Rick Redfield

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    5 days ago
    Rick Redfield commented on Your Money at Work

    I can't believe how you lie to the public Mr. Obama. I used to believe that the elected officials were elected in and to give the people a voice. So far what you guys have done is an act of treason. Cut spending ...Where?
    Help the people.... Where? Invest in the country ? where?
    Congress voted on the act, But None of them read the entire bill because of you Mr. President.
    And you signed the bill with out reading it.
    You have lost my trust and support.
    You complain about Corperate Executives and their provat jet. What about you and the Congress special use of Jet's? Just because you print more money and hand it out like candy to diabetics does not put you above critisim. We are in for a very long four years of pure hell.

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