CNR flash

Link to the Dean's video welcomeWelcome to the CNR!

Connecting to a sustainable future through world-class natural resources education

The College of Natural Resources at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point is the nation's largest and premier undergraduate institution for natural resources and environmental management. The College has deep roots in Wisconsin's strong conservation heritage, inspired by Aldo Leopold, John Muir, Gaylord Nelson and others.

The program's beginnings can be traced to 1946, when the nation's first "conservation education” major was established at UWSP. Today, the College emphasizes hands-on field training and an integrated core curriculum that exposes students to the multiple disciplines of forestry, soils, water resources, wildlife and human dimensions of natural resource management. To facilitate this field-oriented approach to learning, the College has 3 field stations -- Central Wisconsin Environmental Station, Schmeeckle Reserve, and Treehaven. In addition, the College offers a renowned program in paper science and engineering.

The College's strong reputation can be attributed largely to its longstanding commitment to recruit faculty who enjoy and excel at teaching. CNR faculty also led the campus in research grants, creating opportunities for students to participate in scholarly research. Individual student success is a high priority in the College, as evidenced by an excellent job placement rate for our graduates.

We currently have 10,000 alumni, 1300 undergraduate majors and 80 plus faculty and staff.  Whether you are a prospective student, potential partner or contributor we hope you will join us in creating a sustainable future for Wisconsin and the world!

Make a donation to the CNR!

CNR Fall Migration Dinner