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1999 Rural Impact Awards

During the National Rural Development Partnership's 1999 spring conference, the Colorado, Illinois, North Carolina, and Utah State Rural Development Councils (SRDCs) received Rural Impact Awards. Each of the winners was recognized for specific work that is significantly improving the quality of life in rural America.

Colorado Rural Development Council

The Colorado Council has improved the quality of life in rural Colorado by assuring that the state's telecommunications policy reflects the needs of rural Colorado. As one part of its larger strategy to improve telecommunications in rural communities, CRDC provided a briefing paper to newly elected Governor Owens on Rural Telecommunications policy issues. The Governor adopted the first of several recommendations from CRDC and established the Governor's Office of Technology and Innovations.

Rural Partners (IL)

Beginning in the summer of 1996, Rural Partners, the State Rural Development Council in Illinois, began its efforts to coordinate the creation of a statewide strategic plan for rural Illinois. The document was completed in 1998 and Rural Partners has worked tirelessly to assure its use by key organizations in the state. Illinois Governor Ryan has stated that he will help implement the statewide strategic document through the Governors' Rural Affairs Council. Other key agencies are also using the document as they work with rural communities.

North Carolina Rural Development Council

In 1998, the North Carolina Council played a major role in framing the state-level policy discussions regarding rural water, sewer, and natural gas. The NCRDC's water/sewer project provided vital data that prompted legislation for a $1 billion bond referendum for water, sewer, and natural gas upgrades in rural communities. In November, that referendum passed and will provide $800 million for water/sewer and $200 million for natural gas. The Council's membership mobilized to inform communities, raise awareness, and urge citizens to participate in this process.

Utah Rural Development Council

The Utah Rural Development Council was recognized for improving the quality of life in rural Utah by brokering an implementation plan for the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument acceptable both to local communities and the federal government. This plan included an agreement on the contentious issues of the location of visitor centers, headquarters, education centers, roads, and utility corridors in the monument. Since adoption of the plan, the Council has continued to work with the local communities involved to help them respond constructively during plan implementation.