FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                          AT
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1995                       (202) 616-2771
                                               TDD (202) 514-1888


     WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A Japanese company, a Wisconsin company
and two executives were charged today with price fixing in
connection with the Department of Justice's ongoing antitrust
investigation into the $120 million a year thermal fax paper
     The Department's investigation has already resulted in
several guilty pleas with criminal fines totaling more than $10
     Thermal fax paper is used primarily by small businesses and
home fax machine owners who depend on low prices for office
     Named defendants in the two-count indictment returned today
by a federal grand jury in Boston are:
     --   Appleton Papers Inc. of Appleton, Wisconsin, and 
          its vice president of research and development, 
          Jerry A. Wallace.
     --   Jujo Paper Co. Ltd. of Tokyo, Japan. 
     --   Nippon Paper Industries Co. Ltd. of Tokyo Japan.
     --   Hirinori Ichida, an executive of Mitsubishi Paper
          Mills Ltd., of Tokyo, Japan.
     The indictment charged that the defendants and co-conspirators, 
through a series of meetings and telephone conversations, agreed to 
raise and maintain the price of thermal fax paper sold in the United 
States and Canada in violation of the Sherman Act.
     Anne K. Bingaman, Assistant Attorney General in charge of
the Antitrust Division, said, "The Antitrust Division is meeting
the challenge of a global economy by substantially expanding
investigations and cases with significant international aspects."
     The indictment charged that between February 1990 and
December 1990, Jujo Paper, now known as Nippon Paper, conspired
with others to increase prices of jumbo roll thermal fax paper
sold in the United States and Canada.  In the indictment, both
Jujo Paper and its successor Nippon Paper are charged in the
price fixing conspiracy.  Bingaman said that Jujo Paper and other
Japanese co-conspirators held meetings in Japan where they
discussed and agreed to increase prices for fax paper to be sold
in North America. 
     Nippon Paper was formed in 1993 when Jujo Paper and Sanyo
Kokusaku Co. Ltd. merged.  In 1990, Jujo Paper sold imported fax
paper valued at approximately $6.1 million to customers in North
     The indictment also charged that Appleton Papers, Wallace,
and Ichida, conspired to increase prices of jumbo roll thermal
fax paper sold in the United States and Canada from July 1991
until February 1992.     
     Appleton Papers sold approximately $45 million worth of fax
paper to customers in North America in 1991.  Mitsubishi Paper
Mills sold approximately $4.8 million worth of fax paper to
customers in the United States.
     Bingaman stated that the charges arose from a grand jury
investigation conducted by the Antitrust Division's Litigation II
Section in Washington, D.C., with assistance from the Federal
Bureau of Investigation's office in Boston.  The investigation is
continuing and has been conducted jointly with Canadian Antitrust
      In September 1995, Mitsubishi Paper Mills and New Oji Paper
Co. agreed to plead guilty and settle price fixing charges. 
Mitsubishi Paper Mills agreed to pay $1.8 million and New Oji
Paper agreed to pay $1.75 million in criminal fines.  
     Kanzaki Specialty Papers of Ware, Massachusetts; its former
president, Kazuhiko Watanabe; Mitsubishi International
Corporation, of New York; Mitsubishi Corporation, of Tokyo,
Japan; and Elof Hansson Paper & Board Inc. of New York pleaded
guilty to similar price fixing charges.  Kanzaki Specialty Papers
was fined $4.5 million and Watanabe was fined $165,000. 
Mitsubishi Corporation was fined $1.26 million and Mitsubishi
International was fined $540,000.  Elof Hansson was fined
     The maximum penalty for a corporation convicted under the
Sherman Act is a fine of $10 million, twice the pecuniary gain
the corporation derived from the crime, or twice the pecuniary
loss suffered by the victims of the crime, whichever is greater.
     The maximum penalty for an individual convicted under the
Sherman Act is a period of incarceration of three years and the
greatest of a $350,000 fine, twice the gross pecuniary gain the
individual derived from the crime, or twice the gross pecuniary
loss caused to the victims of the crime.