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Smithsonian Institution OUSS/MCI

Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry Facility

Supporting Excellence in Smithsonian Science


Mission Statement





Sample Submission

Contact Information




Mass Spectroscopy Initiative Mission Statement

To provide SI researchers and their students with high-quality scientific tools that encourages and produces outstanding research in the sciences, history, arts and culture that builds upon Smithsonian collections and areas of intellectual expertise.





During the past twenty years, the development and widespread proliferation of modern mass spectrometers has made the task of measuring the masses and relative concentrations of atoms and molecules at high precision (in both organic and inorganic compounds) a reality at most major research institutions throughout the United States. The availability of modern mass spectrometers offers researchers access to a wealth of new scientific knowledge, with much of it based on subtle variations in composition caused by a variety of physical and chemical mechanisms in nature. In recognition of this need, the Smithsonian Institution’s Office of the Undersecretary for Science, in collaboration with the Museum Conservation Institute, formed a Mass Spectrometry Advisory Panel tasked with the goal of identification, acquisition, and development of scientific instrumentation that will meet the research requirements of the broadest segment of SI researchers and their students.


In early discussions with OUSS, MCI, and the Advisory Panel, it was recognized that the most critical and immediate need was a pan-institutional laboratory capable of high-precision measurements of isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and sulfur (C, N, O, H, S). These elements naturally occur as two or more stable (non-radioactive) isotopes. Isotopic variations arising from mass-dependent isotopic fractionation in organic and inorganic substances can be used to trace the pathways and forms that these key elements take as they are transferred and cycled within biological and geochemical systems. Measurements of stable isotope ratios in soils and plant samples are used to reconstruct past climates and vegetation, evaluate physiological responses of wild and domesticated plants (and animals), characterize energy and material transfers and transformations among plant, animal, and microbial components of ecosystems, and understand atmosphere-biosphere interactions. Stable isotopes record information on biological and physical processes operating across space and time, and thus are useful in integrative studies that span disciplines and levels of biological organization. Rapid and precise stable isotope analysis of solid, liquid, and gaseous materials is fundamental to many studies in physiology, ecology, hydrology, earth and atmospheric sciences, and art history and conservation.


Funding to support this initiative was obtained via FY 2007 year-end funding and MCI, with support from OUSS, took the lead in setting set up a central laboratory with two stable isotope ratio mass spectrometers and associated peripherals. A contractor was hired in May 2008 to oversee the initial setup and operation of the instruments. Both instruments were installed in June 2008. A full time scientist was subsequently hired by MCI in November 2008 to oversee day-to-day operation of the laboratory. Both instruments are now on-line and fully operational.










Thermo Delta V Continuous Flow Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometer interfaced with a Costech Elemental Analyzer via a ConFlo IV.


Used for isotopic measurements of bulk materials (organic, some inorganic): d13C, d15N, d34S (sulfur isotopic analyses will be limited).




Thermo Delta V Continuous Flow Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometer and Dual Inlet (for externally prepared, high-precision applications).


This instrument is interfaced with a TC/EA via a ConFlo IV for isotopic measurements of bulk materials (organic, inorganic): d2H, d18O and a GasBench II isotopic measurements of carbonates and waters: d13C, d18O



Costech ECS 4010 CHNOS Element Analyzer


Can be used as a stand-alone instrument to measure bulk carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and sulfur in a given sample, or as a sampling system for IRMS that does not contaminate the sample with atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen, especially working at very low concentrations.



Who is eligible?

Use of the Smithsonian Institution OUSS/MCI Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry Facility is reserved for all SI staff, fellows and research affiliates.  At this time we cannot accept samples or projects from outside of the Smithsonian.

MCI has staff available provide oversight and assistance with sample preparation. Lab space for sample preparation is available at MCI.



What is the cost?

Samples currently are accepted for analysis at no charge, but a modest fee-per-sample charge to support the lab may be implemented at some point in the future. 



Sample Submission

Please contact Christine France or Jeff Speakman before sending samples for analysis.

We cannot analyze labeled (isotopically enriched) samples at this time.


IRMS Sample Submission Instructions:


Ø Samples for EA Bulk Analysis


Ø Samples for TC/EA Bulk Analysis




Contact Information

For further information regarding the Smithsonian Institution OUSS/MCI Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry Facility, please contact Peter Marra, Christine France,  or Jeff Speakman