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Prescribed Fire Combustion-Atmospheric Dynamics Research Experiments (Rx-CADRE) by Joseph J. O'Brien

A great shot of fireline at Eglin.

Wildfires in the 21st century are increasing in frequency, intensity and complexity. These trends seem likely to continue in the face of climate change, shifting land use patterns, and an increasingly urbanized landscape. Application of prescribed fires that could reduce wildfires is also becoming more and more challenging. Fire science must rise to these challenges in a timely manner, but there is a need for greater collaboration and the pooling of talent and resources. Kevin Hiers, Research Associate, of the Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center initiated an experimental test of collaboration potential by organizing RxCADRE, the Prescribed Fire Combustion-Atmospheric Dynamics Research Experiments. Kevin organized teams of fire experts with a wide range of fire monitoring expertise and equipment from across the United States and Canada in order to instrument prescribed burns at Eglin Air Force Base and the Jones Center.....more Link

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John Stanturf, Project Leader SRS-4156
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