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Title: Expertise in Primary and Secondary Solid-Wood Processing Available from State, Federal, and University Sources

Author: Wiedenbeck, Janice K.

Year: 2002

Publication: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, NE-INF-157-02, 20 p.

Abstract: The following list includes USDA Forest Service, state, and University personnel with expertise in primary and secondary solid-wood processing, particularly with respect to lumber sawing and cut-up operations, and issues related to product yield, mill productivity, and markets. Experts within these three groups are listed by region: Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, South, Midwest, and West. The Forest Service considers all public inquiries to be high priority regardless of the home state of the customer making the inquiry.

State and university experts may be more restricted in their ability to assist out-of-state customers.

Many of the experts listed have published information about their programs as well as study results on the Internet. These publications usually can be accessed by entering their name and institution into your favorite search engine.

The listing includes six quick-find numerical codes that correspond to various areas of expertise: (1) primary processing, (2) secondary processing, (3) markets, sales, and supply, (4) machine and tooling, (5) drying, and (6) residues and recycling.

Last Modified: 8/22/2006

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