Adopt a Watershed
Corporate Habitats
Backyard Conservation


The Cuyahoga Habitat Partnership is a project of the Wildlife Habitat Council.

Partnering industry with community, conservation, and a greener Cuyahoga.

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19th Annual Symposium
The Value of Green
November 12-13, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Go Zero with the
Wildlife Habitat Council


2007 Symposium Logo

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The Cuyahoga River is one of only fourteen federally designated American Heritage Rivers, recognizing its significant and unique role in the country’s history. Learning from the past, the Cleveland community is now transforming the Cuyahoga into the "River of Recovery."

You and your business can contribute to this vital resurrection, impacting not only the environment, but  the economics and health of our communities by joining our Adopt-a-Watershed program with the Cuyahoga River Community Planning Organization. 

Through hands-on projects, you will help create a greener Cuyahoga. What will your impact be?

Corporate and backyard habitats are simple but meaningful projects that we all must engage in if we are to protect our region's natural beauty and biodiversity.  Learn how to begin, whether at home or the workplace.

c/o Bayer Corporation, 100 Bayer Road, Pittsburg, PA 15205   Telephone: 412-777-2464
Copyright Wildlife Habitat Council, 2001-2009