
Corporate Partnership Opportunities

For more information, contact Kevin Sander
402-473-9543 |

Ways to Support

  • Sponsor youth education programs.
  • Plant Trees in Celebration for employee anniversaries, birthdays or retirements.
  • Implement a corporate matching gift program.
  • Hold employee Arbor Day celebrations and fundraisers.
  • Tie donations to sales of products and/or services.
  • Donate in-kind services, products, materials or equipment.
  • Sponsor conferences, seminars and training programs.
  • Purchase Arbor Day Gourmet Coffee as premiums and to serve in offices and employee cafeterias.

How to Become a Corporate Sponsor

Corporate support has helped The Arbor Day Foundation plant millions of trees in our nation’s forests.

We welcome new and creative sponsorship ideas, and our marketing department will help design a mutually beneficial promotional program that is customized to your company and your marketing needs.