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Building a Sustainable America - One Community at a Time
Thursday, Nov. 8, 2007

Washington, D.C. - Even deep into the political debate season, there is one issue that generates much agreement: the need to go green while keeping the economy growing. That's the target of the $3 million in grants EPA awarded on November 8, 2007 to cities and universities under its Collaborative Science and Technology Network for Sustainability (CNS) program.

"The future of environmental protection depends on sustainable approaches to preserving our natural resources and to reducing pollution. All Americans need to be involved," said George Gray, assistant administrator for the Office of Research and Development. "The CNS program enables citizens from all sectors -- local governments, nonprofits and universities -- to work together on practical projects for communities and states to achieve the economic and environmental benefits of green building and smart growth."

Projects were funded in two areas: Communities and the Built Environment and Industrial Ecology and Organizational Behavior. Looking at human behavior is necessary because sustainable development requires a change in thinking. Projects on behavior identify specific obstacles to the implementation of sustainability and ways to surmount them. CNS projects, for example, help predict the impact of housing development on nearby lakes and streams, and devise methods for urban planners to build sustainability into land development and transportation in cities.

The grants were awarded to the following universities and states to create or study:

Information on the CNS grants: http://www.epa.gov/ncer/2007cns
Information on the CNS program: http://www.epa.gov/ncer/cns
EPA's sustainability research program: http://www.epa.gov/sustainability

Contact: Suzanne Ackerman (ackerman.suzanne@epa.gov); phone: (202) 564-4355

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