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The Coldest Harvest

Current Issue: February 2009

The Coldest Harvest
By Jerry Schleicher
Ice: Today it’s as close as the automatic ice maker in your kitchen. But throughout the 19th century, long before the advent of electric refrigeration, ice was a commodity to be harvested just like corn or cotton.

(Click here to read more)

Also this Month:

Making Things Better
By Bill Vossler

He invented John Deere Roll-O-Matic front wheels, patented two automobiles, a tractor truck, the 1-man power road grader used the world over, the jet-propeller popular on today's watercraft, the stick control for the M46 General Patton tank, automatic automobile headlight dimmer and magnetic door catch - more than 400 patents, half of which were agriculture-related.

The Day the Cavalry Arrived
By Dale Geise

Is it possible that tens of millions of ears hanging from Iowa cornstalks were once taken, one at a time, by hand?