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Crop & Soil Sciences

Crop and soil scientists are responsible for the world's food, feed, and fiber supply, and for conserving our soil and water resources. Our goals are to provide the best educational programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels; conduct innovative basic and applied research programs in the crop, soil, turf, and environmental sciences; and to provide superior service to our clientele.

The purpose of the Department of Crop & Soil Sciences is to:

  • Provide baccalaureate and graduate education in crop, soil, and environmental sciences that promotes excellence in student achievement and prepares students to effectively contribute and excel in a changing world;
  • Inquire into the nature of plant growth, crop production, soil characteristics and the environment, through the discovery, interpretation, and creative application of knowledge; and
  • Serve the public through timely education of producers, consumers, and agribusiness using relevant, accurate, and unbiased research-based information.

Browse through these pages and learn more about our educational programs; careers in crop, turf, and soil sciences; our research programs; and the services we provide for Georgia and the world.

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University of Georgia (UGA) College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES)