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Agricultural Chemicals and Production Technology: Nutrient Management


The high yields achieved in crop production in the United States require that large amounts of nutrients be applied to the soil to replace those withdrawn in the production cycle. While animal manure and other organic materials contribute to nutrient replacement, commercial fertilizers are the major source of applied plant nutrients. The application of commercial fertilizers is economically beneficial for most farmers. However, when manure and/or commercial fertilizer quantities or application timing are not consistent with crop requirements and growing cycle conditions, excess nutrients can harm the environment, polluting ground water and/or surface water, lakes, streams, and rivers.

Excessive nitrogen or phosphorus in surface water can cause algae to grow at an accelerated rate and cloud water, which prevents aquatic plants from receiving sunlight for photosynthesis. When the algae die and are decomposed by bacteria, they deplete the oxygen dissolved in the water and threaten aquatic life. This process, eutrophication, can result in clogged pipelines, fish kills, and reduced recreational opportunities. According to EPA, nutrient pollution is the leading cause of water quality impairment in lakes and estuaries and the third leading cause in rivers. At high concentrations in the ground water, nitrates make drinking water unsafe.

Some farming operations combine livestock, grain and forage production. These rely upon nutrient sources produced on the farm, such as manure and legumes, as well as commercial nutrients purchased from off the farm. However, the management of nutrients produced on-farm can be more complex than of those purchased because of the greater uncertainties in product form, nutrient quality, and environmental impacts. The choice to use such a farming system or to rely primarily upon grain crops and commercial nutrients depends upon the assessment of economic and environmental costs and benefits and the long-run sustainability of the farm.


Importance of Nutrient Management

The high yields achieved in crop production in the United States require that large amounts of nutrients be applied to the soil to replace those withdrawn in the production cycle. While animal manure and other organic materials contribute to nutrient replacement, commercial fertilizers are the major source of applied plant nutrients. The application of commercial fertilizers is economically beneficial for most farmers. However, when manure and/or commercial fertilizer quantities or application timing are not consistent with crop requirements and growing cycle conditions, excess nutrients can harm the environment, polluting ground water and/or surface water, lakes, streams, and rivers.

Excessive nitrogen or phosphorus in surface water can cause algae to grow at an accelerated rate and cloud water, which prevents aquatic plants from receiving sunlight for photosynthesis. When the algae die and are decomposed by bacteria, they deplete the oxygen dissolved in the water and threaten aquatic life. This process, eutrophication, can result in clogged pipelines, fish kills, and reduced recreational opportunities. According to EPA, nutrient pollution is the leading cause of water quality impairment in lakes and estuaries and the third leading cause in rivers. At high concentrations in the ground water, nitrates make drinking water unsafe.

Some farming operations combine livestock, grain and forage production. These rely upon nutrient sources produced on the farm, such as manure and legumes, as well as commercial nutrients purchased from off the farm. However, the management of nutrients produced on-farm can be more complex than of those purchased because of the greater uncertainties in product form, nutrient quality, and environmental impacts. The choice to use such a farming system or to rely primarily upon grain crops and commercial nutrients depends upon the assessment of economic and environmental costs and benefits and the long-run sustainability of the farm. For more details on nutrient management, refer to chapter 4.4 of the Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators.

Common Commercial Fertilizers Used in the United States

Nitrogen (N), phosphate (P2O5), and potash (K2O) use for all purposes rose from 7.5 million nutrient tons in 1960 to a record 23.7 million tons in 1981 and then declined to 18.1 million tons in 1984 due to fewer planted acres. Total nutrient use then resumed an upward trend, totaling 20.6 million tons in 2001.

U.S. commercial fertilizer use, 1960-2001

While phosphate and potash contributed to the dramatic increase in fertilizer use during 1960 and 1970, nitrogen use increased more rapidly during the same period. In 1960, nitrogen use was about 37 percent of total commercial nutrient use. By 1981, nitrogen use represented over 50 percent of total nutrient use. Nitrogen use was 11.5 million tons in 2001, or 55.6 percent of total commercial nutrient use. This relative gain stems from increased fertilizer demand following favorable crop yield responses, to nitrogenous fertilizers, especially in corn.

Phosphate's share of total commercial nutrient use declined from 34.5 percent in 1960 to 20.5 percent by 2001. Potash's share declined from 29.9 percent in 1960 to 23.8 percent in 2001. Potash use, historically lower than both nitrogen and phosphate, exceeded phosphate use for the first time in 1977, a trend that continues.

Fertilizer forms have changed from mixed to direct application

The forms in which fertilizer products are used have been changing from mixed fertilizers (containing two or more nutrients) to direct-application materials (containing primarily one nutrient). This trend results because of higher nutrient concentrations and lower production and application costs. The share of total fertilizer used as mixed fertilizers declined from 63 percent in 1960 to 35 percent in 1998, and it remains at that level in 2001. This change is due mainly to increases in direct application of nitrogen.

The use of major direct-application nitrogen materials increased through the early 1980's. High-analysis products such as anhydrous ammonia, nitrogen solutions, and urea benefited from economies in transportation, distribution, and storage, and from the ease and accuracy of applying nitrogen solutions.

Directly applied phosphate fertilizer products have declined since the early 1970's because of the increased use of diammonium phosphate (DAP). The trend throughout the 1960's and 1970's was toward increased use of triple superphosphates (products that contained a higher percentage of phosphate) relative to normal superphosphates because of transportation, distribution, and storage economies. Since 1979, consumption of both normal and triple superphosphate has declined. The use of DAP, a mixed fertilizer containing 18 percent nitrogen and 46 percent phosphate, has increased dramatically since the 1960's, reflecting its low production cost, high phosphate analysis, high water solubility, and good handling and storage characteristics. Phosphate use was 4.2 million tons in 2001.

The use of potassium chloride, the major directly applied potash fertilizer (containing about 60 percent potash), has also increased greatly since the 1960. Total use of potash reached a record 6.3 million tons in 1981, up from 2.2 million tons in 1960. Potash use was 4.9 million tons in 2001.

Fertilizer Use for Major Crops

Corn continues as the dominant user of commercial fertilizers (N, P2O5, K2O) in 2000, followed by wheat, cotton, and soybeans, based on the 2000 Agricultural Resources and Management Survey (ARMS). The ARMS survey for 2000 crops covers the major producing States, including 11 corn, 13 soybean, 8 upland cotton, 5 spring wheat, 16 winter wheat, and 11 sugar-beet States.


Nutrient use by major crops, 2000


Corn, soybeans, wheat, and cotton were planted on 98 percent of the cropland represented in the 2000 ARMS survey. Corn is the major cropland user, followed closely by soybeans.


Crop share of planted acreage, 2000


Fertilizer application rates were relatively unchanged from those of 1999, but fertilized acres declined, resulting in slightly reduced total fertilizer use in 2000.

Corn was the largest user of nitrogen, phosphate, and potash fertilizers, followed by wheat, soybeans, and cotton.

  • Nitrogen was applied to 98 percent of 61.2 million planted corn acres in major producing States, fertilized with an average application rate of 137 pounds per acre.
  • Nitrogen application rates for corn in the 1990s were lower than in the 1980s, but have increased in 2000.
  • Phosphate was applied to 85 percent of corn acres fertilized, with an average application rate of 58 pounds per acre. Phosphate application rates for corn have declined slightly since 1980.
  • Potash was applied to 69 percent of corn acres fertilized in 2001, with an average application rate of 83 pounds per acre. Potash application rates for corn ranged around 80 pounds per acre since 1980.
  • Nitrogen, phosphate, and potash application rates vary substantially among corn producing States.

Highlights of Common Nutrient Management Practices on Major Field Crops in 2000

The most common time to apply fertilizer to corn and soybeans continues to be spring, before planting. For other crops, the most common times for fertilization are:

  • At planting for durum and spring wheat
  • After planting for upland cotton
  • Fall/before planting for winter wheat and sugarbeets.

Ground broadcast continued to be the principal method of fertilizer application on the major crops, followed by banding and injection.

Soil testing for fertilizer needs ranged from 84 percent of acres for sugarbeets to 25 percent for all soybeans. Most acres were tested for nitrogen.

Crop acreage receiving soil tests, 2000

Data on fertilizer use and practices are available for individual surveyed States by crop.

Review of 1999 Nutrient Use and Practices on Major Crops

  • Total nutrient use was down about 2 percent in 1999 compared to 1998 with nitrogen use up 1 percent, phosphate use down 6, and potash use down 5 percent.

  • Acreage planted to corn and wheat, the two crops using the most fertilizer, was less than in 1998, while acreage planted to soybeans and cotton was up. Corn used 40 - 45 percent of all fertilizer.

  • Application rates varied by crop when compared to 1998. For corn, the annual nitrogen application rate was up a pound, phosphate the same, and potash down 2 pounds.

  • On soybeans, application rates were down for all nutrients.

  • On cotton, rates were up for all nutrients.

  • Only one wheat-producing State was surveyed, so comparisons to 1998 were not done.

  • Potatoes received the highest annual application rates per acre for field crops, with nitrogen averaging 222 pounds, phosphate 176 pounds, and potash 167 pounds.

  • Most fertilizer was applied in 1999 at or before planting on field crops.

Review of 1998 Nutrient Use and Practices on Major Crops

  • Total nutrient use was less than 1 percent lower in 1998 than in 1997, with nitrogen and phosphate use about the same time, and potash use down about 2 percent.

  • The major factor decreasing nutrient use in 1998 was lower fertilized wheat acreage, which used about 14 percent of all fertilizer.

  • Nitrogen and phosphate application rates on wheat were about the same in 1998 as in 1997, but potash application rates were less.

  • Corn acreage, which used 40 to 45 percent of all fertilizer, was about the same in 1998 as in 1997.

Common Nutrient Management Practices used by U.S. Farmers

A number of nutrient management practices are used to enhance fertilizer use efficiency and reduce nutrient losses into the environment. These practices include:

  • Assessing nutrient need through annual or regular soil and plant tissue testing before applying nutrients, in contrast to limited or no testing before applying nutrients. Soil testing identifies the amount of nutrients already available for plant uptake, and is used to identify the additional amounts of nutrients needed to meet a realistic yield goal. A plant tissue nitrogen test uses chlorophyll (or greenness) sensing to detect nitrogen deficiency during the growing season to assist in assessing the need for additional commercial fertilizer applications. Correction of any nitrogen deficiency is then made through chemigation or other foliar application.

  • Timing nutrient application to tailor feeding to plant-growth needs, for example, split application of nitrogen fertilizer into at planting and after planting, in contrast to fall and early spring applications of nitrogen before planting.

  • Applying nutrients close to the root zone so they are more readily accessible to the plant, through banded and injected applications and chemigation, in contrast to ground and air broadcast and application in the furrow. With side-dressing or banded application, granule or liquid nitrogen fertilizer is placed to one side of the plant or placed every other row at planting or during the growing season.

  • Selecting the nutrient product according to the chemical stability in the soil, in order to minimize nutrient loss to the environment. For example, use an ammonia-based fertilizer on fields with high leaching soils, and a nitrate-based fertilizer on fields where ammonia volatilization is a problem.

  • Rotating nitrogen-using with nitrogen-fixing crops. Cover crops are planted between crop seasons to tie up and preserve nutrients, in contrast to continuous planting of the same nitrogen-using crop and not planting any cover crops.

  • Applying manure and organic waste based on manure and waste test results and nutrient management plan. Adequate storage is available for manure so that applications will mesh with plant nutrient needs and applications are injected or incorporated into the soil.

  • Using nitrogen inhibitors and other products to slow the release of nitrates from ammonium fertilizers until later in the growing season, by delaying the conversion of ammonium nitrogen into nitrate nitrogen, which is susceptible to leaching. N-inhibitors can also be used with manure and other forms of organic nitrogen fertilizer.

    • Urease inhibitors—Chemical compounds that can be added to urea to slow the conversion of urea to ammonium and therefore to slow nitrate leaching.
    • Slow-release nitrogen fertilizer—Fertilizer coated with chemicals that can retard release of nitrogen from applied fertilizer and prolong the supply of nitrogen for plant uptake.

  • Refraining from broadcasting nitrogen fertilizer, or if broadcast, incorporating the product into the soil, which reduces the losses of nitrogen to the atmosphere. Certain nitrogen products, especially urea, are subject to extensive volatilization when broadcast. Certain nitrogen products are injected or knifed-in, usually 12-24 cm below the soil surface. Nitrogen can also be incorporated into the soil by tillage. High-pressure liquid nitrogen such as anhydrous ammonia is the most common form of nitrogen injected into the soil. Nitrogen solutions in low-pressure liquid form are also injected into the soil.

  • Applying all nitrogen at and/or after planting, when the demand by the crop is greatest, which reduces the risk of nitrogen loss through leaching. Conversely, applying all nitrogen in the fall can increase the risk of leaching, under certain soil and weather conditions.

Results from the 1996 USDA Agricultural Resources Management Study survey of corn farmers indicate a modest utilization of nutrient testing techniques on corn acreage. Soil tests were the most extensively used (on 44 percent of the corn acreage). Nitrogen tests, nitrogen inhibitors, and broadcast applications with incorporation were used to lesser degrees. Nitrogen management on those acres receiving the nitrogen test followed recommendations closely, with 82 percent receiving nitrogen at rates exactly as recommended or lower. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied to corn several times during the year, with the largest acreage receiving it before planting of corn, either in the fall, spring, or both. The second largest bloc of acreage had nitrogen applied at or after planting time, followed by all the nitrogen applied in the fall.

Potential Contribution of Precision Agricultural Technologies Contribute to Nutrient Management

Precision agriculture is typically characterized as a suite of information technologies used to monitor and manage sub-field spatial variability. Variable rate application of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation water has the potential to enhance producers' profits and reduce the risk to the environment from agricultural production through the tailoring of input use and application more closely to ideal plant growth and management needs.

Precision agriculture developments reflect innovations during the last decade in the computer, telecommunications, and satellite industries which have made more detailed spatial and temporal management of nutrients and other inputs within fields technically feasible. The application of these information technologies, known as precision farming or site-specific farming, enables producers to monitor and differentially manage small areas of a field that have similar soil or plant characteristics. Components of a comprehensive precision farming system typically include:

  • Intensively testing soils or plant tissues within a field
  • Equipment for locating position within a field via the Global Positioning System (GPS)
  • Ayield monitor
  • A computer to store and manipulate spatial data using some form of Geographic Information System (GIS) software
  • A variable-rate applicator.

More involved systems may also use remote sensing from satellite, aerial, or near-ground imaging platforms during the growing season to detect and treat areas of a field that may be experiencing nutrient stress.

Precision farming has the potential to improve net farm income by: (1) identifying places in a field where additional nutrient use will increase yield, and thus farm income, by more than the added cost; and (2) identifying places where reduced input use will reduce costs while maintaining yield. One preliminary estimate of additional fixed and variable costs of precision farming for corn is about $7-$8 per acre (Lowenberg-DeBoer and Swinton, 1995). Precision farming also has the potential to reduce off-site transport of agricultural chemicals with surface runoff, subsurface drainage, and leaching (Baker and others, 1997; Watkins, Lu, and Huang, 1998). Two years of Kansas field data indicate less total nitrogen fertilizer use with precision farming than with conventional nitrogen management (Snyder and others, 1997).

Corn production represents a potentially large market for precision agriculture technologies as corn producers are the largest users of cropland and agri-chemicals in U.S. agriculture. USDA surveys in 1996 and 1997 indicate that about 10 percent of all corn farms in the United States are using some aspect of precision farming (Daberkow and McBride, 1998). Among precision agriculture adopters, 70 percent used some aspect of precision agriculture—grid soil sampling, variable-rate technology (VRT) for lime or fertilizer application, or yield monitors.

Results from 1996 USDA Agricultural Resources Management Study found precision agriculture adopters more likely than non-adopters to:

  • Operate larger farms with greater assets and sales
  • Farm in the central Corn Belt (IL, IN, or IA)
  • Have more corn acres and achieve higher yields
  • Earn greater cash farm income
  • Have completed college
  • Use a computerized farm record system
  • Be less than 50 years of age
  • Rely on crop consultants for information on precision farming

Additional information is available from precision agriculture technology web sites.

Extent of Animal Manure Use in U.S. Corn Production

Animal manure contains nutrients and organic matter that can contribute to plant growth. However, its availability and content variability often limits its use in crop production. In the case of corn, data from the 1996 ARMS survey of U.S. corn growers in the 16 major corn producing States show that 8.4 million acres, 12 percent of the corn acres, received 50 million tons of manure. The average application rate was 5.9 tons per acre.

Pennsylvania had the largest percent of corn acres treated with manure, 58 percent, followed by Minnesota and Michigan. Dairy manure was the most common source of manure, applied to 42 percent of the corn acres on which manure was applied. Next in importance were cattle manure, applied to 27 percent of corn acres receiving manure, and hog manure, applied to 23 percent of the manure-receiving corn acres. Sixteen percent of corn acres on which manure was applied were soil tested for nitrogen.

The method of spreading and incorporating (or not incorporating) manure on corn acres influences the amount of nitrogen available for the crop. Typical application methods include surface broadcast using a manure spreader, irrigation systems, a tank wagon followed by incorporation by plow or discing, or injection (knifing) under the soil surface. For the States surveyed, manure was applied in a solid form to 72 percent of the corn acreage with the remaining acreage share receiving it in liquid form. Incorporation at time of application occurred on 68 percent of the manured acres, with 32 percent not incorporated.

In general, the closer to planting time that manure is applied, the greater the availability of nutrients for plant growth. Early spring application of manure before planting, thus allowing for the mineralization of organic nitrogen, is considered the best for corn production. Fall application of manure, even with incorporation, can result in large nitrogen losses because of the time between application and the next growing season. In the surveyed States, 60 percent of the manured acres received applications in the spring before planting, and 39 percent received the manure in the fall. Fifty percent of the manured acres received one application, and the remainder received two and three applications.

For more information refer to Chapter 4.4, Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators.

Trends in Precision Agriculture for Major Crops

Precision agriculture is a suite of information technologies used to monitor and manage different crop needs within a field. Variable-rate application of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation water can raise producer profits and reduce environmental risk from agricultural production by tailoring inputs more closely to ideal plant needs.

The 1996-2002 USDA Agricultural Resource Management Surveys found that adoption of precision agriculture continues to grow. Yield monitors are the most common precision agriculture technology used on major field crops, especially by corn and soybean producers. The use of monitors more than doubled on acreage planted to corn and soybeans between 1996 and 2001/2002.

The most common use of variable-rate technology (VRT) is for application of fertilizers, followed by pesticide application and seeding. Corn growers were most likely to use precision agricultural technologies while cotton growers were least likely.


For more information, contact: Wen Huang

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Updated date: October 4, 2005