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Texas State & Local Planning & Response Activities

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Federal Help for Texas Planning

Texas received $5,875,044 in phase one funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to use for pandemic planning activities. Texas received additional funds of $15,450,021 from the revised phase two of Health and Human Services’ local and state allocations. A supplemental $4,769,753 was awarded to help strengthen the state's capacity to respond to a pandemic influenza outbreak. These grants are based on a formula adjusted for population.
State and Local Funding Distribution Chart >>
Phase I Allocation Press Release >>
Phase II Allocation Press Release >>
2007 Allocation, August >>

State Activities

The state of Texas, HHS and other federal agencies held a pandemic planning summit on March 27, 2006, with public health and emergency management and response leaders within the state.

Local Activities

State Contacts

Contact Information for the Departments of Agriculture, Wildlife and Public Health
Find information on how to contact these departments in Texas, by mail and by phone. When available, fax numbers and Web addresses are also provided