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Public Health Applications of Human Biomonitoring

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September 24-25, 2007
Research Triangle Park, NC

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) will co-sponsor a meeting on the public health applications of human biomonitoring. Advances in measurement technology have made widespread application of biomonitoring for health tracking, trends monitoring, and other public health management purposes potentially possible. There are efforts at the Federal and State levels to collect information on human exposure to environmental toxicants and to be able to assess public health outcomes resulting from policy decisions. Because of the widespread interest in collecting biomonitoring information, coupled with the advances in measurement and analytical technologies, the time is ripe for scientists and policy makers to have a conversation about the use of biomonitoring information for public health purposes. The primary purpose of the meeting is to provide a venue to exchange information on the state of the science for using biomonitoring in a public health context, to evaluate the available approaches, and to discuss the issues associated with the public health applications of biomonitoring.

Author Presentation Title
Duane Alexander,
Children’s Environmental Health:  Biomonitoring and the National Children’s Study (PDF) (36 pp, 1.3 MB)
Tye Arbuckle,
Health Canada
Maternal-Infant Biomonitoring: The Epidemiological Challenges (PDF) (29 pp, 700 KB)
John Balbus,
Environmental Defense
Biomonitoring:  A Public Interest and Public Health Perspective (PDF) (32 pp, 1.1 MB)
Cynthia Bearer,
Case University
Biomarker for Prenatal Ethanol Exposure:  Identifying a Vulnerable Population (PDF) (41 pp, 327 KB)
Asa Bradman,
University of California at Berkeley
Reporting Biomonitoring Results to Individuals and Medical and Public Audiences: Challenges and Opportunities (PDF) (37 pp, 2.0 MB)
Harvey Clewell,
The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences
The Application of Probabilistic Reverse Dosimetry for Interpreting Human Biomonitoring Data (PDF) (35 pp, 521 KB)
Peter Farmer,
University of Leicester
Biomarkers of Exposure and Effect to Environmental Carcinogens, and Their Applicability to Human Molecular Epidemiological Studies (PDF) (34 pp, 511 KB)
Jane Gallagher,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Mechanistic Indicators of Childhood Asthma (MICA)—Integrating Environmental, Clinical and Susceptibility Markers to Improve the Impact of Human Air Pollution Studies (PDF) (39 pp, 3.2 MB)
Sean Hays,
Summit Toxicology
Interpretation of Human Biomonitoring Data in a Public Health Risk Context Using Biomonitoring Equivalents (PDF) (26 pp, 320 KB)
Carol Henry,
American Chemistry Council
International Council of Chemical Associations: A Global Perspective (PDF) (15 pp, 601 KB)
Beverly Kingsley,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDC’s Environmental Public Health Tracking Network and Biomonitoring (PDF) (34 pp, 1.0 MB)
Lisbeth Knudsen,
University of Copenhagen
Biomonitoring in Europe:  Ethics (PDF) (47 pp, 1.7 MB)
Katarina Magulova,
United Nations Environment Programme
The POPs Global Monitoring Plan Under the Stockholm Convention (PDF) (26 pp, 96 KB)
Marsha Morgan,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Interpretation of Human Biomonitoring Data Using a Forward Dosimetry Approach:  Permethrin a Case Study (PDF) (31 pp, 1.4 MB)
Janet Mostowy,
Bayer Corporation
Workshop Objectives and Expectations of Outcome (PDF) (5 pp, 39 KB)
Jay Van Oostdam,
Health Canada
Human Health Implications of Arctic Environmental Contaminants (PDF) (38 pp, 2.3 MB)
Jim Quackenboss,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Opportunities for Linking Biomonitoring Data to Risk Assessment and Public Health in the National Children’s Study (PDF) (33 pp, 705 KB)
Stephen Rappaport,
University of California at Berkeley
Using Biomarkers to Characterize Human Benzene Metabolism (PDF) (23 pp, 1.5 MB)
Pat Rizzuto,
BNA, Inc.
Challenges in Communicating: One Reporter’s Perspective (PDF) (12 pp, 52 KB))
Madeleine Scammell,
Boston University School of Public Health
The Boston Consensus Conference on Biomonitoring:  Process, Findings and Recommendations (PDF) (27 pp, 738 KB)
Greet Schoeters,
VITO ( Flemish Institute for Technological Research)
The Flemish Environmental Human Biomonitoring Program:  2002–2006 (PDF) (26 pp, 345 KB)
Ovnair Sepai,
UK Health Protection Agency
Human Biomonitoring Activities and the Vision for Europe (PDF) (30 pp, 1.8 MB)
Linda Sheldon,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Applications of Biomonitoring in Environmental Decision Making (PDF) (29 pp, 238 KB)
Fumiaki Shono,
Japan Chemical Industry Association
Challenge to Improving the Precision of Risk Evaluation Systems for Humans (PDF) (19 pp, 315 KB)
Brenda Weis,
National Institute of Environmental Health Science
Exposure Biology Program (PDF) (10 pp, 238 KB)
Robert Zachariasiewicz,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Communication of Biomonitoring Information (PDF) (11 pp, 124 KB)

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