Getting Involved

Corporate Campaign for Migratory Bird Conservation

Migratory Bird Campaign        Model Projects

Imagine a day when natural areas throughout the Western Hemisphere are linked – crisscrossing the land to form wild corridors for our migratory birds and other creatures. 

The 2003 First Flight Awards were presented at WHC's 15th Anniversary Symposium to corporations, government agencies and non-profits for their leadership and support in launching the Corporate Campaign for Migratory Bird Conservation. Recipients have played key roles in the Campaign's current pilot projects that involve multiple stakeholders across the United States, Canada and Mexico.

2003 First Flight Recipients

Alcoa Inc.
American Bird Conservancy
Bridgestone Americas Holding, Inc.
The Dow Chemical Company
Lafarge North America Inc.
Nucor Corporation
Shell Oil Company
Unimin Corporation
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Vulcan Materials Company

First Flight - ExxonMobil
Photo © John Cooke Photography

The 2003 First Flight Awards were presented to corporations, government agencies and non-profits for their leadership and support in launching the Corporate Campaign for Migratory Bird Conservation. Recipients have played key roles in the Campaign's current pilot projects that involve multiple stakeholders across the United States, Canada and Mexico. Steve Elbert, VP & Director, Regulatory Affairs, BP America Inc. & Past Chairman, WHC Board of Directors, presents a plaque to Greg Biddinger, Environmental Programs Coordinator, ExxonMobil.

Directory of WHC Awards