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Title: Forest health monitoring in New England: 1990 annual report

Author: Brooks, Robert T.; Dickson, David R.; Burkman, William B.; Millers, Imants; Miller-Weeks, Margaret; Cooter, Ellen; Smith, Luther

Year: 1992

Publication: Resour. Bull. NE-125. Radnor, PA: US. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. 111 p.

Abstract: The USDA Forest Service, in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the New England State Forestry Agencies initiated field sampling for the Forest Health Monitoring program in 1990. Two hundred and sixty-three permanent sample plots were established. Measurements were taken to characterize the physical conditions of the plots. This publication reports results of the first-year measurements of tree crown condition, tree damage, and bioindicator plants. The publication also reports the status of major forest stressors during 1990, including forest insects and pathogens, atmospheric deposition and pollution, and climate and weather.

Last Modified: 10/18/2007

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