solicitations for the STOP Formula Grant Program, the State Coalitions Program, and the Transitional Housing Program forwarded to the ODAG and the OASG for review March 2, 2009.
    2) Prepared STOP formula grant allocations by State for posting on our website. 2) Solicitations for the Tribal Governments Program and the Tribal Coalitions Program drafted for internal OVW and OGC review by March 3, 2009.
  3) Completed drafts of solicitations for the STOP Formula Recovery Act Grant Program; the State Coalitions Recovery Act Grant Program; and the Transitional Housing Recovery Act Program for 2 day internal review. 3) Conference calls scheduled with the State STOP Administrators and the State Coalitions on Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence scheduled for respectively.
            4) Held an all staff Recovery Act meeting and created an internal Recovery Act Working Group. 4) Email blast sent to all current Transitional Housing grantees and all past applicants.
    5) Spend Plans Transmitted to OMB. 5) Message from the Acting Director on OVW Recovery Act Programs emailed to stakeholder list March 3, 2009.
  6) Frequently Asked Questions posted on OVW website March 3, 2009
15 0412 COPS $1,000,000,000 $ $ 1) COPS Hiring Recovery Program (CHRP) Application Finalized and forwarded to the OMB. 1) CHRP Application Guide to be Finalized.
  2) CHRP Eligibility Worksheet Posted to COPS website. 2) Planned meeting with OIG to discuss Recovery guidance.
            3) Nonsupplanting Frequently Asked Questions posted to COPS website.  
    4) Spend Plans Transmitted to OMB.  
15 0421 OJPM&A $10,000,000


$ 1) Spend Plans Transmitted to OMB. 1) All funds to be transferred to OJP Account 0402, OVW Account 0411, COPS Account 0421
15 0326 OIG $ 2,000,000 $ $ 1) The OIG is currently undertaking a number of proactive measures to oversee DOJ’s Recovery Act activities, including providing Department officials and grant administrators with advice on improving the grant management process in an effort to prevent fraud or misuse of the funds on the front-end. The OIG has also created a document, entitled “Improving the Grant Management Process” to provide to the Department recommendations regarding the award and oversight of grant funds from the Recovery Act. The OIG also will be providing comprehensive grant fraud awareness training during the next month to the DOJ’s grant administration offices. 1) The OIG will conduct short, medium, and longer-term audits examining Department funds received through the Recovery Act to determine if Department components are properly managing Recovery Act funds in accordance with Recovery Act and OMB guidelines and sound grant management practices.
    2) Spend Plans Transmitted to OMB.  
15 0699 ATF $ $ $ 1) TAFS established for ATF recovery act funding and spend plan submitted to OMB. 1) ATF will request Department of State approval to place 2 agents each in the consulates in Juarez and Tijuana. State has forecasted approval by March 23, 2009.
    2) ATF has established a recovery related web page, which is linked to DOJ's website. 2) ATF will initiate recruitment actions for IOI and support personnel, and will recruit agents from existing announcement.
Notes: 0402 Office of Justice Programs (OJP)  
  0411 Office of Violence Against Women (OVW)  
  0412 Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)  
  0421 Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Management and Administrative - To be transferred to OJP Account 0402, OVW Account 0411, COPS Account 0421.  
  0326 Office of Inspector General (OIG)  
  0699 Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) - $10 million to be transferred-in from OJP Account 0402.