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Results 1 - 10 of 431 2 3 4 5 next Page 1 of 5
Accepta Water Treatment
Accepta offers water and wastewater treatment chemicals, water analysis equipment, laboratory testing, test kits, pumps, dosing, control and plant equipment plus custom manufacturing and own label services. The site also offers a considerable amount of high quality information including best practice guides, water conservation guides, pollution control, legionella and environmental hygiene advice and much more. We also offer a free e-newsletter and make available extensive product data, specifications and safety data sheets.
URL:   http://www.accepta.com
Acid Rain Lesson Plan
The National Park Service Air Resources Division has developed a series of activities for grades 6-8 to help teach students about acid rain. The site consists of links to the background of the lesson plan and the five activities designed for the students. Time required for each activity is shown. Lessons cover the pH scale, the difference between an acid and a base, gases that contribute to acid rain, how acid rain is measured and monitored in the U.S.A., and understanding weather maps and the importance of storm tracking. Each of the pages can be printed individually or the entire lesson plan can be downloaded as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file.
URL:   http://www.nature.nps.gov/ard/lessons.html
Aachen Graduate College's postgraduate program in waste management conducts research on environmental pollution, particularly in wastewater, by endocrine disrupters such as steroid hormones and synthetic chemicals with hormonal effects. Research projects are described and literature cited.
URL:   http://www.uwf.rwth-aachen.de/ageesa/
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) is charged under the Superfund Act to assess the presence and nature of health hazards at specific Superfund sites and to help prevent or reduce further exposure and the illnesses that result from such exposures. Site includes general information and technical reports on common toxic substances, exposure risks, and other public health concerns. There is also a glossary of toxicological terminology.
URL:   http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/atsdrhome.html
Agricultura, Ciência do Solo e Água
This site presents some free books related to agriculture in soiless systems; coffee culture; organic agriculture; green fertilizers and specific materials like adsorption of organic anions in tropical soils.
URL:   http://www.geocities.com/gildoma/index.html
Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC) Home Page
The AgNIC (Agriculture Network Information Center) is a distributed network portal to agriculture-related information, subject area experts, and other resources. The site is a guide to quality agricultural information on the Internet as selected by the National Agricultural Library, Land-Grant Universities, and other institutions. The site contains various databases, dates for conferences, and references to other agriculture based sites.
URL:   http://www.agnic.org/
Agroecology/Sustainable Agriculture Program
The Agroecology program web site contains educational information, resources, research projects, and future events that will help to insure a sustainable way of living. Small farm issues are also detailed.
URL:   http://www.aces.uiuc.edu/~asap/
Agua Bolivia
Strengthens political and technical participation in the on going debate about water resources in Bolivia. Facilitate the process of information exchange between the State (Executive and Legislative branches) and civil society on water issues. Background documents on water issues are provided.
URL:   http://www.aguabolivia.org
Agua Latina
Revista técnica del agua para América Latina / Technical water magazine for Latin America. The magazine,a Netscape partner, and sponsored by UNESCO and the UNDP (Latin America regions), is written by and for professionals in the water industry. Web pages also include details of proposed and approved loans, bids, tenders, contracts and contact addresses of interest to companies aiming to work in Latin America.
URL:   http://www.agua-latina.com/
Portuguese-language weekly news journal covers all aspects of water resources in Brazil and other countries in South and Central America.
URL:   http://www.aguaonline.com.br
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