Wildlife Habitat Council Wildlife Habitat Council
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Indiana Land Revitalization

Brownfields Restoration

St. Clair River Waterways for Wildlife

Wildlife Teams in Action Wildlife Teams in Action


2008 Calendar Cover sm


Backyard Conservation

This Web site supported by Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company

The Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) works to increase the amount of quality wildlife habitat on corporate, private and public lands.


Member Sites

Thousands of visitors from around the world come to the WHC Web site to learn more about habitat conservation and the companies and employees who are making a difference around the globe. Make sure your company is being recognized for the important conservation initiatives and environmental stewardship efforts at corporate sites.

WHC is pleased to present our Member Pages. As you will see, each one features many of the habitat and educational activities in partnership with WHC, community volunteers, state and local agencies and others. The projects range from: restoring native prairie habitat, planting trees, constructing hundreds of bird nesting boxes and platforms to creating wildflower and butterfly gardens, building nature trails and safeguarding fragile riparian corridors, wetlands and upland areas.

American Electric Power
Consumers Energy
DTE Energy

Ford Motor Company
Lafarge North America Inc.

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WHC started this recognition of members as a benefit to those companies who achieve a level of excellence and meet certain criteria. These objectives, include:

  • A member of WHC for at least three consecutive years;                                                  
  • At least ten active sites with Wildlife at Work programs;                                                  
  • At least seven WHC certified programs;                                                  
  • Significant contributions to other aspects of WHC’s program and execution, such as participation on the WHC Board of Directors or assisting with the launch of a Waterways for Wildlife project. Other support can include sponsorship of a WHC component – publications, Web site, database development or annual conferences; and                                                  
  • A minimum annual financial support, including all programs and contributions.

Stay on the path with WHC members and contact WHC to get your member pages. Find out today how to engage your facilities today. Apply now!

Lafarge Exshaw osprey pair in nest
An osprey (Pandion haliaetus) sits in a nesting platform at the Lafarge North America Inc.'s Exshaw Plant in Alberta, Canada.

Copyright 2009 Wildlife Habitat Council