USDA Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


Pacific Southwest Research Station
800 Buchanan Street
West Annex Building
Albany, CA 94710-0011

(510) 559-6300

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.

Scientific research to improve the environment in the Lake Tahoe Basin

The Tahoe Science Program receives funding through the Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act (SNPLMA) to conduct science to inform efforts to restore Lake Tahoe and its watershed, as authorized in the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act. The Pacific Southwest Research Station (PSW) assumed responsibility in 2006 (Round 7 of SNPLMA) for sponsoring science projects using SNPLMA funds. The PSW Station established a competitive grant award program with a rigorous peer review process coordinated by the Tahoe Science Consortium, a collection of universities and agencies with active research programs at Lake Tahoe.

Projects by Round
What's New

View an update on the Round 9 request for proposals, which closed on October 23, 2008 at 4:30 P.M., Pacific time. Round 9 proposals have been forwarded for technical review.

Priority Research Issues and projects designed to address them

Air Quality Air pollutants pose threats to health of humans and forests at Lake Tahoe, as well as to the clarity of the lake itself. Research is underway to evaluate these impacts and develop appropriate treatments.

Climate Change New and expanding tools are needed to inform policymakers about how future climate change will specifically affect the Lake Tahoe basin and provide information that can lead to proactive policy alternatives.

Forest Fuel Management Forest treatments, including prescribed burning, are planned to reduce wildfire hazards. Research is underway to evaluate how both treatments and wildfires can affect values such as air quality, water quality, and wildlife habitat.

Special Ecological Communities Research is helping to better understand the special management needs of species and ecological communities that are particularly rare or vulnerable in the Tahoe basin.

Pollution Reduction Fine sediments, nutrients, and other pollutants, particularly from urban areas and roads, pose major threats to the clarity of Lake Tahoe. Research is helping to design best management practices (BMPs) to prevent these pollutants from entering downstream waterways.

Streams Research is helping to design projects to restore stream geomorphic and ecological functions, including retention of fine sediments and enhancement of habitat for plants and animals.

Lake Quality Monitoring and restoration measures are needed to evaluate and prevent the expansion of attached algae and invasion by non-native plants, mollusks, and warmwater fishes, all of which threaten the quality of the lake in the near-shore zone.

Science Integration The Tahoe Science Consortium conducts workshops and provides technical assistance to apply current research to challenges facing management agencies within the Tahoe Basin.

Science Update Report

View the latest Science Update Report issued by PSW and the TSC. The report describes the Tahoe Science Program, including all of the projects funded under the program to date as well as agency needs relative to the Round 9 subthemes.

Process for Selecting Projects
  • In the fall, the Secretary of the Interior approves the SNPLMA package.
  • PSW submits a request for proposals to address the research needs.
  • Researchers submit proposals to address the research needs.
  • TSC peer review process (click here for more details):
    • Independent scientists review the proposals for scientific merit and effectiveness.
    • Representatives of management agencies evaluate the relevancy of the proposals to the environmental challenges that they face.
    • The peer review committee recommends projects to be funded based upon scientific quality, relevancy, and funding availability.
  • PSW funds projects based on recommendations from the TSC peer review committee.
Science Issues

The Tahoe Science Consortium convenes a panel of scientists along with representatives of management agencies who collaboratively generate an annual list of research priorities, or science themes, ultimately approved by the Secretary of Interior.

For more information, contact Jonathan Long, Tahoe Science Program Coordinator

Last Modified: Jan 12, 2009 07:19:04 PM