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Annual Recognition Awards

WHC’s prestigious International Conservation Awards recognize voluntary activities by companies who demonstrate excellence in the areas of wildlife habitat enhancement and restoration. Each award winner shows that employing exemplary practices and approaches helps protects our natural resources and the environment while continuing to promote significant economic benefits. A panel of independent judges, which includes one representative from a conservation organization, a government agency and a corporation, reviews nominees for the awards. 

Learn about award criteria

3M Center Egret
Gliding across the water is a great egret (Ardea alba) at the 3M Center (2004 Rookie of the Year) in St. Paul, Minnesota. Photo by Bruce Gustafson.

The Registry of Certified & Internationally Accredited Corporate Wildlife Habitat Programs lists complete information on all WHC certified programs.

In 1994, WHC adopted two new award categories, Corporate Habitat of the Year and Rookie of the Year, to recognize two corporate sites for outstanding environmental stewardship and voluntary employee efforts.

Only sites that are applying for first time certification are eligible for the Rookie of the Year award, and only sites that have been previously certified and are currently applying for recertification are considered for the Corporate Habitat of the Year award. Read about past and current winners below.

Each year, the Corporate Habitat of the Year is presented with the solid bronze osprey statue, at the Annual Symposium, to take back to their site to display for one year. The osprey (Pandion haliaetus) was commissioned by WHC in 1994 by local Maryland wildlife artist, Walter T. Matia. The migratory raptor is symbolic of WHC’s mission to protect and enhance species through beneficial management techniques, as a bird that was once declining in numbers. The word osprey is thought to have come into Middle English from Old French (ospreit), which is thought to have come from Latin (avis praedae, bird of prey). It is protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald Eagle Act, which provides protection for all birds of prey.

In 1998, WHC introduced the Community Partner of the Year. This annual award goes to one organization or individual for making a significant contribution and lasting impact on a corporate site's wildlife habitat enhancement programs through hands-on environmental awareness and enhancement activities.

In 2001, WHC presented a new annual award, the Corporate Lands for Learning of the Year. Sites that are applying for CLL certification and recertification are considered for this award. The Corporate Lands for Learning of the Year award is designed to recognize a site for outstanding environmental education, stewardship and voluntary employee efforts.

More information about each year's award nominees can be found on the Symposium section of WHC's Web site. The awards are presented at the Annual Symposium.

WM Kirby Canyon bay checkerspot
Waste Management, Inc.'s Kirby Canyon Waste Management Landfill (2002 Rookie of the Year) in Morgan Hill, California, protects and enhances the serpentine-soil based grasslands, and the populations of endangered and threatened species present at the site, such as the Bay checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha bayensis).

Directory of WHC Awards