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Learn about the best materials and strategies for creating a greener home.

I remember this so well from my Hell’s Kitchen apartment back when I lived in New York City! Because of the steam heat radiator, it had two temperatures: hot or freezing.

A mechanical air exchanger would be a major project that your landlord would have to install for the whole building … my guess is that’s not going to happen!

Probably the cheapest, most manageable solution would be an air purifier. Here’s what Natural Home had to say about them a couple years ago: A Guide to Air Filters.

Hope that helps some!

— Robyn Griggs Lawrence, editor in chief, Natural Home magazine; author, The Wabi-Sabi House, 

More and more, building inspectors around the country are requiring that construction drawings, or “blueprints,” (which are rarely blue anymore) for residences be sealed by a licensed architect or engineer. This licensed professional must review, and in some cases supervise the drawing of, these documents. They then put their professional seal on them. This means they take full responsibility for all the information provided. If the building is built as drawn and sealed, any failure or defect th…

— Dan Trimble and Dan Griffin own and operate Timber Frame Services

In simple terms, "hybrid" means the use of two or more major systems, like a hybrid car that uses a gasoline engine and an electric motor for power. In the timber-frame world, it refers to the structural systems. You have to remember that aside from being an aesthetic element, a timber frame is structural — it's holding up the building and supporting the enclosure. If the design is a hybrid, the structural work is being shared between two or more structural systems. For instance, a hybrid timber…

— Dan Trimble and Dan Griffin, Timber Frame Services 

Both metal roofing and asphalt shingles have pros and cons. In his book The Good House Book: A Common-Sense Guide to Alternative Homebuilding, Clarke Snell says higher-quality asphalt shingles can be a viable option if properly chosen.  “Poor quality asphalt shingles ... are the Styrofoam cup of the building industry, [but] high-quality asphalt shingles are much cheaper than metal, easy for one person to install, accommodate roof punctures such as chimneys and skylights with relative ease, and c…

— Troy Griepentrog, associate editor

It’s important to understand that there is no simple response to this question. That’s because there are so many potential variables with every home and its structural and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) details. There are two main types of heat pumps: air-source and ground-source. People often get them confused. To complicate things even more, there are many variations on these two main categories. In any case, air-source heat pumps use latent heat in the air to heat or cool yo…

— Greg Pahl, author of Natural Home Heating: The Complete Guide to Renewable Energy Options (Chelsea Green, 2003)

The original CINVA ram was engineered by Raul Ramirez of the Inter-American Housing Center (Spanish acronym: CINVA) in Bogota, Columbia, in 1952. The name “CINVA” has come to stand for most lever action presses that make compressed earth blocks (CEBs) one at a time, whether of the original Ramirez design or something similar. One of the design features of the original CINVA ram was that it could be fabricated just about anywhere a welder and plate steel are available. Local fabrication, compact …

— Dan Johnson, Midwest Earth Builders

When it comes to greening the shower, remember this simple rule: No vinyl, that’s final. Commonly used vinyl shower curtain liners outgas toxic chemicals, diminishing indoor air quality. Instead, look for a heavy duty shower curtain made from hemp, which is naturally antifungal and antibacterial. The thick hemp fibers will get wet, but your floor won’t. Just remember to leave the curtain extended when you’re finished showering; this promotes even drying and discourages mold growth.

Good link: htt…

— Kim Wallace, assistant editor, Natural Home magazine

Without specifics then, I’ll keep my advice general. Two basic green building tenets are “build small” and “build to last”. From the “small” point of view, ask yourself if you need a garage at all. Well-designed carports require fewer materials and can provide space that is much more flexible. For example, enclosing the back of a carport for tool storage gives you a much larger workshop than an enclosed garage.

Another angle on the same topic is to build a larger garage that fulfills other needs …

— Clarke Snell


Well, this is my first go at answering an “ask the expert” question for Mother Earth News, and you’ve come up with quite a doozy! Finding a shower surround that is not tile and meets all of your requirements was tough, but I’ve got a few good suggestions for you:

1. Concrete: A concrete shower surround is going to be quite inexpensive and can look excellent. On the eco-friendliness scale, concrete is middle-of-the-road. You can generally find it locally made and it is low-energy to produce; that …

— Jessica Kellner, managing editor, Natural Home magazine

There are two options for insulating houses with straw. The straw is the primary structural material in some straw-bale homes — it actually holds up the roof. More commonly, post-and-beam or timber-frame construction forms the skeleton of the building, but straw is used to fill and insulate the space between wooden posts.

With either system, the straw must stay dry and is enclosed with some kind of plaster to protect it from insects and moisture, which would allow mold or fungus to develop. Other…

— Troy Griepentrog, associate editor

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