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Joint Progress Review for U.S. EPA STAR Grants:  Regional-Scale Stressor-Response Models and Consequences of Global Change for Aquatic Ecosystems

Sheraton National Hotel
900 S. Orme Street
Arlington, VA  22204

November 3 – 4, 2005


This is a Joint Workshop and Progress Review for U.S. EPA STAR Grants on the topics:

  1. Regional-Scale Stressor-Response Models for Aquatic Ecosystems
  2. Effects of Climate, Land Use and UV Radiation on Aquatic Ecosystems
*Posters of PI research will be on display both Thursday and Friday
Thursday, November 3, 2005
7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Registration and Poster Set-Up
8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Welcome and Introduction
Becki Clark, Director Environmental Science Division, U.S. EPA, NCER
Joel Scheraga, Ph.D., National Program Director, EPA Global Change Research Program, U.S. EPA
Iris Goodman, Ecological Research Program Manager, U.S. EPA, NCER
Session I Theme:  Regional-Scale Physical Models for Environmental Decision-Making
9:00 – 9:40 a.m. Development of Coupled Physical and Ecological Models for Stress-Response Simulations of the Apalachicola Bay
Mark Harwell, Ph.D./Hongquing Wang, Ph.D., Florida A&M University [Presentation (PDF, 28pp., 883KB)]
9:40 – 10:20 a.m. Developing Regional-Scale Stressor Response Models for Managing Eutrophication in Coastal Marine Ecosystem
Robert Howarth, Ph.D., Cornell University [Presentation (PDF, 59pp., 1.29MB)]
10:20 – 10:35 a.m. Break (PIs are available to discuss their posters)
10:35 – 11:15 a.m. A Shallow-Water Coastal Habitat Model for Regional-Scale Evaluation of Management Decisions in the Virginia Province
Charles Gallegos, Ph.D., Smithsonian Institution [Presentation (PDF, 24pp., 832KB)]
11:15 – 11:55 a.m. Development of a Regional-Scale Model for the Management of Multiple-Stressors in the Lake Erie Ecosystem
Joseph Koonce, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University [Presentation (PDF, 20pp., 1.35MB)]
12:00 noon – 1:15 p.m.  Lunch
Session II Theme: Regional-Scale Statistical Models for Environmental Decision-Making
1:15 1:55 p.m. Adaptive Implementation Modeling and Monitoring for TMDL Refinement
Kenneth Reckhow, Ph.D., Duke University [Presentation (PDF, 27pp., 704KB)]
1:55 – 2:40 p.m. Bayesian Methods for Regional-Scale Stressor Response Models
Conrad Lamon, Ph.D., Duke University [Presentation (PDF, 38pp., 1.24MB)]
2:40 – 2:55 p.m. Break (PIs are available to discuss their posters)
2:55 – 3:35 p.m. Developing a Risk Propagation Model for Estimating Ecological Responses of Streams to Anthropogenic Watershed Stressors and Stream Modification
Vladimir Novotny, Ph.D./Elias Manolakos, Ph.D., Northeastern University [Presentation (PDF, 26pp., 520KB)]
3:35 – 4:15 p.m. Developing Relations Among Human Activities, Stressors, and Stream Ecosystem Responses and Linkage in Integrated Regional, Multi-Stressor Models
Jan Stevenson, Ph.D., Michigan State University [Presentation (PDF, 28pp., 2.12MB)]
Friday, November 4, 2005
8:30 a.m. Introduction
Bernice Smith, Ph.D., Global Change (Ecosystems Research) Program Manager, U.S. EPA, NCER
Session III Theme: Regional-Scale Population Models for Environmental Decision-Making
8:30 – 9:10 a.m. Effects of Multiple Stressors on Aquatic Communities in the Prairie Pothole Region
Patrick Schoff, Ph.D., University of Minnesota–Duluth
9:10 – 9:50 a.m. Application of Individual-Based Fish Models to Regional Decision- Making
Roland Lamberson, Ph.D., Humboldt State University [Presentation (PDF, 35pp., 1.61MB)]
9:50 – 10:20 a.m. Stressor-Response Modeling of the Interactive Effects of Climate Change and Land Use Patterns on the Alteration of Coastal Marine Systems by Invasive Species
Robert Whitlatch, Ph.D., University of Connecticut [Presentation (PDF, 40pp., 2.74MB)]
10:20 – 10:35 a.m. Break (PIs are available to discuss their posters)
Session IV Theme: Climate, Land Use, and UV Radiation on Aquatic Ecosystems
10:35 – 11:05 a.m. Interactive Effects of Climate Change, Wetlands, and Dissolved Organic Matter on UV Damage to Aquatic Foodwebs
Scott Bridgham, Ph.D., University of Oregon [Presentation (PDF, 39pp., 619KB)]
11:05 – 11:45 a.m. The Influence of Climate-Induced Alterations in Dissolved Organic Matter on Metal Toxicity and UV Radiation in Rocky Mountain Streams
William Clements, Ph.D., Colorado State University [Presentation (PDF, 25pp., 259KB)]
11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 – 1:40 p.m. Interactions Among Climate, Humans, and Playa Wetlands on the Southern High Plain
Scott McMurry, Ph.D., Texas Tech University [Presentation (PDF, 27pp., 879KB)]
1:40 – 2:20 p.m. Assessing the Interactive Effects of Land Use, Climate, and UV Radiation on River Ecosystems: Modeling Transparency and the Response of Biota to UVR.
Bruce Hargreaves, Ph.D., Lehigh University [Presentation (PDF, 43pp., 2.90MB)]
2:20 – 2:30 p.m. Break (PIs are available to discuss their posters)
2:30 – 4:00 p.m. Discussion Session
This informal discussion session provides an opportunity for STAR grantees and staff of EPA Program Offices, Labs, and Centers to explore opportunities to further advance the research topics presented. The group will choose the topics to be discussed; preliminary suggestions include:  (1) ways to share data, ideas, or modeling methods, and (2) ways to synthesize and communicate research results. To start off the discussion, we will have three speakers give brief remarks (i.e., 5 – 7 minutes):
Rochelle Araujo, Ph.D., U.S. EPA, NERL, ADE; Charles Noss, Ph.D., U.S. EPA, ORD; and Noha Gaber, Ph.D., U.S. EPA, NCER
4:00 – 4:10 p.m. Closing Remarks
Bernice Smith, Ph.D., Global Change (Ecosystems Research) Program Manager, U.S. EPA, NCER


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