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Publications: Progress-Review Workshop Presentations

Global Change and Ecosystem Protection Research STAR Progress Review Workshop

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Interactive Effects of Climate Change, Wetlands, and Dissolved Organic Matter on UV Damage to Aquatic Foodwebs
Scott Bridgham, University of Oregon (PDF, 7pp., 237.22 KB) | PowerPoint

The influence of climate-induced alterations in dissolved organic matter on metal toxicity and UV radiation in Rocky Mountain streams
William H. Clements, Colorado State University (PDF, 7pp., 1,001.70 KB) | PowerPoint

A Shallow-water Coastal Habitat Model for Regional Scale Evaluation of Management Decisions in the Chesapeake Region
Charles L. Gallegos, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (PDF, 4pp., 210.75 KB) | PowerPoint

Assessing the Interactive Effects of Landscape, Climate, and UV Radiation on River Ecosystems: Modeling Transparency to UVR and the Response of Biota
Bruce Hargreaves, Lehigh University (PDF, 8pp., 750.32 KB)

Development of Coupled Physical and Ecological Models for Stress-Response Simulations of the Apalachicola Bay Regional Ecosystem
Mark Harwell, Florida A&M University - Part 1 (PDF, 4pp., 190.49 KB) | - Part 2 (PDF, 2pp., 51.66 KB) | - Part 1 PowerPoint | - Part 2 PowerPoint

Developing regional-scale stressor models for managing eutrophication in coastal marine ecosystems: Interactions of nutrients, sediments, land-use change, and climate variability and change.
Robert W. Howarth, Cornell University (PDF, 5pp., 694.47 KB) | PowerPoint

Regional Scale Modeling for Multiple Stressors of Lake Erie
Joseph F. Koonce, Case Western Reserve University (PDF, 6pp., 301.17 KB) | PowerPoint

Individual-based Modeling for Salmonid Management
Roland H. Lamberson, Humboldt State University (PDF, 10pp., 827.50 KB) | PowerPoint

Bayesian Methods for Regional Eutrophication Models
Conrad Lamon, Louisiana State University (PDF , 5pp., 264.46 KB) | PowerPoint

Interactions among climate, humans, and playa wetlands on the Southern High Plains
Scott McMurry, Texas Technical University (PDF, 6pp., 387.20 KB) | PowerPoint

Developing a Risk Propagation Model for Estimating Ecological Responses of Streams to Anthropogenic Watershed Stresses and Stream Modifications
Vladimir Novotny, Northeastern University (PDF, 4pp., 178.98 KB) | PowerPoint

Adaptive Implementation Modeling and Monitoring for TMDL Refinement
Kenneth Reckhow, Duke University (PDF, 3pp., 227.27 KB) | PowerPoint

Effects of Multiple Stressors on Aquatic Communities in the Prairie Pothole Region
Patrick Schoff, University of Minnesota-Duluth (PDF, 6pp., 361.71 KB) | PowerPoint

Developing Relations Among Human Activities, Stressors, and Stream Ecosystem Responses and Linkage in Integrated Regional, Multi-Stressor Models
Mike Wiley, University of Michigan (PDF, 5pp., 1.71 MB) | PowerPoint


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