CSES banner Apply Online Request a Visit Bumpers College Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences University of Arkansas

Welcome to the Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences!
Interested in plants, nature, the environment and working out-of-doors? Check out our majors and minors:

Environmental, Soil, and Water Science: Protecting Our Soil and Water Resources (major and minor)

Crop Management: Food and Fiber for a Changing World (major and minor)

Crop Biotechnology (minor)

Pest Management (minor)

Wildlife Habitat (minor)

Our majors and minors prepare you with the technical knowledge, field experience and lab skills necessary to solve real world problems.

Our bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programs provide opportunities to work with nationally known scientists conducting cutting-edge research.

For more information, contact CSES.


Department of Crop, Soil, and
Environmental Sciences

115 Plant Sciences Building
University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: (479) 575-2354 FAX: (479) 575-7465

E-mail the CSES webmaster


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CSES majors videos.