JOHN R. BLOCK, SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE, ET AL., PETITIONERS V. RONALD E. PAYNE, ET AL. No. 84-1948 In the Supreme Court of the United States October Term, 1984 The Solicitor General, on behalf of the Secretary of Agriculture, the Administrator of the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA), and FmHA Officials in Florida, Petitions for a Writ of Certiorari to Review the Judgment of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in this Case. Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit PARTIES TO THE PROCEEDING In addition to the Secretary of Agriculture, the Administrator of the Farmers Home Administration, the State Director and Assistant State Director of the agency's Florida office, the FmHA County Supervisor for Madison County, Florida, and a District Supervisor of the FmHA were defendants below and are petitioners in this Court. /*/ In addition to Ronald E. Payne, Carbie Ellie was an individual plaintiff below and is a respondent in this Court. Payne and Ellie were certified as representatives of a class of farmers in a 13-county area of north Florida covered by presidential disaster declaration M-345 who suffered losses from floods or storms in early April 1973 and who were eligible to apply for emergency loans administered by the FmHA but were not so notifed by the agency (App., infra, 46a-47a). In the district court, James H. Collins attempted to intervene as a plaintiff representing a class of farmers in 27 states and Puerto Rico who had suffered losses as a result of natural disaster occurring between December 27, 1972, and April 19, 1973, and who had been eligible to apply for emergency loans. Collins appealed unsuccessfully from the denial of his motion to intervene (App., infra, 27a-29a). TABLE OF CONTENTS Opinions below Jurisdiction Statutes and regulations involved Statement Reasons for granting the petition Conclusion Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Appendix I Appendix J OPINIONS BELOW The opinion of the court of appeals on remand from this Court (App., infra, 1a-3a) is reported at 751 F.2d 1191. The initial opinion of the court of appeals (App., infra, 4a-29a) is reported at 714 F.2d 1510. The supplemental opinion of the court of appeals on petition for rehearing (App., infra, 30a-33a) is reported at 721 F.2d 741. The opinion of the district court (App., infra, 34a-45a) is unreported. JURISDICTION The judgment of the court of appeals on remand from this Court was entered on January 31, 1985. A timely petition for rehearing was denied on March 19, 1985 (App., infra, 65a-66a). The jurisdiction of this Court is invoked under 28 U.S.C. 1254(1). STATUTES AND REGULATIONS INVOLVED Sections 4 and 10(c) of Pub. L. No. 93-237, 87 Stat. 1024-1025, Sections 1, 3, 4 and 8 of Pub. L. No. 93-24, 87 Stat. 24-25, and Section 5 of Pub. L. No. 92-385, 86 Stat. 557 are set forth at App., infra, 59a-64a, The applicable regulations, 7 C.F.R. 1832.81-1832.83 (1975), are set forth in pertinent part at App., infra, 53a-55a. QUESTION PRESENTED Whether the Secretary of Agriculture may be equitably estopped from enforcing a valid regulation establishing a deadline for filing of applications for Farmers Home Administration emergency loans on the ground that the agency's news release announcing the availability of loans did not specify the generous terms of the loan program. STATEMENT Like its earlier decision that was vacated by this Court and remanded for further consideration in light of Heckler v. Community Health Services, No. 83-56 (May 21, 1984), the decision of the court of appeals on remand requires the Secretary of Agriculture to reopen an emergency farm loan program that expired more than 10 years ago, 1. a. For many years the Farmers Home Administration of the Department of Agriculture has administered a program of emergency loans designed to make possible continuation of farming operations by farmers who have suffered crop losses or property damage as a result of natural disasters such as floods, storms, or drought. See Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act Sections 321-330, 7 U.S.C. 1961-1971. From time to time Congress has adjusted the interest rates, credit conditions and forgiveness of indebtedness provisions of the emergency loan program. Generally, however, if crop yields are substantially and adversely affected by a formally declared natural disaster and losses are not covered by insurance, an affected farmer may apply for an emergency loan. See generally 7 U.S.C. 1961; 7 C.F.R. Pt. 1945; 7 C.F.R. Pt. 1832 (1974). b. In early April 1973, heavy rains caused flooding, crop losses and property damage in a 13-county area of northern Florida. On May 26, 1973, the President declared this region to be a major disaster area. Pursuant to Section 321 of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, 7 U.S.C. 1961, the Secretary was then authorized to make emergency loans to farmers suffering losses in the affected area. Under the terms of the emergency loan program in affect at the time of the disaster designation, emergency loans bore an interest rate of 5%, and applicants were required to show inability to obtain credit from ordinary commercial sources. See Pub. L. No. 93-24, Sections 3, 4, 87 Stat. 24-25. No provision was made for cancellation of any portion of the principal amount of the loan. /1/ FmHA required applications for loans to cover crop losses to be filed within nine months of the formal disaster declaration. Thus, in the case of the north Florida floods of April 1973, applications were due no later than February 26, 1974, App., infra, 4a-6a. Apparently no loans were made in the north Florida disaster area during this period (id. at 91). On January 2, 1974, however, Congress liberalized the terms and conditions for FmHA emergency loans with respect to natural disasters occurring between December 27, 1972, and April 20, 1973. The new law made available emergency loans bearing a 1% interest rate for eligible farmers who had suffered losses in this interval, authorized cancellation of 50% of the principal amount of indebtedness, up to $5,000, and dispensed with the requirement that applicants show the unavailability of credit from other sources. Pub. L. No. 93-237, Section 4, 87 Stat. 1024. /2/ Congress directed that the Secretary of Agriculture "extend for ninety days after the date of (the new) enactment" the otherwise applicable deadline for seeking emergency loan assistance, if the administrative deadline based on the date of the disaster declaration was earlier. Pub. L. No. 93-237, Section 10(c), 87 Stat. 1025; see H.R. Rep. 93-363, 93d Cong., 1st Sess. 2 (1973). The effect of this provision was to enlarge the deadline for north Florida farmers to apply for emergency loans from February 27, 1974, thorugh April 2, 1974, and to make available more favorable loan terms than previously had been offered. On February 15, 1974, FmHA issued instructions to its staff and rules to implement the special emergency loan program created by Pub. L. No. 93-237. Initially issued as staff Special Instruction 441.5 in unpublished form, the directive was published without material change in the Federal Register on February 27, 1974. 7 C.F.R. Pt. 1832, Subpt. E, at 39 Fed. Reg. 7569. /3/ The Federal Register publication included all pertinent details concerning the terms and conditions of the special emergency loan program, including the 1% interest rate, the forgiveness provision, and the absence of any requirement that unavilability of other credit be demonstrated. 7 C.F.R. 1832.82(a) and 1832.83(a), at 39 Fed. Reg. 7570-7571 (App. infra, 54a-55a). The regulations also specified that "the termination date for acceptance of applications * * * will be April 2, 1974" (id. at 54a). In addition, although Pub. L. No. 93-237 did not require that the special loan program be publicized in any special manner, the agency's staff instructions stated: State Directors and County Supervisors will inform the news media, including newspapers, radio and television in the affected counties of the provisions of P.L. 93-237. A suggested news release for local use is attached as Exhibit C. App., infra, 49a, 54a. /4/ The "suggested news release" was transmitted by the state FmHA director to local agency offices on February 28, 1974, and was in turn "forwarded to the local media" (id. at 10a). /5/ The press release, which was carried in at least two newspapers in the north Florida disaster area (see DX's 11A and 11B, C.A. App. 48a, 49a), advised farmers that they could apply for emergency loans from FmHA under Pub. L. No. 93-237 if they had suffered property nor crop losses as a result of the April 1973 flooding, and that the application period would close on April 2, 1974. Only a handful of loan applications were received in this period (App., infra, 24a-25a). 2. Respondent Payne, a north Florida farmer, filed this action in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida on August 19, 1976. Although respondent Payne had received actual notice of the special 1974 emergency loan program, had applied for a loan, and had received one, he brought suit on behalf of a class of roughly 2500 farmers in the 13-county area covered by the May 26, 1973 disaster declaration who allegedly had been eligible for loans under the 1974 program. Contending that the class members had been denied property without due process by inadequacies in the publicity given to the special loan program, and that the FmHA had violated its own regulations governing publicity, respondent sought entry of an injunction directing that the 1974 loan program be reopened. C.A. App. 56a-61a. /6/ The district court certified a class consisting of all farmers in the 13-county area covered by the May 26, 1973 disaster declaration who suffered damages as a result of the natural disaster, were eligible to apply for emergency loans, and were not so notified (App., infra, 44a). In an opinion issued on February 11, 1981, the court held that the publicity given to the emergency loan program in 1973-1974 by the responsible FmHA offices did not satisfy the requirements of general agency publicity regulations, including a directive to make "such public announcements as appear appropriate" (7 C.F.R. 1832.3(a)(1) (1973)). App., infra, 42a-43a. Accordingly, the court enjoined FmHA to reopen the 1974 emergency loan program in the 1973 north Florida disaster area, directed the agency to give notice of the reopened program, and required it to process applications under the eligibility requirements prevailing in 1974 and to make loans upon the terms that were applicable in 1974 (id. 43a-45a). /7/ 3. a. On appeal, the government argued that by mandating reopening of the long closed 1974 emergency loan program, in disregard for the applicable deadline established by law, the district court had impermissibly estopped the United States from enforcing lawful conditions upon the receipt of public benefits, contrary to Schweiker v, Hansen, 450 U.S. 785 (1981), and FCIC v. Merrill, 332 U.S. 380 (1947). The government also argued that the publicity given to the 1973 and 1974 emergency loan programs in north Florida met any judicially enforceable legal requirements. /8/ b. The court of appeals affirmed (App., infra, 4a-29a). The court held that the publicity given to the special 1974 emergency loan program created by Pub. L. No. 93-237 in the north Florida disaster area was inadequate. The court reasoned that the press release disseminated by the state and local FmHA offices "failed to 'inform the news media . . . of the provisions of P.L. 93-237'" (App., infra, 25a (quoting 39 Fed. Reg. 7570 (1974); emphasis added by the court of appeals)) because it did not mention the reduced interest rate, the possibility of partial cancellation of the debt, or the waiver of any requirement that the unavailability of alternative sources of credit be demonostrated. The court thus concluded that the agency had failed to comply with its own publicity regulations governing the special 1974 emergency loan program (App., infra, 25a, 27a n.35). /9/ The court of appeals rejected the government's contention that the district court lacked authority to require reopening of the 1974 loan program (App., infra, 14a-22a). Initially, the court of appeals held that Section 10(c) of Pub. L. No. 93-237 (see page 4, supra) did not establish a statutory deadline for the filing of applications under the special 1974 emergency loan program. The court of appeals held that the statute merely mandated a minimum extension of administratively set deadlines, to ensure that those deadlines did not expire before eligible farmers had an opportunity to apply for assistance. The court concluded that the Secretary had authority to prescribe filing deadlines and, in the circumstances presented, could extend, or could be ordered (under the Administrative Procedure Act) to extend, the deadline for the 1974 loan program beyond April 2, 1974. App., infra, 16a-19a. The court of appeals stated that it did not "condone the failure of potential loan applicants to follow legitimate time restrictions set as prerequisite to applying for government benefits" (App., infra, 18a). In the court's view, however, FmHA's failure to give the special emergency loan program fuller publicity created "exigent circumstances beyond the farmers' control (that) precluded intended beneficiaries from applying for loans," and justified the district court's order that the agency "extend the loan period" (id. at 18a, 19a). Citing Accardi v. Shaughnessy, 347 U.S. 260 (1954), and Morton v. Ruiz, 415 U.S. 199 (1974), the court of appeals stated that reopening of the 1974 loan program was simply an application of the principle that agencies must abide by their own regulations (App., infra, at 19a, 21a-22a), The court of appeals rejected the contention that Schweiker v. Hansen, supra, was controlling here (App., infra, 19a-21a). The court's primary ground for distinguishing Hansen was that reopening the emergency loan program would "not threaten the public fisc" because "(l)oans * * * presumably are repaid" (App., infra, 21a). The court also reasoned that this case involved "failure on the part of an entire agency fo follow self-imposed regulations" (id. at 20a), rather than a negligent act of an individual government employee (id. at 19a-20a). Finally, the court of appeals remarked that "the error in Hansen was revocable," but that the agency omission in this case was not (id. at 20a-21a). c. The court of appeals issued a brief supplemental opinion in response to the government's petition for rehearing (App., infra, 30a-33a), The court stated that "while any language (in its opinion) categorizing" the FmHA's publicity directive "as a regulation may have been overbroad," the result reached was correct because the courts are authorized to compel agencies to comply with their "internal administrative procedures" (id. at 32a). 4. The government then sought further review in this Court, suggesting disposition as appropriate in light of Heckler v. Community Health Services, No. 83-56, then pending. Following the Court's decision in Community Health Services, the Court granted the petition, vacated the court of appeals' judgment and remanded the case for further consideration in light of Community Health Services. Block v. Payne, No. 83-1691 (Oct. 1, 1984). On remand the court of appeals reinstated its prior decision (App., infra, 1a-3a), suggesting that its judgment did not depend on application of equitable estoppel (id. at 2a; emphasis in original): We have considered the opinion of the Supreme Court (in Community Health Services) and conclude that it does not control the decision in the case sub judice. The liability of the United States Department of Agriculture in this case is based on the failure of its agency, The Farmers Home Administration, to follow law enacted by Congress and its own regulations. The plaintiffs did not seek relief based on reliance upon agency action that created an estoppel. The plaintiffs alleged and proved to the satisfaction of the district court that the agency failed to act in accordance with the law. The court of appeals explained that its decision rested on the view that "government agents must be aware of the law and must obey it, just as private (parties) were required (to do) in (Community Health Services)." Id. at 2a. REASONS FOR GRANTING THE PETITION The court of appeals has reinstated its holding that the Secretary of Agriculture must reopen a multimillion dollar program of emergency loans designed to provide farmers with short-term financial relief from crop and property losses suffered more than a decade ago. In so ruling, the court below barred enforcement of a published regulations, having the force and effect of law, that established April 2, 1974 as the deadline for filing applications for such loans. This Court should again grant certiorari. In light of the court of appeals' failure, on remand, to conform its judgment to this Court's relevent teaching, plenary review is now warranted. The court of appeals' ruling conflicts with this Courts' many decisions holding that, at least in the absence of serious affirmative misconduct, the government may not be equitably estopped from enforcing valid statutory or regulatory conditions of eligibility for the receipt of public benefits. See, e.g., INS v. Miranda, 459 U.S. 14, 17-19 (1982); Schweiker v. Hansen, 450 U.S. 785, 788 (1983); INS v. Hibi, 414 U.S. 5, 8 (1973); Montana v. Kennedy, 366 U.S. 308, 314-315 (1961); FCIC v. Merrill, 332 U.S. 380, 384-385 (1947). In addition, the decision below conflicts with the holding in Heckler v. Community Health Services, No. 83-56 (May 21, 1984), that estoppel claims against the government should be rejected at the threshold unless the private party "at least demonostrat(es) that the traditional elements of estoppel are present" (slip op. 9); here, petitioners have been prevented from enforcing a valid condition on the receipt of public benefits, even though respondents cannot show any detrimental change of position made in reasonable reliance on the representation of a government official. To the extent that the court of appeals relied on the Administrative Procedure Act and the concomitant obligation of agencies to abide by their own regulations, the decision below is contrary to fundamental principles that govern remedies available for agency procedural error. It also circumvents in undisguised fashion the strictures on equitable estoppel against enforcement of valid legal requirements. This Court has recognized that an agency's violation of its own regulations does not render all ensuing agency action a nullity. United States v. Caceres, 440 U.S. 741, 753-755 (1979). 1. a. The regulations that governed the special 1974 emergency loan program as it applied in north Florida unambiguously provided: "(T)he termination date for acceptance of applications based on both physical and production losses will be April 2, 1974" (7 C.F.R. 1832.82(a) (1975); see App., infra, 54a). Even assuming that Congress did not establish a statutory deadline for filing applications under the 1974 emergency loan program in Section 10(c) of Pub. L. No. 93-237 (see page 8, supra), there can be no doubt that the deadline reflected in the regulation has the force and effect of law. Pursuant to Section 339 of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, 7 U.S.C. 1989, the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized "to make such rules and regulations (and to) prescribe the terms and conditions for making * * * loans * * * as he deems necessary" to carry out the agricultural loan programs under his supervision. Thus the Secretary was vested with authority to adopt a deadline for filing of loan applications having legislative effect. See Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., No. 82-1005 (June 25, 1984), slip op. 5; Batterton v. Francis, 432 U.S. 416, 425 & no.9 (1977), The Secretary explicitly invoked this substantive rulemaking authority in promulgating the regulation that contains the April 2, 1974 deadline for filing loan applications. See 7 C.F.R. Pt. 1832, Subpt, E (1975) (App., infra, 53a). And the deadline regulation was promulgated as a substantive rule in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act. /10/ The April 2, 1974 deadline for filing of emergency loan applications accordingly has "the substantive characteristics" and is the "product of (the) procedural requisites" that vest a regulation with the "force and effect of law" (Chrysler Corp. v. Brwon, 441 U.S. 281, 301 (1979)). Indeed, the court of appeals seemed to acknowledge as much, describing the deadline as a "legitimate time restriction( ) set as a prerequisite to applying for governmental benefits" (App., infra, 18a). Yet the court of appeals unaccountably failed to recognize that Schweiker v. Hansen controls the outcome in this case. Here, as in Hansen, 450 U.S. at 790, Congress "delegated to (the Secretary) the task of providing by regulation the requisite manner of application" for a government benefit. And here, just as there, a "court is not more authorized to overlook the valid regulation (governing) applications * * * than it is to overlook any other valid requirement for the receipt of benefits" (ibid.). See also FCIC v. Merrill, 332 U.S. at 384-385; cf. United States v. Locke, No. 83-1394 (Ar. 1, 1985), slip op. 16-17. b. In its original opinion the court of appeals appeared to recognize that the result of its decision was to override "legitimate time restrictions" that conditioned the availability of government benefits (App., infra, 18a) -- i.e., to estop the Secretary from enforcing the loan application deadline. The court accordingly took considerable pains to distinguish Schweiker v. Hansen, supra. However, the distinctions offered by the court of appeals are insubstantial. The primary distinction, in the court of appeals' view, was that, because a loan program is involved here, "the district court's remedy does not threaten the public fisc" (App., infra, 21a). It is, of course, true that protection of the Treasury against unauthorized expenditures is a significant polciy and underlying the restrictions that govern equitable estoppel in government cases. Community Health Services, slip op. 11. But this Court has already rejected the distinction proffered by the court of appeals, holding that the rule forbidding any estoppel that would preclude government enforcement of the law does not depend upon a showing of adverse impact on the federal fisc. See, e.g., INS v. Miranda, supra; INS v. Hibi, supra; Montana v. Kennedy, supra. Indeed, in Miranda, the court of appeals had distinguished Hansen on precisely the ground offered by the court below. See Miranda v. INS, 673 F.2d 1105, 1106 (9th Cir. 1982). This Court responded (459 U.S. at 19): The * * * distinction drawn by the Court of Appeals between this case and Hansen is unpersuasive. It is true that Hansen relied on a line of cases involving claims against the public treasury. But there was no indication that the Government would be estopped in the absence of the potential burden on the fisc. In any event, the court of appeals' suggestion that reopening the 1974 special emergency loan program will produce no drain upon the Treasury is incorrect. First, as indicated above, the terms of the loan program included forgivenss of 50% of the borrower's debt, up to $5,000. Accordingly, each loan issued under the reopened program is, in effect, a grant of $5,000. Extending such relief to the estimated 2500 members of the class certified in this case would cost the government $12.5 million dollars in direct outlays. See also page 24, infra. Second, in light of prevailing interest rates, a substantial subsidy is reflected in the 1% interest rate applicable to loans under the 1974 program. The attractiveness of these "loan" terms assures that the reopening of the program will impose substantial costs of federal taxpayers. Thus the court of appeals' decision disregards "the duty of all courts to observe the conditions defined by Congress for charging the public treasury" (FCIC v. Merrill, 332 U.S. at 385). See also Community Health Services, slip op. 11. The court of appeals also reasoned that the government could be estopped here because this case involves "failure of an entire agency to follow self-imposed regulations" rather than negligence by a single employee (App., infra, 20a). But the rule against estoppel in government cases plainly is not limited to situations in which an individual employee acts in a manner that adversely affects the interests of an applicant for a benefit. For instance, the delay in processing a petition for adjustment of immigration status at issue in INS v. Miranda was not attributed to any employee's conduct, but was assessed on the premise that it was the act of the Immigration and Naturalization Service as a whole. 459 U.S. at 18 & n.3, Similarly, the suspension within the Philippines of a special overseas naturalization program in INS v. Hibi was ordered by the Attorney General, in consultation with the Commissioner of Immigration, and reflected the official policy of the United States. See 414 U.S. at 10-11 (Douglas, J., dissenting); see also United States v. Mendoza, No; 82-849 (Jan. 10, 1984), slip op. 2. Nonetheless, estoppel was rejected in these cases, and there is no justification for a different result here. /11/ In sum, this Court's decisions make clear that, at least in the absence of serious affirmative misconduct, the government may not be estopped from enforcing the requirements of public law. See INS v. Miranda, 459 U.S. at 16-18; Schweiker v. Hensen, 450 U.S. at 788-790; INS v. Hibi, 414 U.S. at 8-9; Montana v. Kennedy, 366 U,S. at 315. Yet the court of appeals expressly declined to rest its decision upon a finding of affirmative misconduct (App., infra, 21a n.29), correctly recognizing that the case at most involved a failure to act, or "neglect" (ibid.; id. at 19a). Plainly, a mere failure to follow "affirmatively required procedure" (ibid.) is not the kind of misconduct that would "raise a serious question whether petitioner is estopped from insisting upon compliance with (a) valid regulation" (Schweiker v. Hensen, 450 U.S, at 790). c. The decision of the court of appeals in also inconsistent with Heckler v. Community Health Services, supra. Reviewing prior decisions, the Court reiterated there that "the Government may not be estopped on the same terms as any other litigant" because if it were "unable to enforce the law because the conduct of its agents has given rise to an estoppel, the interest of the citizenry as a whole in obedience to the rule of law (would be) undermined" (slip op. 8; footnote omitted); In light of these special concerns, the Court remarked (slip op. 9) that when an estoppel is asserted against the Government, the private party surely cannot prevail without at least demonstrating that the traditional elements of an estoppel are present. As rehearsed in the Court's opinion (slip op. 7 & n. 10), the traditional requisites of an estoppel claim include the claimant's justifiable reliance to his detriment upon a material misrepresentation of fact or misleading conduct by the other party. The Court held that estoppel was precluded in Community Health Services because the party seeking the benefit of that doctrine had neither suffered significant detriment in reliance on the governmental conduct or statement, nor shown that its reliance was reasonable. Slip op. 9-14. Respondents similarly have failed to satisfy the traditional requirements for application of estoppel against a private party. Even assuming that the FmHA's press release violated the publicity undertaking in the agency's regulations, respondents could not reasonably have relied on the shortfall in information as a reason for not applying for a loan before the April 2 deadline. The flaw in the agency's performance identified by the court of appeals was simply the failure of the press release to specify the favorable terms of the emergency loan program. App., infra, 25a. /12/ But it is undisputed that the press release disseminated to the media contained the critical information that a new program of emergency loans was available to persons who suffered crop losses in the April 1973 flooding in north Florida. See App., infra, 54a-55a. Plainly this information was sufficient to alert any farmer who might have been eligible and interested in securing a loan to make an appropriate inquiry concerning the precise terms of the new loan program. See Community Health Services, slip op. 13; Atkins v. Parker, No. 83-1660 (June 4, 1985), slip op. 15. In any event, the details of the loan program were accurately presented in their entirety in the Secretary's Federal Register notice. See Atkins v. Parker, slip op. 14; FCIC v. Merrill, 332 U.S. at 385. Accordingly, it would have been unreasonable to decide not to seek a loan because of the level of information contained in the Secretary's press release, and any reliance on respondents' part was "not the kind of reasonable reliance that would even give rise to an estoppel against a private party." Community Health Services, slip op. 14. 2. Although the court of appeals attempted, in its original opinion, to distinguish Hansen on the grounds that we have discussed, portions of that opinion can also be read to suggest that the judgment rests upon a different principle, independent of equitable estoppel. That is, the court of appeals portrayed its order mandating the reopening of the 1974 special emergency loan program as a routine exercise of judicial authority under the Administrative Procedure Act to require an agency to abide by its own regulations (App., infra, 13a-14a n.20, 19a, 21a-22a & n.29). The court of appeals underscored this aspect of its reasoning in its supplemental opinion on denial of rehearing (id. at 31a). And following this Court's remand for further consideration, the court of appeals concluded that Community Health Services shed no light on this case because "the plaintiffs did not seek relief based on reliance upon agency action that created an estoppel" (id. at 2a). The court of appeals' analysis is insupportable, however; the relief awarded here is indistinguishable for estoppel and finds no sanction in the APA or in the corollary doctrine that agencies are generally required to abide by their own regulations. /13/ The APA creates no loophole in the doctrine restricting application of equitable estoppel against the United States. To be sure, "in cases * * * brought under the APA" or in similar contexts the Court has held that "(a)gency violations of their own regulations * * * may well be inconsistent with the standards of agency action which the APA directs the courts to enforce." United States v. Caceres, 440 U.S. 741, 754 (1979) (footnote omitted); see also id. at 751 n.14. /15/ The question in this case, however, is not whether the Secretary could be directed by a court to carry out his own publicity directive (at a time when the program was still in effect), but whether the courts below had authority to reopen the loan program, which had, by its terms, expired. None of this Court's decisions requiring an agency to abide by its regulations suggests that relief of the latter kind is permissible. Rather, in each of these cases, the agency had sought to deny an individual a benefit to which he was entitled by law, or to deprive a person of a position lawfully occupied, in a procedurally irregular manner; the relief sought was simply the setting aside of that agency action. /15/ The line of authority invoked by the court of appeals simply does not indicate that a court may disregard valid, legally effective limitations upon eligibility for benefits because of agency violations of self-imposed regulations unrelated to the validity of the eligibility limitations. Indeed, Caceres, which holds that evidence secured in violation of agency regulations is not subject to the exclusionary rule, makes clear that a violation of agency regulations does not render all ensuing agency action a nullity. The relief awarded in this case simply does not resembel that made available in prior cases and is not authorized by the APA. To reopen a long expired emergency loan program, in the face of a valid regulation establishing a deadline for filing of applications, because of a finding of noncompliance with unrelated agency requirements covering the program is not to "compel agency action unlawfully withheld" (5 U.S.C. 706(1)). Under that provision a court might well have enjoined the FmHA to comply with its own publicity directives. But the relief awarded here is not of that nature. Reopening the loan program also is not "invalidation of agency action that is arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, * * * not in accordance with law * * * (or) taken 'without observance of procedure required by law'" (United States v. Caceres, 440 U.S. at 753-754 (quoting 5 U.S.C. 706(2)). The court of appeals did not suggest that the agency's regulation establishing the April 2, 1974 deadline was deficient in any of these respects when adopted. Instead, the court appears to have concluded (App., infra, 18a-19a) that, in light of subsequent developments, it was unreasonable for the agency to fail to waive its own deadline, and that a court could accordingly direct it to do so. /16/ This reasoning is fundamentally at odds with Schweiker v. Hansen and FCIC v. Merrill. Applying the reasoning of the decision below, this Court should have held in Hansen that the Social Security Administration acted unreasonably in refusing to waive the written application requirement established by agency rules, in light of its employee's violation of the SSA Claims Manual. And the Court should have held in Merrill that the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation was required to waive the provisions of its regulations precluding issuance of insurance upon crops planted on reseeded acreage, in light of its employee's failure to give correct advice. Of course, these were not the rulings of this Court. The strictures upon application of equitable estoppel to the United States established by this Court's decisions cannot be circumvented by manipulating doctrinal labels in the fashion employed by the court of appeals. In analytical terms, the decision of the court below inescapably rest upon principles of estoppel: in reopening the 1974 emergency loan program, the court below barred enforcement of the legally enforceable deadline for filing loan applications. Thus, this is a case in which "the Government (has been prevented from) enforc(ing) the law because (of) the conduct of its agents" (Community Health Service, slip op.8). And the policy considerations that underlie the no-estoppel rule -- "the interest of the citizenry as a whole in obedience to the rule of law" and "(p)rotection of the public fisc" (Community Health Services, slip op. 8, 11) -- are fully applicable here. Finally, the remedy afforded may also be identifed as an estoppel because it possesses the classic identifying trademark of that doctrine: it "prevent(s) the one against whom it operates from pleading the truth" (Restatement (Second) of Agency Section 8B, comment a (1958)) -- here, the expired filing deadline for emergency loan applications. In sum, the authority available to a court under the APA to require agency obedience to regulations does not extend to preventing the government from enforcing a separate lawful condition upon the receipt of federal benefits. 3. The decision of the court of appeals predictably will trigger a flood of applications from farmers primarily interested in obtaining a $5,000 grant and/or a loan at interest rates far below those otherwise available. As we have noted, the result will be costly indeed for the United States. Furthermore, the cost will be greatly magnified if the unsuccessful intervenor in this case succeeds in extending the court of appeals' ruling to benefit a nationawide class in his separate action pending in district court in Georgia (see page II, supra; App., infra, 27a-29a & n.42), Reopening the 1974 special emergency loan program will also produce substantial administrative costs and burdens. It plainly will be difficult to determine at this late date whether any individual applicant suffered losses in 1973 and what the extent of any losses were. The filing deadline overridden by the court of appeals thus is, like the written application requirement that the Court vindicated in Hansen, 450 U.S. at 790, "essential to the honest and effective administration" of the program. Nor will reopening the 1974 special emergency loan program a decade after its expiration serve the objectives of that program. The emergency loan program was precisely drawn by Congress to benefit only those farmers who had suffered losses from natural disasters in the brief period between December 1972 and April 1973. See page 4, supra. The purpose of the special loans was to tide farmers over from the immediate shock of those losses, "in order that they may continue their future farming or livestock operations with credit from other sources" (7 C.F.R. 1832.81 (1975) (App., infra, 53a)). Actual losses rather than future needs provided the standard for eligibility. /17/ The judgment of the district court, as affirmed by the court of appeals, accordingly requires that loans be made under the reopened program based upon the applicant's eligibility as of 1974, without regard to whether any current need exists. But there is no reason to believe that those who suffered losses in 1973 have unredressed needs for emergency loan assistance today. Conversely, any need that might exist today in a particular case cannot realistically be traced to the 1973 north Florida flooding. Thus, the remedy afforded by the court of appeals resembles nothing so much as an unauthorized award of damages against the United States. See United States v. Testan, 424 U.S. 392, 400 (1976). /18/ Community Health Services makes clear (slip op. 9) that the equitable estoppel doctrine may not be employed to exact such windfall benefits from the Treasury. Because the court below opposed these substantial and unjustifiable burdens on the agency and on the federal fisc in disregard for this Court's pertinent decisions, further review is warranted. CONCLUSION The petition for a writ of certiorari should be granted. Respectfully submitted; CHARLES FRIED Acting Solicitor General RICHARD K. WILLARD Acting Assistant Attorney General KENNETH S. GELLER Deputy Solicitor General JOSHUA I. SCHWARTZ Assistant to the Solicitor General ROBERT E. KOPP RICHARD A. OLDERMAN Attorneys JUNE 1985 /*/ The complaint named various incumbent and past occupants of these offices as defendants in their individual capacities and sought damages from these defendants. The district court dismissed the claim for damages and no appeal was taken from that ruling. See App., infra, 6a n.7. Thus this action survives only as one against the various federal officials in their official capacities. /1/ By contrast, a different set of loan terms, much more generous to the borrower, had been in effect in 1972, pursuant to Section 5 of Pub. L. No. 92-385, 86 Stat. 557. Under the 1972 statute, emergency loans carried a 1% interest rate; eligibility was not conditioned upon unavilability of alternative sources of credit; and borrowers could have 50% of the loan principal, up to $5,000, cancelled at will. Because the 1972 loan program triggered an unprecedented volume of loan applications, resulting in a severe drain on loan funds available to FmHA, the Secretary halted the making of emergency loans on December 27, 1972. In response, on April 20, 1973, Congress enacted Pub. L. No. 93-24, 87 Stat. 24 et seq. Section 1 of that Act repealed Section 5 of Pub. L. No. 92-385. Section 4 of Pub. L. No. 93-24 set a rate of 5% for new emergency loans. Section 3 imposed the requirement that credit be unavailable from alternative sources. A grandfather clause (Section 8, 87 Stat. 25) provided that loans to cover losses arising out of disaster declared prior to December 27, 1972, could still be sought under the 1972 loan program, if application was made within 18 days of the date of enactment -- i.e., by May 8, 1973. App., infra, 10a-12a, 17a n.24. /2/ Technically, Section 4 provided that notwithstanding the provisions of Pub. L. No. 93-24, which had phased out the more generous loan program that had been in effect in 1972 under Pub. L. No. 92-385, the 1972 loan program terms would remain available to farmers who had suffered losses in natural disasters occurring between December 27, 1972, and April 20, 1973 (the date of enactment of Pub. L. No. 93-24). See page 3 note 1, supra. /3/ Pertinent portions of Special Instruction 441.5 as originally issued are reproduced at App., infra, 48a-49a. Pertinent portions of the provisions published in the Federal Register are reproduced at App., infra, 52a-55a. /4/ The reference to the suggested news release was not included in the Federal Register version of the publicity directive. The suggested news release itself is reproduced at App., infra, 50a-51a. See also Emergency Disaster Loan Ass'n, Inc. v. Block, 653 F.2d 1267, 1272 (9th Cir. 1981) (Boochever, J., concurring, quoting Special Instruction 441.5). /5/ The press release actually employed in Florida is reproduced at App., infra, 57a-58a. It is identical to the release attached to Special Instruction 441.5. /6/ Respondent also sought damages for himself against the named defendants in their individual capacities (C.A. App. 61a-67a). The district court dismissed the damages claim. Respondent appealed, but his appeal was dismissed because no order had been entered under Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b). Respondent did not cross-appeal when a final judgment was ultimately entered. The court of appeals accordingly did not pass on the damages claim. App., infra, 6a n.7. /7/ The court of appeals stayed the judgment of the district court pending appeal (App., infra, 13a). /8/ In addition, the government argued that respondent Payne, who had actual notice of the special 1974 loan program and had in fact applied for and received a loan, lacked standing to complain that the program publicity was inadequate and was not a proper representative of a class seeking reopening of the loan program. The court of appeals granted a limited remand requested by respondent in this connection. See App., infra, 13a n.19. On June 7, 1982, the district court entered an amended final judgment naming Carbie Ellie, a member of the class previously certified, as an additional representative plaintiff (id. at 46a-47a). The court of appeals concluded that these developments rendered the standing issue moot (id. at 13a n.19). /9/ Because of this holding, the court of appeals did not reach the question whether, as the district court had held, the publicity provided failed to satisfy other requirements of FmHA regulations, such as the requirement for "such public announcements as appear appropriate" (see pages 6-7, supra). The court also declined to decide whether the latter requirement was simply too amorphous to be judicially enforceable. App., infra, 25a. /10/ Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 533(b)(B) and (d)(3), the agency dispensed with notice and comment and made the regulations immediately effective for good cause, explaining that such action was necessary to "implement( ) the provisions of Public Law 93-237, and because a delay in implementing the provisions of the public law by this regulation would be contrary to the public interest." 39 Fed. Reg. 7569 (1974) (App., infra, 52a). /11/ The court of appeals also thought Hansen distinguishable on the additional ground that the erroneous advice of a Social Security Administration employee at issue there was "revocable" -- i.e., the action taken by the applicant for benefits was not irreversible. By contrast, the court reasoned, respondents could not now obtain loans under the 1974 emergency program because the application period has closed (App., infra, 20a-21a). The court of appeals misapprehended the thrust of the Court's statement in Hansen (450 U.S. at 789), that the SSA employee's conduct "did not cause respondent to take action, cf. Federal Crop Insurance Corp, v. Merrill, supra, or fail to take action, cf. Montana v. Kennedy, supra, that respondent could not correct at any time." The Court could not have meant that the Social Security applicant's action in the wake of receiving erroneous advice had not irreversible impact upon her ability to receive benefits. In fact, although Hansen ultimately did apply for and receive Social Security Act benefits, she did not receive all of the benefits she might have received absent the erroneous advice, because the Act limited the reach of a retroactive aware of benefits to a 12-month period. 450 U.S. at 786-787. Thus, the Court's observation indicated only that the conduct of the SSA employee did not prevent the applicant from filing an application for benefits that would have protected her rights to the extent permitted by the applicable time constraints established by law. In short, the rule reflected in Hansen is that the courts may not disregard lawfully established deadlines for applying for federal benefits. Because FmHA's failure to fully publicize the terms of loans available under the special 1974 program did not prevent respondents from applying for loans, Hansen is controlling here. Moreover, respondents' eligibility for FmHA loans in time periods subsequent to April 2, 1974 was unaffected by the agency's conduct in 1974. The FmHA's action thus "did not cause respondent(s) to take action" or "fail to take action" that respondents "could not correct at any time" permitted by law (450 U.S. at 789). In any event, as the Hansen Court's citation (abid.) of FCIC v. Merrill and Montana v. Kennedy indicates, it is not a requirement of the rule prohibiting estoppel that private action taken in the wake of an agency error be even partially reversible. See also INS v. Hibi, supra. /12/ We do not concede that the publicity given to the 1974 special emergency loan program in the north Florida disaster area failed to comport with the agency's own publicity requirements. First, the court of appeals overlooked the fact that Pub. L. No. 93-237 covered a host of subjects unrelated to the 1974 loan program. The relevant provision, Section 4, simply revived, temporarily, a program that had previously been in effect in 1972. See page 4 & note 2, supra. Neither the interest rate applicable to that program nor the cancellation provisions are even mentioned in Pub. L. No. 93-237. In the circumstances, the press release, which mentioned the availability of a new loan program and the pertinent deadline and advised interested persons as to how to secure more information, is entirely consistent with the publicity directive requiring that the local media be advised "of the provisions of P.L. 93-237." Moreover, in determining whether an agency has violated its own regulations, substantial deference should be accorded to the agency's contemporaneous interpretation of the requirements in issue. Udall v. Tallman, 380 U.S. 1, 16 (1965). In this case it is demonstrable, virtually to a certainty, that the agency's publicity directive was not intended to require that the details of the loan terms be disseminated through the media. As indicated above (pages 5-6 & note 5), this directive was accompanied by a suggested news release, which was the very release actually employed in north Florida. The suggested release obviously reflected the agency's contemporaneous understanding of the publicity requirement. The finding of agency noncompliance with its own regulations is thus untenable. Commenting on essentially identical facts in Emergency Disaster Loan Ass'n, Inc. v. Block, 653 F.2d 1267 (9th Cir. 1981), Judge Boochever stated (id. at 1272 (concurring opinion)): While that release did not set forth some of the material provisions of the new law, it is not disputed that the state officials sent out news releases embodying the provisions of the suggested one. There was thus substantial compliance with the directive. /13/ We note, initially, that this suit cannot be considered one for judicial review of final agency action pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 702 and 704. See FTC v. Standard Oil Co., 449 U.S. 232 (1980). Respondent Payne sought and received a loan under the 1974 emergency loan program (see page 6 note 8, supra). With that single exception, there is no allegation that either the other representative plaintiff or any member of the class has ever applied -- even tardily -- to the FmHA for a loan under the program. Nor has any respondent otherwise requested that the agency waive the April 2, 1974 loan application deadline. This is not a mere failure to exhaust rights of administrative appeal. Respondents simply have not at any point been subjected to reviewable agency action. See Mathews v. Eldridge, 424 U.S. 319, 328 (1976). As a result, there is not record on which the court of appeals could have determined the reasonableness of agency action. In the circumstances it is difficult to conclude that the relief awarded here is authorized by the APA. /14/ See, e.g., Service v. Dulles, 354 U.S. 363, 388 (1957); Vitarelli v. Seaton 359 U.S. 535, 539-540 (1959); see also Mortion v. Ruiz, 415 U.S. 199, 235 (1974); United States ex rel. Accardi v. Shaughnessy, 347 U.S. 260, 267 (1954); but see American Farm Lines v. Black Ball Freight Service, 397 U.S. 532, 538-539 (1970). /15 In Morton v. Ruiz the agency had denied benefits to an applicant on the basis of a regulation that was defectively promulgated. The Court declined to accord legislative effect to the regulation because the APA itself specifies the sanction of unenforceability for such regulations. See 415 U.S. at 231-235. /16/ As noted earlier (see page 20 note 13, supra), the court of appeals overlooked the fact that none of the respondents had ever asked the agency to waive or extend the application deadline. /17/ Emergency loans based on the April 1973 disaster were available "to reimburse applicants for production expenses which went into damaged or destroyed crop and livestock enterprises," but were not available for the purpose of "produc(ing) new crops during 1974." 7 C.F.R. 1832.86(a), at 39 Fed. Reg. 7573 (1973). /18/ We note that the APA does not provide a cause of action for money damages. 5 U.S.C. 702. APPENDIX