Welcome to the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences

Kenyan farmer bringing maize to market
Farmer transports maize to market. Photo by CSS graduate student,
John Recha, conducting research in Kenya. Learn more about the CSS graduate research programs......

The Department of Crop and Soil Sciences consists of three major program areas: Crop Science, Soil Science, and Environmental Information Science. Our programmatic focus is on plant and soil systems with the aim of promoting productive and sustainable land use practices on regional, national, and international scales. Our main thematic areas focus on food production systems, sustainable agroecosystem management, and linkages between agriculture and environmental change. 

Recognizing that significant interactions exist between agricultural and natural ecosystems, our scope encompasses both agricultural and non-agricultural landscapes from rural to urban areas.  Our teaching and extension programs aim to inform agricultural stakeholders of economic, social, and technological developments relevant to agricultural systems in order to enhance and maintain productive and sustainable farms which are able to respond to a changing world.

Through our extension programs we maintain an active dialogue with managers of rural and urban landscapes in New York State and abroad so that we can understand, support, and communicate the challenges associated with the sustainable management of agricultural ecosystems.

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Contact Information

Administrative Offices
232 Emerson Hall
Phone: (607) 255-5459
Fax: (607) 255-2644

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Faculty Spotlight

Timothy Lloyd Setter

Timothy Lloyd Setter


Tim Setter is Professor of Crop Science in the Department of Crop and Soil Science, with joint membership in the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics. He currently collaborates with researchers at CIMMYT, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, on studies of drought tolerance of... Read More

See Timothy Lloyd Setter's full profile

See the full faculty list for the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences


© 2007, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Cornell University