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Extension Disaster Education Network Community Page

Last Updated: February 14, 2008 Related resource areas: Agrosecurity and Floods

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The Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) is a collaborative multi-state effort that links Extension professionals from across the country in various disciplines to provide information to citizens before, during and after disasters. EDEN is the premier provider of disaster education resources delivered through the land-grant university system.

The mission of the Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) is to share educational resources to reduce the impact of natural and man-made disasters.

This is carried out through:

  • Interdisciplinary and multi-state research and education programs addressing disaster mitigation, preparation, response and recovery
  • Linkages with federal, state and local agencies and organizations
  • Anticipation of future disaster education needs and actions
  • Timely and prompt communications and delivery of information that meets audience needs
  • Credible and reliable information

EDEN's Disaster Issues Community of Practice focuses on agrosecurity and floods.

Focus Area: Agrosecurity
The Community of Interest includes Extension educators, producers of agricultural commodities, the animal health care industry, ag cooperatives, food and commodity suppliers and distributors, food processors, food wholesalers, food retailers, consumers, and the agencies that have responsibility for ensuring the safety and security of our food industry from farm to table. Much of the effort in this CoI focuses on Best Management Practices and preventative measures, including planning, prevention, surveillance, and detection that occur on a daily basis. Research-based information is available in subject areas from farm to fork, or producer to consumer.

Focus Area: Floods
With unfortunate regularity, flooding occurs in many locations. This Community of Interest varies depending on which phase of flood disaster management is occurring -- preparedness, mitigation, response or recovery. Individuals, families, communities, elected leaders, agencies with responsibility for flooding, and those that provide assistance to individuals, families and communities that experience flooding can access valuable information on all phases of flooding.

The ongoing collaborative work of EDEN’s Disaster Issues Community of Practice provides the best of Extension's research-based, interdisciplinary, educational resources to help people prepare for or recover from natural or man-made disasters affecting their communities, families, farms, or businesses. We hope you find this site useful and look forward to your feedback.

Meet Our Experts: EDEN has a strong network of Extension educators and specialists in a wide variety of subject matter areas at institutions in every state and in three territories.

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