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Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
Grants and outreach to advance sustainable innovations to the whole of American agriculture.

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Media Center

Welcome to the SARE sustainable agriculture media center, where you can find out about the latest publications and sustainable agriculture news, including press releases, images and contacts.

Contact the media team with questions or to request review copies:
Dena Leibman, Communications Specialist. (301) 504-5230
Sean McGovern, Outreach Specialist. (614) 306-6422

Contact regional offices for information about grant deadlines and applications.

Mission and vision
Learn more about SARE and its mission to advance sustainable innovations to the whole of American agriculture.

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Recent Press releases

Clean Energy Farming (February 2008)
"Clean Energy Farming: Cutting Costs, Improving Efficiencies, Harnessing Renewables" features innovative SARE-funded research and examples of farmers who are improving energy efficiency while saving money, implementing farming practices that both save energy and protect natural resources, and producing and using renewable fuels.

Press Release Word | PDF

Energy Bulletin cover Bulletin Cover
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Roger Rainville and canola

Roger Rainville hopes to achieve energy independence on his farm. One of his fuel feedstocks is homegrown canola.
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Credit: Bill DeLillo

cows and wind turbines


Pasturing cows, harvesting wind: two big energy savers.
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Credit:  Troy Bishopp


SARE 20/20 (March 2008)
This special 20th anniversary edition chronicles 20 years of agricultural innovation–from SARE’s beginning in 1988 to present-day stories of farmers, ranchers, researchers and educators working across America to develop and implement sustainable marketing and production practices.

Press Release Word | PDF

SARE 20/20 cover image
Bulletin Cover
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Paul Mueller

Paul Mueller, director of CEFS Farming Systems Research Unit.
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Credit: Center for Environmental Farming Systems

Don Bustos




New Mexico farmer Don Bustos uses a solar heated greenhouse, allowing him to farm year round.
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Credit: Victor Espinoza, NMSU

NEW AMERICAN FARM CONFERENCE: Advancing the Frontier of Sustainable Agriculture
Don't miss SARE's 20th Anniversary New American Farm Conference, March 25-27, 2008 at Kansas City, Missouri

Press Release Word | PDF

Managing Cover Crops Profitably, 3rd Edition. (September 2007)
Farmers across the U.S. are using cover crops to smother weeds, deter pests and slow erosion. They find that cover crops help them cut costs and boost profits while improving their soil and protecting natural resources. Revised and updated in 2007, the 3rd edition of Managing Cover Crops Profitably includes a new chapter on brassicas and mustards, 16 farm profiles, and a comprehensive chapter on the use of cover crops in conservation tillage systems.

Press Release Word | PDF

Cover Crops Handbook cover image
Bulletin Cover
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wheat/clover mix

Bryan and Donna Davis love what cover crops have done for their corn/soybean rotation. The Grinnell, Iowa couple relies on rye and oats to feed their soil and manage pests on their 1,000-acre, mostly no-till farm. “We have cut our chemical costs cut dramatically, and have reduced fertility costs in some fields by half” says Bryan.
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* Red clover, frostseeded into winter wheat, is well established just prior to wheat harvest. Photo by Steve Deming, MSU Kellogg Biological Station.

radishes as a cover crop Dale Gies has reduced his use of soil fumigants on potatoes thanks to the biocidal properties of Brassica cover crops. Gies is most excited about results using a mixture of white or oriental mustard and arugula, also a Brassica, to manage nematodes and potato early dying disease on his 750-acre farm in the Columbia basin of Grant County, Washington.
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* Guihua Chen, a Univ. of MD graduate student, studies the ability of
forage radish to alleviate soil compaction. Photo by Ray Weil, Univ. of MD.


Rangeland Management Strategies (March 2007)
Features innovative SARE-funded research on creating and sustaining a healthy range. Throughout, researchers and ranchers share goals and successes in winter and multi-species grazing, managing forage and other vegetation and protecting riparian areas.

Press Release Word | PDF

Range Bulletin Cover Image

Bulletin Cover
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NRCS employees survey rangeland health Martha Artega and Joel Torres, NRCS employees, survey rangeland quality near Zapata, Texas.
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Marketing Strategies for Farmers & Ranchers. (January 2007)
Marketing Strategies features innovative SARE-funded research in a range of marketing options. Throughout, farmers and ranchers share how farmers markets, CSA, tourism, direct meat sales, season extension, adding value, restaurants, media campaigns, and the Internet improved their livelihoods as well as their outlook on life. The bulletin includes a section on evaluation and business planning, plus a full list of in-depth resources on alternative farm marketing options.

Press Release Word | PDF

marketing bulletin cover

Bulletin Cover (color)
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Jeff and Jill Burkhart Jeff and Jill Burkhart opened an on-site creamery to showcase their Iowa dairy products, which they promote through farm days and a new Website developed with help from SARE.
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