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Title: A Model-Based Approach to Inventory Stratification

Author: McRoberts, Ronald E.

Year: 2006

Publication: In: Proceedings of the sixth annual forest inventory and analysis symposium; 2004 September 21-24; Denver, CO. Gen. Tech. Rep. WO-70. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service. 126p.

Abstract: Forest inventory programs report estimates of forest variables for areas of interest ranging in size from municipalities to counties to States and Provinces. Classified satellite imagery has been shown to be an effective source of ancillary data that, when used with stratified estimation techniques, contributes to increased precision with little corresponding increase in costs. A new approach to stratification based on using satellite imagery and a logistic regression model to predict proportion forest area is proposed. The results suggest that precision may be substantially increased for estimates of proportion forest area and volume per unit area.

Last Modified: 8/11/2006

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