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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Drinking Water Research Information Network
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DRINK Database


DRINKING WATER RESEARCH INFORMATION NETWORK (DRINK) LOGOThe Drinking Water Research Information Network (DRINK) is a portal to information on projects funded or performed by water research organizations, government agencies in the U.S., international research organizations, and academic institutions focused on drinking water issues. It is a compilation of drinking water project information from partner organizations that creates a single source of information on ongoing research.

  • Basic Information: Find out background information about the formation of the DRINK database and what the database is able to do.
  • Frequent Questions: Have questions about DRINK? You can find the answers here.
  • Partners: Find out which organizations have become DRINK partners and how your organization can become one.
  • Drink Database Portal: Search the DRINK database, sign in, or manage and upload data.


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