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The College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences

190 Coffey Hall
1420 Eckles Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108-6074

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Environmental Science Logo

The Environmental Science major has been changed to Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management (ESPM) effective Fall 2006.
Students previously enrolled in Environmental Science may finish their current degree program, and the information on this site remains relevant. All prospective students who want to begin their studies Fall 2006 or later should apply to the new ESPM major. Please note: The Environmental Science Track in the new ESPM program is very similar to the previous Environmental Science major. 

Additional information can be found at: .

Questions can be directed to Sheryl Bolstad
(sbolstad at or 612-624-3034).

Students collecting soil samples 

  Areas of Emphasis:
  • Soil and Water Sciences
    1. Soil Science
    2. Wetland Science
    3. Water Quality
    4. Soil and Water Conservation
  • Environmental Monitoring and Analysis
    1. Land Resource Analysis
    2. Environmental Monitoring and Measurement
  • Environmental Management
    1. Environmental Remediation and Water Management
    2. Land-Use Management
    3. Precision Management and Information Technology
  • Land and Atmospheric Sciences
    1. Climatology
    2. Biogeochemical Cycling
    The Environmental Science major prepares students to deal with a myriad of environmental problems by providing an opportunity to focus on one of our tracks. Within each track, students specialize in an area of emphasis.

    Great Outdoors

    As a part of undergraduate experience, students will explore natural wonders within and outside Minnesota's borders and share their scientific knowledge of the environment with local communities.

    • Explore the unique geological and soil formations of Minnesota on a camping trip across the state
    • Participate in research studies at locations throughout Minnesota including the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and Horticultural
    • Study techniques used to clean up pollulated sites at a nearby abandoned military site
    • Study abroad in a program chosen specifically for Environmental Science students.